Christian Ministers to Use 'Magic Mushrooms' for 'Religious Experience' for A Study

God's Truth

New member
So all that ranting and raving and you missed her entire point....which I believe she made very clearly. She was comparing drugs with sorcery.....the dangers of drugs, especially those this article was talking about. Go back to the OP, for crying out loud and get off your ridiculous pity party. SINCE YOU INSIST ON FOCUSING ON "unrepentant", I'll highlight the part that pertains to the OP.

I suggest you go dry out EE, because I'm half tempted to lose all respect for you.

He didn't miss the confusion that you preach. He is just as confused as you are.

He missed that we actually have to obey to be saved, just as you miss that.

God's Truth

New member
Anyone confused over all this confusion?

You want God's Truth but are confused?

All you have to do is search for God WITH ALL YOUR HEART and you will find Him.

How do you search for God?

You search for God by looking for Jesus' teachings.

How do you find God?

You find God by doing what Jesus teaches.

That is how you search for God with all your heart and find Him.

Greg Jennings

New member
Christian Ministers to Use 'Magic Mushrooms' for 'Religious Experience' for Johns Hopkins Study

In other words, his wild fantasy is leading people away from God and to a counterfeit.

Would you ever allow yourself to be part of any experiment like this?

Substances like psilocybin (spelling?) create a feeling in the user that can be sometimes described as feeling connected to a higher power, whether that be God or simply nature itself. Studies have shown that some of these substances produce the same patterns in brain scans that we see in people that have had a strong religious experience and are thinking back on it.

It might be worth entertaining the idea that if God is out there, certain substances might make Him easier to perceive.

God's Truth

New member
Substances like psilocybin (spelling?) create a feeling in the user that can be sometimes described as feeling connected to a higher power, whether that be God or simply nature itself. Studies have shown that some of these substances produce the same patterns in brain scans that we see in people that have had a strong religious experience and are thinking back on it.

It might be worth entertaining the idea that if God is out there, certain substances might make Him easier to perceive.

Only Jesus is the Way.

Jesus reveals himself to those who obey.


There is no truth in anything that you say. You are a Calvinist who does not teach the Way; but you mock those not saved and hinder them from ever being saved.

A person, any person can be saved if they get Jesus' teachings and do what he says.

You preach no, save me first. That is hindrance.

Lon is a man of God... passionate for the Souls of His Creations.

Dust off dry bones!


I was drunk when I was saved. I'd been drunk, seriously drunk for years. If it were necessary for a man to be sober to be saved then I'd still be in Adam or more probably dead.

I'm not down with your headship stuff... but I tremendously respect your overall message here.



Substances like psilocybin (spelling?) create a feeling in the user that can be sometimes described as feeling connected to a higher power, whether that be God or simply nature itself. Studies have shown that some of these substances produce the same patterns in brain scans that we see in people that have had a strong religious experience and are thinking back on it.

It might be worth entertaining the idea that if God is out there, certain substances might make Him easier to perceive.

Greg... the real reason scientists like this study is because they want to relegate belief to a chemical imagination in something that doesn't exist. It is the idea that God is a delusion of the chemical experience. That's the heart of studies like such.


So all that ranting and raving and you missed her entire point....which I believe she made very clearly. She was comparing drugs with sorcery.....the dangers of drugs, especially those this article was talking about. Go back to the OP, for crying out loud and get off your ridiculous pity party. SINCE YOU INSIST ON FOCUSING ON "unrepentant", I'll highlight the part that pertains to the OP.

I suggest you go dry out EE, because I'm half tempted to lose all respect for you.

Human respect doesn't save. Do as you like. At current.. I still think you're okay. No respect required... on your part.

Angels inferrence was clear. You can focus on her calling me a liar... but the quote to the quote... using Revelation... in reference to my friends... is clear.

That's the point and your purposefully ignoring it.


Well-known member
Substances like psilocybin (spelling?) create a feeling in the user that can be sometimes described as feeling connected to a higher power, whether that be God or simply nature itself. Studies have shown that some of these substances produce the same patterns in brain scans that we see in people that have had a strong religious experience and are thinking back on it.

It might be worth entertaining the idea that if God is out there, certain substances might make Him easier to perceive.

I took lots of LSD, peyote, psilocybin, mescaline, hashish and cannabis and none of them allowed me to perceive the true GOD, actually led me to false gods.
The perception of the true GOD began to appear when I, with all honesty, began to enquire who Jesus Christ really is, what the cross is about and began to seek Him through the ministry of the Apostle Paul, especially 1Corinthians 1 and 2.


Well-known member
A dead man can't give himself life.

If there is water.
If there is no water, then what is it the source of?

Me either, so no worries.

OK, you equate the spring as being GOD.
So who/what is the water?

In the physical world, water is always there.
Either it flows up from somewhere you did not look for, or it can flow up from somewhere that you dug a well.
But the water was always there and had no source that generated the water (other than the creation week), but water was already here before man existed.
Man didn't have to look for the source of water to have water.
To put it plainly, you can't find a source of water without finding water itself.
If there is no water there, it's just a source of nothing.
Of course that is talking about physical water.

Let's get to the spiritual water.
Was there ever a time when the Son did not have spiritual water?
Jesus was/is never without spiritual water. Right?
I guess I see it more as Jesus is the water.
He didn't create or generate the spiritual water, He was the water.
Spiritual water had no beginning, so it had no source that created/generated it.
It always was because GOD always was.

To me, there is no difference between a source of water and water.
A spring is just flowing water.
If there is no water flowing, there is no spring.
John 1:4 Colossians 1:17 comes to mind.


Well-known member
Human respect doesn't save. Do as you like. At current.. I still think you're okay. No respect required... on your part.

Angels inferrence was clear. You can focus on her calling me a liar... but the quote to the quote... using Revelation... in reference to my friends... is clear.

That's the point and your purposefully ignoring it.

No, I'm not purposefully ignoring anything. I just know Angel better than you do. She understands salvation by grace through faith, and your claims that her posts say otherwise are wrong.

You're overly emotional here because of your friends. So let's just say a believer is unrepentant over some particular wrong doing in their life. That hardly comes close to saying they are damned to hell. As Lon pointed out, it's where the chastening of the Lord would come into the picture. Angel never once claimed what you accused her of claiming....that they were doomed to hell. Which was why she told you that you were lying about her. You were. You were assuming she equated "unrepentant" with hell bound.

You're unrepentant of your false accusations against Angel. You'd do well to turn from them. You'd do well to change your mind.

That you remain unrepentant, does that mean you are doomed to hell?


Well-known member
That you remain unrepentant, does that mean you are doomed to hell?

I think the question being addressed is "Can you clean yourself up to please God or receive Salvation?" Then "Does that make you presentable to God?" *(third question to follow).

For me 1) :idunno: It seems most who conquer drugs do so with help. Some are able to do so on their own, others, the moment they become Christians, the desire is gone. At that point, I think those who instantly quit, were looking for Him all along, and so, having found Him, it is a relatively easy quit for them. My uncle was very addicted, so much so that he could not think, logic, or reason. His faith, later in life, was simply "Lon, pray for me!" He knew he needed deliverance, both in this life and the next. To me Romans 10:13 was his call and answer. As far as drugs, he tried to quit often but he was in mental hospitals his whole life. He was a beautiful man with a horrible addiction.

One might say "If he loved God more, and drugs less" and they might say it of all of us too, whenever we are fallen into something. I have a friend who was promiscuous and very troubled. I mentioned to him that I'd trade, because even as a self-interest, no harm was intended. On the other hand, my 'piety' in judgment, and my unchecked anger, habitually have harmed so many more, and more deeply. I'm not a cleaner rat :(

2) Does it make me presentable? No, rather He alone makes me presentable else I'd not need Him ever making intercession on my behalf. Hebrews 7:25 Romans 8:34 and Romans 11:6 is huge.

* "So how do we live?" question # 3 -->

1 Corinthians 10:23 What is unprofitable is not counted. Romans 4:8 2 Corinthians 5:19. It may have us removed from church folks, especially if we disobediently and without love are harming others around us. By Ephesians 5:15 then, not as unwise, but as wise and taking earthy responsibility for our actions, AND as Christians, trying to do better as well as make eternal differences in God's hands. If we belong to Him, He already has things in mind Ephesians 2:10 for His glory.

For inspection and offered in humility and His grace, -Lon


Well-known member
I think the question being addressed is "Can you clean yourself up to please God or receive Salvation?" Then "Does that make you presentable to God?" *(third question to follow).

For me 1) :idunno: It seems most who conquer drugs do so with help. Some are able to do so on their own, others, the moment they become Christians, the desire is gone. At that point, I think those who instantly quit, were looking for Him all along, and so, having found Him, it is a relatively easy quit for them. My uncle was very addicted, so much so that he could not think, logic, or reason. His faith, later in life, was simply "Lon, pray for me!" He knew he needed deliverance, both in this life and the next. To me Romans 10:13 was his call and answer. As far as drugs, he tried to quit often but he was in mental hospitals his whole life. He was a beautiful man with a horrible addiction.

One might say "If he loved God more, and drugs less" and they might say it of all of us too, whenever we are fallen into something. I have a friend who was promiscuous and very troubled. I mentioned to him that I'd trade, because even as a self-interest, no harm was intended. On the other hand, my 'piety' in judgment, and my unchecked anger, habitually have harmed so many more, and more deeply. I'm not a cleaner rat :(

2) Does it make me presentable? No, rather He alone makes me presentable else I'd not need Him ever making intercession on my behalf. Hebrews 7:25 Romans 8:34 and Romans 11:6 is huge.

* "So how do we live?" question # 3 -->

1 Corinthians 10:23 What is unprofitable is not counted. Romans 4:8 2 Corinthians 5:19. It may have us removed from church folks, especially if we disobediently and without love are harming others around us. By Ephesians 5:15 then, not as unwise, but as wise and taking earthy responsibility for our actions, AND as Christians, trying to do better as well as make eternal differences in God's hands. If we belong to Him, He already has things in mind Ephesians 2:10 for His glory.

For inspection and offered in humility and His grace, -Lon

That's not the question I'm addessing. In fact, it's far from it.

Let me read it again and see if I see anything about being falsely accused......