Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Scandal: 7 Excerpts From the Grand Jury Report


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the whole point is when a catholic priest does something its the evil Catholics,
No, that's not it at all.
When a Catholic Priest does something he has the largest religious organization in the world to fade into.
No clergyman from any other Church has that level of mobility, a Baptist Minister can't just "get transferred" somewhere else.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
What fraction of pedophiles and statutory rapists who are >10 years older then their victims, are homosexual? Do we know that data? And how does it compare to what fraction of the general population are homosexual? I just legitimately do not know the answer, and I'm hoping somebody itt can help me, thank you.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

sorry ID - thought i'd responded to this.

data on pedophiles is difficult to find, mostly because it's such a stigmatized condition

the best available data, based primarily on conviction rates and educated guesses suggest that some 10-20% of the general population have an attraction to some particular age of child

the true pedophile, who is solely or primarily attracted to children is even harder to get data on

I looked into this extensively when I was in an abnormal psych class and a sociology class a couple of years ago - turns out the soc teacher was more help than the psych teacher - the psych teacher was a clinical psychologist who refused to see pedophiles as clients. She had a valuable perspective and understanding of them, but I had to be sensitive to her reluctance to go into it in too much depth. The soc teacher, on the other hand was a retired army MP who had encountered a lot of child abuse and child abusers in his previous career. Heckuva a great guy, i stayed in touch with him after that semester ended and count him as a friend.

short answer to your questions?

nobody really knows

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
the whole point is when a catholic priest does something its the evil Catholics.... the hierarchy who protect him, shield him from the authorities and transfer him to another parish/diocese to molest again

it's been suggested that they should stop doing that