CALVINISM: The Belief that God Predestinates People to Hell Before Birth.


TOL Subscriber
Founded upon these immutable truths, God's Gospel can be nothing but sure, certain, and immutable.
There is more than one gospel in the Bible and they are all very real gospels yet here you are again making up that there is only one. Get saved by the only good news by which we are (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV) and study!


TOL Subscriber
There is more than one gospel in the Bible and they are all very real gospels yet here you are again making up that there is only one. Get saved by the only good news by which we are (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV) and study!

I make up nothing. God is one, and His Truth is one.

MADists are guilty of confusing the attributes and purposes of God, by adding to His revealed Will and Word.

(Very, very dangerous spiritual error in which to persist.)