Calvinism: Only Some People Have the Ability to Believe the Gospel

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
More blasphemy.

I actually believe that the Lord Jesus was made like His brethren IN ALL THINGS because that is what we read at Hebrews 2:17. But you refute what is so plain in the Scriptures because you put more faith in what some people say about the Scriptures than you do in what the Scriptures actually say.


Well-known member
I actually believe that the Lord Jesus was made like His brethren IN ALL THINGS because that is what we read at Hebrews 2:17. But you refute what is so plain in the Scriptures because you put more faith in what some people say about the Scriptures than you do in what the Scriptures actually say.
That's a whole different subject in Heb 2. I don't believe you believe in the same Jesus as i anyway. You are evading the fact that lost people cant believe the Gospel because its hidden from them.

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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
That's a whole different subject in Heb 2. I don't believe you believe in the same Jesus as i anyway.

The Lord Jesus Who I believe in was made like His brethren in ALL THINGS.

The Jesus who you believe in was made like His brethren in only SOME THINGS!


Well-known member
The Lord Jesus Who I believe in was made like His brethren in ALL THINGS.

The Jesus who you believe in was made like His brethren in only SOME THINGS!

The jesus you believe in I dont believe in. So you still havent explained how a lost person can believe the Gospel. See ts hidden to the Lost 2 Cor 4:3


New member
If you want your theory to have any credibility then the burden of proof is upon you to explain how someone who is already blind can be blinded.
Not at all. You are demanding such because you cannot wrap your head around the fact that humans are born dead in their trespasses and sins. You cannot accept what God says and you are scrambling to prop your crutch up. Good luck with that.


New member
That's a whole different subject in Heb 2. I don't believe you believe in the same Jesus as i anyway. You are evading the fact that lost people cant believe the Gospel because its hidden from them.

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Correct. Jerry is blind to the fact that humans are dead in their trespasses and sins and thus they cannot believe until God makes them alive in Christ.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
That's a whole different subject in Heb 2. I don't believe you believe in the same Jesus as i anyway. You are evading the fact that lost people cant believe the Gospel because its hidden from them.

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How do we/you know that you are not one of the "lost people," and that you are one of "the elect?"

Years being asked that question, and silencio.

Come on, bedeviled666-spam another copy'npaste sound byte/spam of yours. Please?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
How do we/you know that you are not one of the "lost people," and that you are one of "the elect?"

Years being asked that question, and silencio.

Come on, bedeviled666-spam another copy'npaste sound byte/spam of yours. Please?

have you ever encountered a calvinist who didn't believe they were one of the elect?

seems like there must be one or two :think:


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

That does not change the fact that even those who are perishing have the ability to see the light of the gospel. Are you willing to argue that the "god of this age" can blind them even though they are already blind?
He doesn't have to permit this to occur, but He does permit it to occur. Why? He could stop the blinding, don't you agree? Why wouldn't He stop 'the god of this age' from 'blinding the minds of unbelievers?' He can. Why doesn't He.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
have you ever encountered a calvinist who didn't believe they were one of the elect?

seems like there must be one or two :think:
Every Calvinist believes in Christ's Resurrection at minimum, so they are all of the elect.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
He doesn't have to permit this to occur, but He does permit it to occur. Why? He could stop the blinding, don't you agree? Why wouldn't He stop 'the god of this age' from 'blinding the minds of unbelievers?' He can. Why doesn't He.

You are trying to change the subject. Please answer the question which no one has yet answered. How is it possible that the god of this age can blind the minds of those who are already blind?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Correct. Jerry is blind to the fact that humans are dead in their trespasses and sins and thus they cannot believe until God makes them alive in Christ.

You are blind to the fact that the gospel is not powerless since it comes in power and in the Holy Spirit. It is the Word of God which gives life, as witnessed by the following words of the Lord Jesus:

"It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life"


New member
You are blind to the fact that the gospel is not powerless since it comes in power and in the Holy Spirit. It is the Word of God which gives life, as witnessed by the following words of the Lord Jesus:

"It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life"
It only comes in power and the Holy Spirit to those whom God quickens. The rest remain dead in their trespasses and sins.
In other words, the elect are saved, not the entire world.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
And Roman Catholics, JW's, Mormon's..... believes in Christ's Resurrection at minimum-your point?
Well all we know is their testimony. If they credibly confess the Lord Jesus Christ and credibly confess they believe in His Resurrection, then we can't know if they're lying based on what they do or how they behave, although I'd claim 1st John 3:15 KJV as proof positive that if a person is a bona fide murderer (malice aforethought, full knowledge, deliberate consent and all), that if they do confess Christ, then they are lying. But we can disagree on that and still be brothers, just not on that Christ's Resurrection is nonfiction fact of history. That's the sine qua non of the one Christian faith, per Paul the Apostle 1st Corinthians 15:14 KJV.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Well all we know is their testimony. If they credibly confess the Lord Jesus Christ and credibly confess they believe in His Resurrection, then we can't know if they're lying based on what they do or how they behave, although I'd claim 1st John 3:15 KJV as proof positive that if a person is a bona fide murderer (malice aforethought, full knowledge, deliberate consent and all), that if they do confess Christ, then they are lying. But we can disagree on that and still be brothers, just not on that Christ's Resurrection is nonfiction fact of history. That's the sine qua non of the one Christian faith, per Paul the Apostle 1st Corinthians 15:14 KJV.
You missed it.Pay attention. You argued:
Every Calvinist believes in Christ's Resurrection at minimum, so they are all of the elect.

And Roman Catholics, JW's, Mormon's..... believes in Christ's Resurrection at minimum-that does not mean they are "of the elect,"as their testimony, asserts "works based" "salvation"(a contradiction in terms).

Take your seat.