The problem is that "transgenders" exist. this is the rub. People are now discovering that they actually exist … and are out in pubic! And they don't like it, because these people are different. They are "queer". And some people really don't like anything that's different, or "queer". They fear it, and they loathe it. And they want it to go away.
So they want these people banished from the public eye, and from public consciousness.
And then some pandering politician realized this, and realized he could make some political hay pandering to it. And "wallah!"; the phony news media has another "issue" to peddle, for profit.
Has anyone here ever, in their whole life, actually seen someone of the opposite sex enter and use the restroom they were using? Ever? Odds are that not one person here has ever seen this happen. And very likely we never will. That's how insignificant this issue really is. … Except to pandering politicians and phony news outlets, of course.