Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Scandal: 7 Excerpts From the Grand Jury Report


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
An inability to marry doesn't generate sexual urges towards children and as obscene as it is, not every person in the priesthood will have gone into the profession with good intentions to start with...

well, sure, then the C of E is better so, leave it there

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
There's nothing wrong with not marrying.

Please don't misunderstand what we're saying.

It's that the RCC has prohibited marriage for bishops and priests, where there should be no such prohibition, and in doing so, those who have sexual urges are unable to marry except by stepping down from their position, which would be the best solution, but criminals are rarely good problem solvers.

Paul says that if someone burns with passion, he should marry. But if not, there's nothing wrong with remaining single.

Oh, I agree with there being no such prohibition. I just disagree with the notion that priests etc being forbidden to marry results in children being abused as you seemed to be suggesting.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Oh, I agree with there being no such prohibition. I just disagree with the notion that priests etc being forbidden to marry results in children being abused as you seemed to be suggesting.

It used to attract sexually confused persons because they were not expected to marry.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I do not for one second believe that this is a problem unique to the Catholic Church. It should be a cautionary tale to all parents about leaving your kids in the care of someone you assume to be trustworthy because of their position.

But the Catholic Church is a Really Big Organization:

Church membership, defined as baptised Catholics, was 1.272 billion at the end of 2014, which is 17.8% of the world population.[77] Catholics represent about half of all Christians.[78]

With a lot of employees:

Catholic ministers include ordained clergy, lay ecclesial ministers, missionaries, and catechists. Also as of the end of 2014, there were 465,595 ordained clergy, including 5,237 bishops, 415,792 presbyters (diocesan and religious), and 44,566 deacons (permanent).[77] Non-ordained ministers included 3,157,568 catechists, 367,679 lay missionaries, and 39,951 lay ecclesial ministers.[79]

That's millions of people.


Well-known member
If the RCC was holy there would not be a problem, their pagan church has strayed far from truth. And they have many followers to their evil doctrines.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I was just pointing out that even if other churches have the same problem the RCC is the biggest molester of children even if they're doing it the average rate.

two complicating factors are the RCC's policy of no married priests and their willingness to ordain homos


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
No, but there are homosexual pedophiles.
What fraction of pedophiles and statutory rapists who are >10 years older then their victims, are homosexual? Do we know that data? And how does it compare to what fraction of the general population are homosexual? I just legitimately do not know the answer, and I'm hoping somebody itt can help me, thank you.


New member
i never understood why, when a Catholic priest makes a mistake, its the evil Catholic church, when a protestant preacher does the exact same thing, its the preacher at fault and his church had nothing to do with anything. what did Jesus teach on removing the plank from ones eye?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i never understood why, when a Catholic priest makes a mistake...

a mistake? :freak:

we're not talking about forgetting to put the cap back on the toothpaste, we're talking about hardcore child molestation

, its the evil Catholic church,

when it's the evil catholic church enabling the behavior by protecting the child molester, then the act of child molestation rightly rebounds to the evil catholic church

in legal terms it's called being an accessory after the fact

when a protestant preacher does the exact same thing,

the exact same act of child molestation?

then they're a pervert and deserve to be executed

its the preacher at fault

in both cases it's the preacher/priest at fault and in both cases they deserve to be exposed, reported to the authorities, and in a just justice system, swiftly tried and executed

and his church had nothing to do with anything.

show me a case of a protestant church in which the leadership enable the behavior of a child molester by hiding their crime from authorities and moving the preacher to another church and you'll be making an apt comparison

what did Jesus teach on removing the plank from ones eye?

iirc, it said something about not making retarded comparisons

Right Divider

Body part
i never understood why, when a Catholic priest makes a mistake, its the evil Catholic church, when a protestant preacher does the exact same thing, its the preacher at fault and his church had nothing to do with anything. what did Jesus teach on removing the plank from ones eye?
Have you even looked into the issue at all? The scale and scope of this abuse is MASSIVE and was covered up for DECADES.

There are no other supposedly Christian organizations that can even come close to this.

The research by the Spotlight team at the Boston Globe discovered abuse by 87 priests just in the Boston area alone. And that abuse was covered up by the the RCC for DECADES. These pervert priests were NOT removed from "service", but were shuffled around to HIDE the problem. Over a THOUSAND kids were abused throughout those DECADES and the RCC did NOTHING to stop it, but instead allowed it to continue to protect their "name".


New member
a mistake? :freak:

we're not talking about forgetting to put the cap back on the toothpaste, we're talking about hardcore child molestation

when it's the evil catholic church enabling the behavior by protecting the child molester, then the act of child molestation rightly rebounds to the evil catholic church

in legal terms it's called being an accessory after the fact

the exact same act of child molestation?

then they're a pervert and deserve to be executed

in both cases it's the preacher/priest at fault and in both cases they deserve to be exposed, reported to the authorities, and in a just justice system, swiftly tried and executed

show me a case of a protestant church in which the leadership enable the behavior of a child molester by hiding their crime from authorities and moving the preacher to another church and you'll be making an apt comparison

iirc, it said something about not making retarded comparisons

the whole point is when a catholic priest does something its the evil Catholics, when a protestant preacher does something its the preacher. remove the plank in your own eye.


New member
Have you even looked into the issue at all? The scale and scope of this abuse is MASSIVE and was covered up for DECADES.

There are no other supposedly Christian organizations that can even come close to this.

The research by the Spotlight team at the Boston Globe discovered abuse by 87 priests just in the Boston area alone. And that abuse was covered up by the the RCC for DECADES. These pervert priests were NOT removed from "service", but were shuffled around to HIDE the problem. Over a THOUSAND kids were abused throughout those DECADES and the RCC did NOTHING to stop it, but instead allowed it to continue to protect their "name".

have you ever looked into the corruption that goes down in non Catholic churches at all?