Christian Ministers to Use 'Magic Mushrooms' for 'Religious Experience' for A Study


Eclectic Theosophist
Greg... the real reason scientists like this study is because they want to relegate belief to a chemical imagination in something that doesn't exist. It is the idea that God is a delusion of the chemical experience. That's the heart of studies like such.

I confirm Greg's comment with my former ones, that such studies may relay meaning and value in how altered states of consciousness via natural substances may affect one's religious faith, orientation and practice. Therefore, I've only seen the usual religious biases, fears and pointificating presented 'against' such, typical 'spin' :)

The reality of Life is that 'Consciousness' is the heart and context of existence itself, since anything outside of it, is unknowable. One does not need to ingest magic mushrooms or smoke herbs, but from time immemorial...such methods have been a 'help' to transport one to expanding realms of awareness. As shared before, the key is right use of these substances, IF they are to be used at all.

The 'manna' from heaven could have been mushrooms of some sort, and the burning incense in the Jewish temple had its effect. The elements, herbs and oils used were all natural substances.

Even divination has its place among God's so called "chosen" people....the Urim and Thummim for starters ;)

God's Truth

New member
One sentance is correct... the other is puffed up and deceitful... go and learn what "While we were yet sinners" means... doofenburgner!

You put down my saying Jesus reveals himself to those who obey.

What is this:

John 14:21 He that has my commandments, and keeps them, he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

You better take heed of yourself, because when you stand before God, you will never ever be able to say you didn't know any better.

God's Truth

New member
You make less sense with each passing day.

Doing "beautiful words" is impossible.
Degradation is a bad thing....humility is a good thing.

God deserves all Glory....which is not what you claim.

It isn't humiliating to obey Jesus.
Yeah do Jesus' beautiful words, you don't know what that is all about.

How in the word do you ever get that it is impossible to do Jesus' words?

Go think about what I said some more.


Well-known member
Do you remember who or what prompted you to do that?

Yes, it was (1) my exhaustive(at least for me) search in the attempt to find ultimate truth within my own head through hallucinogenic substances and then through the various forms of eastern mysticism and (2) through the memories that I had of Christians, who I previously thought were fools, doing their best to testify of the truth of Jesus Christ. It was through their testimonies that I was tempted to utter an agnostic prayer while staring at a blank wall, saying something like, "Jesus, if you're real, if you're there, if you are who these people claim you are, if you are who you claim to be in the Bible, then please help me to understand and reveal yourself to me".
He did!


Yes, it was (1) my exhaustive(at least for me) search in the attempt to find ultimate truth within my own head through hallucinogenic substances and then through the various forms of eastern mysticism and (2) through the memories that I had of Christians, who I previously thought were fools, doing their best to testify of the truth of Jesus Christ. It was through their testimonies that I was tempted to utter an agnostic prayer while staring at a blank wall, saying something like, "Jesus, if you're real, if you're there, if you are who these people claim you are, if you are who you claim to be in the Bible, then please help me to understand and reveal yourself to me".
He did!
Nice. :)


God's Truth

New member
Talkin' to yourself now, GT?

God is always with me.

Do you think that glorydazed going off the computer is some kind of life altering event that I should base my life on?
Do you think my quoting something I said and elaborating on it is so crazy?
You are desperate to demean another. Maybe you should worry more about your own soul?

God's Truth

New member
Yes, it was (1) my exhaustive(at least for me) search in the attempt to find ultimate truth within my own head through hallucinogenic substances and then through the various forms of eastern mysticism and (2) through the memories that I had of Christians, who I previously thought were fools, doing their best to testify of the truth of Jesus Christ. It was through their testimonies that I was tempted to utter an agnostic prayer while staring at a blank wall, saying something like, "Jesus, if you're real, if you're there, if you are who these people claim you are, if you are who you claim to be in the Bible, then please help me to understand and reveal yourself to me".
He did!

What? Are you saying you did hallucinogenics to find God? Did you do hallucinogenics and think of God, or did you do hallucinogenics and fry your mind to find God?

Go ahead and clarify that one.

Through your memories of Christians...?

They prompted you to do an agnostic prayer?

...that prayer ended up helping you but it was a false prayer?

You want to demean me as if I am talking to myself on a public site, you want to demean me...after you said all that about you doing acid and having an "agnostic" prayer answered?


Well-known member
What? Are you saying you did hallucinogenics to find God? Did you do hallucinogenics and think of God, or did you do hallucinogenics and fry your mind to find God?

Go ahead and clarify that one.

Through your memories of Christians...?

They prompted you to do an agnostic prayer?

...that prayer ended up helping you but it was a false prayer?

You want to demean me as if I am talking to myself on a public site, you want to demean me...after you said all that about you doing acid and having an "agnostic" prayer answered?

I'd sooner talk with a fencepost.


Eclectic Theosophist
Shrooming it.........

Shrooming it.........

Gotta love some Terence McKenna to expand one's mind a bit :)

He touches on John Allegro's work and other resources for you free thinkers out there. Also touches on the Nag Hammadi Library, Gnosticism and the UB even ;)

It is sometimes good to question one's beliefs and assumptions. What I present beyond a grandiose claim of certainty is speculation and perspective of course. For all you know, much of what you've already 'assumed' could be just so much illusion and wishful thinking, especially regarding 'salvation' which undergoes so many models which may go no further than being merely 'theoritical'. Sounds nice, but what does it really ultimately deliver?

So,...some are still up in arms over 'magic mushrooms'? - I think there are worse things in the realm of 'theology' to gloat over, while the mystics of most all religious cults and traditions, all come to the same universal substrate of reality, when entering into the greater sphere of cosmic consciousness, and that is due to the fact that that 'consciousness' is 'universal'. There is one Supreme Reality, from within which exist a plurality of translations (interpretations), because these are seen thru individual points of view, hence their 'relativity'.