Christians worship Christ; JW's do not!


New member
Then why they don't even recognize the hypocrisy when they are practiced in front of them?

Why do you believe we need to be baptized into their organization?

We don't know that they don't recognize hypocrisy. We don't know if those brothers---elders and CO---were ever counselled about their bad attitudes. They may have been. What we have to remember is that Jehovah sees all and he will make sure it gets straightened out. If they are arrogant they will be humbled.

"Their" organization is Jesus' organization. It is the only one on Earth that follows what Jesus taught. Jehovah has always had an organization on Earth to spread his truth to other people. In ancient times it was the nation of Israel. They were to tell everyone about the good news of God. When they rejected God's Son, the organization became the Christian congregation that was started by Christ himself. He continued to be with that organization throughout the 2,000 years since he was here. What other organization follows his teachings? Can you think of any?


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You ordered Rose to not to get mad at you.

I told her not to get in a huff because I simplified what someone else said, because simplifying it would make it more confusing. She then blames me for making it more confusing, instead of blaming herself for not reading what the original poster wrote. See how that works?

Here you are lying about me.

No lies here. Just stating facts.

I say I am Jesus' follower and you say I am not.

So you're sinning now? Because according to you, people shouldn't claim to be saved, and here you are saying you're saved, so which is it, hypocrite?

You need to straiten(sic) up what you say.

Says the hypocrite.

You should not call anyone hypocrite when you are one yourself.

Please explain how I'm a hypocrite?


We don't know that they don't recognize hypocrisy.

It seems that you are closing your eyes off to the whole truth.

I have been witnessing to you that I am Jesus' follower, and I have been defending JW as far as simple doctrines go.

Are you denying this?


New member
I told her not to get in a huff because I simplified what someone else said, because simplifying it would make it more confusing. She then blames me for making it more confusing, instead of blaming herself for not reading what the original poster wrote. See how that works?

No lies here. Just stating facts.

So you're sinning now? Because according to you, people shouldn't claim to be saved, and here you are saying you're saved, so which is it, hypocrite?

Says the hypocrite.

Please explain how I'm a hypocrite?

You actually turn my stomach, literally. Meshak is correct in what she says about being saved. She apparently knows that no one is saved at any one point in time forever. We are all a work in progress. I will say that I am saved---so far. I might choose to veer off the narrow road and go back to the practices of the world. So Meshak might say she is not saved, but I think she means conclusively, for all time, yet. She has harmonized her thinking with Jesus' statement that "it is he who endures to the end that will be saved." (Matt.24:13)

Meshak and myself are saved so far. We will be saved for all time if we endure to the end.


New member
It seems that you are closing your eyes off to the whole truth.

I have been witnessing to you that I am Jesus' follower, and I have been defending JW as far as simple doctrines go.

Are you denying this?

Why are you asking me that? I have been defending YOU as well.


Meshak and myself are saved so far. We will be saved for all time if we endure to the end.

I don't know about that, we might be deceiving ourselves too.

I will do my best to be like Christ but whether I am Christ like or not is not my call to judge.

In fact, I am not Christ like at all. I am still very worldly.

But you are right, His followers are in a process of being saved.


Why are you asking me that? I have been defending YOU as well.

You don't seem to accept the fact that what they did to me was not Christian like manner.

They treated me cold heartedly, and humiliated me in front of congregation.

No one apologized to me what they did.

It was not done in the closed door.


Well-known member
I don't know about that, we might be deceiving ourselves too.

I will do my best to be like Christ but whether I am Christ like or not is not my call to judge.

In fact, I am not Christ like at all. I am still very worldly.

But you are right, His followers are in a process of being saved.
That's a better way of putting it, in the process of being saved. That is how I see myself too.


Well-known member
We don't know that they don't recognize hypocrisy. We don't know if those brothers---elders and CO---were ever counselled about their bad attitudes. They may have been. What we have to remember is that Jehovah sees all and he will make sure it gets straightened out. If they are arrogant they will be humbled.

"Their" organization is Jesus' organization. It is the only one on Earth that follows what Jesus taught. Jehovah has always had an organization on Earth to spread his truth to other people. In ancient times it was the nation of Israel. They were to tell everyone about the good news of God. When they rejected God's Son, the organization became the Christian congregation that was started by Christ himself. He continued to be with that organization throughout the 2,000 years since he was here. What other organization follows his teachings? Can you think of any?
Yes we do, our house meeting follows Jesus just as he taught in the Bible, simply without all the add on's, and we don't believe in organisations or denominations, we can't organise the Spirit or the word of God. We are to be led by the Spirit and bare witness to the truth and follow Jesus and live by the will of God. And God will give the increase to those who obey him and make them strong in the Spirit.


Yes we do, our house meeting follows Jesus just as he taught in the Bible, simply without all the add on's, and we don't believe in organisations or denominations, we can't organise the Spirit or the word of God. We are to be led by the Spirit and bare witness to the truth and follow Jesus and live by the will of God. And God will give the increase to those who obey him and make them strong in the Spirit.

that's how I see it too. We should not be saying to ourselves that our organization or ourselves are the only ones will be saved or saved.

It is just simply unbiblical.


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You actually turn my stomach, literally. Meshak is correct in what she says about being saved. She apparently knows that no one is saved at any one point in time forever. We are all a work in progress. I will say that I am saved---so far. I might choose to veer off the narrow road and go back to the practices of the world. So Meshak might say she is not saved, but I think she means conclusively, for all time, yet. She has harmonized her thinking with Jesus' statement that "it is he who endures to the end that will be saved." (Matt.24:13)

Meshak and myself are saved so far. We will be saved for all time if we endure to the end.
I don't know about that, we might be deceiving ourselves too.

I will do my best to be like Christ but whether I am Christ like or not is not my call to judge.

In fact, I am not Christ like at all. I am still very worldly.

But you are right, His followers are in a process of being saved.
That's a better way of putting it, in the process of being saved. That is how I see myself too.
Yes we do, our house meeting follows Jesus just as he taught in the Bible, simply without all the add on's, and we don't believe in organisations or denominations, we can't organise the Spirit or the word of God. We are to be led by the Spirit and bare witness to the truth and follow Jesus and live by the will of God. And God will give the increase to those who obey him and make them strong in the Spirit.
that's how I see it too. We should not be saying to ourselves that our organization or ourselves are the only ones will be saved or saved.

It is just simply unbiblical.

How is a race already won when not finished?

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So much for resting in Jesus. All you worker bees trying to earn your salvation, it's sad, really.

I can well and truly say that I am saved, that I will, in fact, spend the rest of eternity with my Lord and God, Jesus Christ, the Father, and the Holy Spirit, and there is NOTHING, either in this world or not of this world, that can take that away from me.


Well-known member
So much for resting in Jesus. All you worker bees trying to earn your salvation, it's sad, really.

I can well and truly say that I am saved, that I will, in fact, spend the rest of eternity with my Lord and God, Jesus Christ, the Father, and the Holy Spirit, and there is NOTHING, either in this world or not of this world, that can take that away from me.
Romans 13

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.


So much for resting in Jesus. All you worker bees trying to earn your salvation, it's sad, really.

I can well and truly say that I am saved, that I will, in fact, spend the rest of eternity with my Lord and God, Jesus Christ, the Father, and the Holy Spirit, and there is NOTHING, either in this world or not of this world, that can take that away from me.

I feel so sorry for you. You are not open to the whole truth. The whole truth is that Jesus' teachings are not complicated. You are making it complicated by adding your own ideas.


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I feel so sorry for you. You are not open to the whole truth. The whole truth is that Jesus' teachings are not complicated. You are making it complicated by adding your own ideas.
Says the one who rejects ALL BUT FOUR BOOKS OF THE BIBLE.

I was going to quote Revelation 22:18-19, but they aren't Jesus' words, nor are they in the four Gospels.


Active member
Are you aware that the Governing Body teaches otherwise? The official doctrine is that Jesus is mediator for the 144,000 alone.

"So in this strict Biblical sense Jesus is the "mediator" only for anointed Christians." Watchtower 1979 Apr 1 p.31

"Likewise, the Greater Moses, Jesus Christ, is not the Mediator between Jehovah God and all mankind. He is the Mediator between his heavenly Father, Jehovah God, and the nation of spiritual Israel, which is limited to only 144,000 members." Worldwide Security Under the "Prince of Peace" (1986) pp.10-11



New member
So much for resting in Jesus. All you worker bees trying to earn your salvation, it's sad, really.

I can well and truly say that I am saved, that I will, in fact, spend the rest of eternity with my Lord and God, Jesus Christ, the Father, and the Holy Spirit, and there is NOTHING, either in this world or not of this world, that can take that away from me.
And is that assurance or arrogance of we are fruitless branches? I'm not saying you are a fruitless branch or that the fruit produced through you is evil. I believe you have said before that we do because of salvation, not for salvation. With such a surety in your eternal presence you must silently do or witness very much. But to the contrary; if any produce bad fruit outwardly or even no fruit outwardly then those who are being conformed in harmony in one accord by hearing and believing in Christ and the ressurection of the dead will surely be able to know to some extent to what level that individual is being truthful.

Surely GOD'S Word is true and HIS promises will come to pass.

Can anyone explain how Jesus paying for all sin before and after "salvation" is causal to good works pleasing to GOD? I know it has been said that believers will be seen in the image of Christ to Christ who is the judge, but I don't understand that. How are we conformed to that image if we do not conform?

What part does Christ have with sin?

I'm sorry; it must sound like the ramblings of a mad man.

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New member
So much for resting in Jesus. All you worker bees trying to earn your salvation, it's sad, really.

I can well and truly say that I am saved, that I will, in fact, spend the rest of eternity with my Lord and God, Jesus Christ, the Father, and the Holy Spirit, and there is NOTHING, either in this world or not of this world, that can take that away from me.
To me at this point in my understanding it seems that when we rest from the works of our flesh is when we find Christ, or Christ finds us. From that point, what excuse does one have not to produce works that correlate with genuine believe to the glorification of GOD alone?

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New member
Romans 13

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
Good point.

Sleep is for the dead. All references to sleep as they refer to the believer are negative and relate to willful ignorance/ hypocrisy/ indifference/ unbelief/ putting off the day of the LORD.

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