Christians worship Christ; JW's do not!


Active member
how to operate the organization is all Paul's instruction.

(1 Pet 2:9, 17) "..“But you are ‘a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession, that you should declare abroad the excellencies’ of the one that called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. . . . Have love for the whole association of brothers.."

A nation is a group of people is it not? Having love for the whole association of brothers requires you to have a group of brothers, and sister, to whom you can associate with, does it not?

Where is your group of people you associate with Meshak? Is it possible to apply 1 Pet 2:9, 17 without a church/organisation you can apply it to?


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You are now agreeing that the Jehovah Witness is not denying the deity of Jesus.
You are now switching to the new complaint that Jehovah Witness is polytheistic because they call Jesus a god.

This is the same complaint that the Jews have against Trinity doctrine Christians.
And they are both false claims as GOD clearly said that He formed (created) no god.

Isaiah 43 KJV
(10) Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.​

To claim that GOD formed Jesus to be "a god" would go against what GOD Himself proclaimed.


Well-known member
If it's not biblical meshak then why is there counsel regarding association? 1 Corinthians 1:10 makes no sense unless there is some type of organisation. Other scriptures such as makes no sense unless there is some type of church/organisation. I think you should consider restarting your study.

(Hebrews 10:25) "..not forsaking our meeting together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you see the day drawing near.."

(Acts 2:42) "..And they continued devoting themselves to the teaching of the apostles, to associating together, to the taking of meals, and to prayers.."

How do you see those verses as meaning an organisation? Meeting together does not mean that they were part of an organisation. We meet together and have a house meeting together, but we are not an organisation.


(1 Pet 2:9, 17) "..“But you are ‘a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession, that you should declare abroad the excellencies’ of the one that called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. . . . Have love for the whole association of brothers.."

A nation is a group of people is it not? Having love for the whole association of brothers requires you to have a group of brothers, and sister, to whom you can associate with, does it not?

Where is your group of people you associate with Meshak? Is it possible to apply 1 Pet 2:9, 17 without a church/organisation you can apply it to?

I am spiritually connected to Jesus' church or His body.

We have Jesus' teachings in written word. And we don't need complicated teachings. Jesus taught us what we need to know as His followers or servants.

And He gave us simple instructions simply and clearly how to serve Him and His God.

Following Pual's instruction is legalism, and Jesus does not approve of legalism.


I am encouraging like minded Christians all around me.

This is my way of connecting to the Body of Christ.

You see, I have been giving thanks to all my like minded Christians in this site too.


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This is false. We as JW's are meant to have the same one mind in relation to the core teachings of the bible, God's true identity along with Jesus, the condition of the dead, God's purpose of the earth, Adamic sins, etc.

We are meant to have this one mind so that the church/true worshippers are not divided, since different teachings cause divisions which in turn causes sects and group off-shoots. This is 100% scriptural;

(1 Corinthians 1:10) Now I urge you, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you should all speak in agreement and that there should be no divisions among you, but that you may be completely united in the same mind and in the same line of thought.

JW's are allowed to have a difference in opinion in regards to other teachings but are advised to keep it to themselves less they cause a division (see 1 Cor 1:10 again).

Everything else, other than the core doctrines, is down to individuals conscience decisions or personal interpretation.
Sounds a whole lot like just hiding your true heart and thoughts and blindly follow another no matter what.


Active member
I am spiritually connected to Jesus' church or His body.

We have Jesus' teachings in written word. And we don't need complicated teachings. Jesus taught us what we need to know as His followers or servants.

And He gave us simple instructions simply and clearly how to serve Him and His God.

Following Pual's instruction is legalism, and Jesus does not approve of legalism.

Are you following the counsel found in 1 Pet 2:9, 17, if so how?


What does this change?

Because Jesus teachings are written. And His basic teachings are not complicated that we need someone else's instruction.

why don't you understand this simple fact?

Why have you said this?

Because Jesus Is the Teacher. We can follow Him directly without secondhand instructions.


Get your armor ready!
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How so? I'm simply explaining my understanding of group I belong to.
Your group tells folks to bury their logical mind and thoughts about scripture in the sand.
Saying one thing out of your mouth that opposes what your mind and thoughts really are is deceptive.


Organizational teaching are secondhand instruction.

That's why I say you cannot have personal relationship with God and Jesus when you are in the organization.


Catholicism, Calvinism, trinity doctrine, "I am saved" doctrine and many others are all organizational teachings.

JWs organization is following Paul's instruction and it is second hand instruction.


Active member
Because Jesus teachings are written. And His basic teachings are not complicated that we need someone else's instruction.

why don't you understand this simple fact?

Because Jesus Is the Teacher. We can follow Him directly without secondhand instructions.

Sorry, I meant what did you mean by this comment "they did not have Jesus' word written that time", what does them not having Jesus words change in relation to what I said.


Active member
Your group tells folks to bury their logical mind and thoughts about scripture in the sand.

What makes you think that? I know of no other religious group that encourages its attendees to have regular personal bible study more than JW's.

Saying one thing out of your mouth that opposes what your mind and thoughts really are is deceptive.

You can read my mind and thoughts? :think:


Sorry, I meant what did you mean by this comment "they did not have Jesus' word written that time", what does them not having Jesus words change in relation to what I said.

Why do we have the need to follow man's instruction when we have direct teaching from Jesus?

If you think Paul's instruction harmonize with Jesus' teaching perfectly, it is your privilege to follow it.

Bright Raven

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What makes you think that? I know of no other religious group that encourages its attendees to have regular personal bible study more than JW's.

You can read my mind and thoughts? :think:

Are not all of your Bible studies determined by what the Watchtower Society says since they are viewed as God's voice on earth?