I think the question being addressed is "Can you clean yourself up to please God or receive Salvation?" Then "Does that make you presentable to God?" *(third question to follow).
For me 1) :idunno: It seems most who conquer drugs do so with help. Some are able to do so on their own, others, the moment they become Christians, the desire is gone. At that point, I think those who instantly quit, were looking for Him all along, and so, having found Him, it is a relatively easy quit for them. My uncle was very addicted, so much so that he could not think, logic, or reason. His faith, later in life, was simply "Lon, pray for me!" He knew he needed deliverance, both in this life and the next. To me Romans 10:13 was his call and answer. As far as drugs, he tried to quit often but he was in mental hospitals his whole life. He was a beautiful man with a horrible addiction.
One might say "If he loved God more, and drugs less" and they might say it of all of us too, whenever we are fallen into something. I have a friend who was promiscuous and very troubled. I mentioned to him that I'd trade, because even as a self-interest, no harm was intended. On the other hand, my 'piety' in judgment, and my unchecked anger, habitually have harmed so many more, and more deeply. I'm not a cleaner rat
2) Does it make me presentable? No, rather He alone makes me presentable else I'd not need Him ever making intercession on my behalf. Hebrews 7:25 Romans 8:34 and Romans 11:6 is huge.
* "So how do we live?" question # 3 -->
1 Corinthians 10:23 What is unprofitable is not counted. Romans 4:8 2 Corinthians 5:19. It may have us removed from church folks, especially if we disobediently and without love are harming others around us. By Ephesians 5:15 then, not as unwise, but as wise and taking earthy responsibility for our actions, AND as Christians, trying to do better as well as make eternal differences in God's hands. If we belong to Him, He already has things in mind Ephesians 2:10 for His glory.
For inspection and offered in humility and His grace, -Lon