Can Man's Sinful Adamic Nature Be Rehabilitated?


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Hall of Fame
The idea is ridiculous. If you are convinced that Paul meant this, you ought to reject Paul. That is hard to do for a Christian, so you end up stuck with a absurd idea.

we have no problem with paul
paul said that gentiles don't have to first be jews to be a christian
many here don't understand that


New member
And Paul was stretching the truth to say sin entered the world only when Adam sinned, ignoring Eve's clear sin.

Adam could have stopped Eve from disobeying God, it was Adam's responsibility to tend the garden.

Eve was deceived but not Adam.

Adam simply surrendered his authority to Satan knowingly breaking the first commandment.


Well-known member
Adam could have stopped Eve from disobeying God, it was Adam's responsibility to tend the garden.

Eve was deceived but not Adam.

Adam simply surrendered his authority to Satan knowingly breaking the first commandment.

Invalid comment not stated in scripture !

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Adam could have stopped Eve from disobeying God, it was Adam's responsibility to tend the garden.

Eve was deceived but not Adam.

Adam simply surrendered his authority to Satan knowingly breaking the first commandment.

Adam was the federal head of the human race. It was not Eve's sin that caused the fall of humanity. It was Adam's.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The idea is ridiculous. If you are convinced that Paul meant this, you ought to reject Paul. That is hard to do for a Christian, so you end up stuck with a absurd idea.

When Jesus died on the cross all of the old Adamic humanity died with him, Romans 6:6. This is why Paul said, "I have been crucified with Christ".

This is how God has defeated sin, death and the devil.

See Romans 6:6-23.

Christians are now new creations in Jesus Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:17.


Well-known member
Adam could have stopped Eve from disobeying God, it was Adam's responsibility to tend the garden.

Eve was deceived but not Adam.

Adam simply surrendered his authority to Satan knowingly breaking the first commandment.

Like today, men do not keep track of their wives 24/7.

Adam surrendered nothing since he was not around to stop his wife sinning. And Eve seemed to wear the pants - not a sin in itself. Thus she was punished with being subject to Adam in future - meaning, Adam would not fall for that again.

My personal belief is that Adam and Eve were "Laodicean" long before they disobeyed. If they truly loved God, they would have confessed their sins like David, and continued their love walk with God outside the garden. Adam and Eve were indifferent to God long before the non-existent fall so God released Satan to nudge them one way or the other.


Well-known member
The idea is ridiculous. If you are convinced that Paul meant this, you ought to reject Paul. That is hard to do for a Christian, so you end up stuck with a absurd idea.

Paul never said anything more than that it was through Adam that sin entered the world. And with sin came death.

This is no more profound than saying that through the two Steves, Apple entered the world. And with Apple came high prices.

patrick jane

Like today, men do not keep track of their wives 24/7.

Adam surrendered nothing since he was not around to stop his wife sinning. And Eve seemed to wear the pants - not a sin in itself. Thus she was punished with being subject to Adam in future - meaning, Adam would not fall for that again.

My personal belief is that Adam and Eve were "Laodicean" long before they disobeyed. If they truly loved God, they would have confessed their sins like David, and continued their love walk with God outside the garden. Adam and Eve were indifferent to God long before the non-existent fall so God released Satan to nudge them one way or the other.

Eve was so fickle. It was passed on.


Literal lunatic
Adam could have stopped Eve from disobeying God, it was Adam's responsibility to tend the garden.

Eve was deceived but not Adam.

Adam simply surrendered his authority to Satan knowingly breaking the first commandment.

Eve was not yet his wife, so how much authority over her did he have?


New member



--- THAT IS WHY GOD SAID, go forth and MULTIPLY......:luigi:..:baby::peach:


Literal lunatic
Paul never said anything more than that it was through Adam that sin entered the world. And with sin came death.

This is no more profound than saying that through the two Steves, Apple entered the world. And with Apple came high prices.

Wrong, it was through Adam's disobedience.

Actually God did not make any promises to Adam for his faith in or obedience to His command.

Adam was subject to vanity, so that ole tree of life held no appeal to his carnal eye.

Matter of fact I bet it looked like some of them bitter herbs he had probably tasted before.



Well-known member
Wrong, it was through Adam's disobedience.

Actually God did not make any promises to Adam for his faith in or obedience to His command.

Adam was subject to vanity, so that ole tree of life held no appeal to his carnal eye.

Matter of fact I bet it looked like some of them bitter herbs he had probably tasted before.


Ecclesiastes 1:2Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. This was Solomons "Theory of everything".

If all is vanity, and Adam is part of "all" how does Adam's vanity change anything or differ from our vanity?

And I know I would have eaten of a tree pointed out by God as "The Tree of Life" especially as it was not a far walk away.


Literal lunatic
Ecclesiastes 1:2Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. This was Solomons "Theory of everything".

If all is vanity, and Adam is part of "all" how does Adam's vanity change anything or differ from our vanity?

Our subjection to hope.

While in the garden, Adam had no comprehension of it.

Or are you of the Laodecians who had heard of this hope yet think they are rich and have need of nothing?