Calvinism: A declaration that God is unjust and that his Son is a failure

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
Predetermination (predestination) is not something the regenerate "come up with". Predetermination in salvation is the answer to a question the saved sinner always asks, "why me?"

Jesus said that he came into the world to save sinners. Therefore everyone that is a sinner qualifies to be saved. He didn't say that he came into the world to save "Some Certain Persons" or the elect.


New member
Jesus said that he came into the world to save sinners. Therefore everyone that is a sinner qualifies to be saved. He didn't say that he came into the world to save "Some Certain Persons" or the elect.

And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name YAH SHUA: for he shall save his people from their sins.

God's Truth

New member
John Calvin was about 25 years old when he came up with his doctrine of predestination, and fresh out of the Catholic church. Not exactly a scholar. He was really jealous of Luther and his teaching that we are justified by faith apart from the works of the law. He wanted to be famous like Luther.

Luther had many of the same false teachings as Calvin.


Well-known member
Jesus said that he came into the world to save sinners. Therefore everyone that is a sinner qualifies to be saved. He didn't say that he came into the world to save "Some Certain Persons" or the elect.

You teach that Christ came to save sinners which still are lost, depriving His Blood of saving efficacy !

He said He came to save sinners, not possibly save sinners !


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You teach that Christ came to save sinners which still are lost, depriving His Blood of saving efficacy !

He said He came to save sinners, not possibly save sinners!

He died for sinners. Some sinners reject Him, therefore they are not saved. Other sinners accept Him, and are no longer called sinners, but are called saved.

You keep saying, "you deprive God of efficiency when you say that not all will be saved that Christ died for," but in doing so, you make the claim that God is unable to save everyone, only those He wants, but with God all stand equal in eternal value, and God the Son died for all mankind, that all should be saved...

Should be, but not all will be saved, only those who repent and believe. God wills that all will be saved, but he cannot force them to turn to Him, they have to make that choice on their own.


TOL Subscriber
He died for sinners. Some sinners reject Him, therefore they are not saved. Other sinners accept Him, and are no longer called sinners, but are called saved.

You keep saying, "you deprive God of efficiency when you say that not all will be saved that Christ died for," but in doing so, you make the claim that God is unable to save everyone, only those He wants, but with God all stand equal in eternal value, and God the Son died for all mankind, that all should be saved...

Should be, but not all will be saved, only those who repent and believe. God wills that all will be saved, but he cannot force them to turn to Him, they have to make that choice on their own.

Jesus suffered death for those the Father gave Him to redeem. He freed them from the penalty of death and grants them repentance. Acts 3:26, 5:31, 11:19; II Timothy 2:25

Salvation in all its parts, is worked by God alone.


New member
Jesus suffered death for those the Father gave Him to redeem. He freed them from the penalty of death and grants them repentance. Acts 3:26, 5:31, 11:19; II Timothy 2:25

Salvation in all its parts, is worked by God alone.

He also died for those that the Father did not give him and his blood is the propitiation for all sin. There was no election on the cross where Jesus went thru the books to determine who was a sheep or a goat. He made one sacrifice for all sin for all time and then sat down on the right hand of God..


TOL Subscriber
He also died for those that the Father did not give him and his blood is the propitiation for all sin. There was no election on the cross where Jesus went thru the books to determine who was a sheep or a goat. He made one sacrifice for all sin for all time and then sat down on the right hand of God..

I disagree with you. If you spoke Truth, there would be no warnings of Judgment and hell. We would all be Christians and have heaven on earth right now.

Only the Redeemed for whom Jesus died, have access to the heavenly throne of God. I John Chapters One and Two.


New member
I disagree with you. If you spoke Truth, there would be no warnings of Judgment and hell. We would all be Christians and have heaven on earth right now.

Only the Redeemed for whom Jesus died, have access to the heavenly throne of God. I John Chapters One and Two.

You make the cross automatic and it's never been automatic. There's this little thing called conversion that has to happen before I receive the merits of Christ.


TOL Subscriber
You make the cross automatic and it's never been automatic. There's this little thing called conversion that has to happen before I receive the merits of Christ.

The cross work of Jesus Christ is Sovereign . . not "automatic."

You describe a works-righteousness that is contingent upon the sinners approval and actions.


Ephesians 2:8-10


New member
He also died for those that the Father did not give him and his blood is the propitiation for all sin. There was no election on the cross where Jesus went thru the books to determine who was a sheep or a goat. He made one sacrifice for all sin for all time and then sat down on the right hand of God..

The waffling of the unregenerate.

By your own admittance you have been reading the Bible and attending church for many years. You are proof that it is by the election of grace that men are saved, because hard as you try, you know not the truth that sets men free.


New member
The cross work of Jesus Christ is Sovereign . . not "automatic."

You describe a works-righteousness that is contingent upon the sinners approval and actions.


Ephesians 2:8-10

I said the merits of Christ not the merits of men! This analogy will probably get me banned but conversion is the spiritual counterpart of the fleshly union of the man with a woman where a new life is created. You can't create life without both parties in participation and the role of the woman is to submit to the man.


New member
The waffling of the unregenerate.

By your own admittance you have been reading the Bible and attending church for many years. You are proof that it is by the election of grace that men are saved, because hard as you try, you know not the truth that sets men free.

This is not coherent, are you on drugs again?


TOL Subscriber
I said the merits of Christ not the merits of men! This analogy will probably get me banned but conversion is spiritual counterpart of the fleshly union of the man with a woman where a new life is created. You can't create life without both parties in participation and the role of the woman is to submit to the man.

You confuse earthly procreation with spiritual regeneration.

It is not a fitting analogy.
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