Calvinism: A declaration that God is unjust and that his Son is a failure

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Well-known member
We do have free will and you misused those scriptures.

Just because God knew that the leaders would have him killed does not mean he made them do that.

Yep, all unbelievers have a will free from God and no desire to deny self, take up their cross, and follow Him.
Contrast: A new believer is no longer self-willed, and is controlled by the Spirit to follow the things of the Spirit. Which are you? Free or Constrained in Christ? 2 Corinthians 5:14 Christ's love "contrains" me. You? You have freewill :noway:

Titus 1:7 "...NOT selfwilled...." :think: Thanks for making your erroneous position so clear to us, GT. It is YOUR truth however, not God's. He called/calls you to something better. In YOUR freewill, you have refused. Good job. Proud of your arrogant prideful self-will? Luke 22:42 Matthew 6:10 How is your FREE will working out for you? Mine was leading to death. Proverbs 14:12; 16:25

God's Truth

New member
Yep, all unbelievers have a will free from God and no desire to deny self, take up their cross, and follow Him.
Contrast: A new believer is no longer self-willed, and is controlled by the Spirit to follow the things of the Spirit. Which are you? Free or Constrained in Christ? 2 Corinthians 5:14 Christ's love "contrains" me. You? You have freewill :noway:

Titus 1:7 "...NOT selfwilled...." :think: Thanks for making your erroneous position so clear to us, GT. It is YOUR truth however, not God's. He called/calls you to something better. In YOUR freewill, you have refused. Good job. Proud of your arrogant prideful self-will? Luke 22:42 Matthew 6:10 How is your FREE will working out for you? Mine was leading to death. Proverbs 14:12; 16:25
Your free will led you to believe in John Calvin.

Your beliefs are nowhere in the Bible, it is a made up belief from the imagination of men, and you know where that comes from, right?

Prove me wrong by showing one scripture that says God saves unbelievers.

Show a scripture that says we cannot believe and obey God by hearing about Him.


Well-known member
Your free will led you to believe in John Calvin.
ABSOLUTELY not. I resisted Calvinism. It assaulted my sense of self and my FreeWill. Do you know ANYTHING about Calvinism? :doh:

Your beliefs are nowhere in the Bible, it is a made up belief from the imagination of men, and you know where that comes from, right?
I Just 1) Gave and 2) Explained a LOT of scriptures. You? Trolling the thread with your whimpy 'nuh uh's' and free-will assertions. Did you pray first? Of course not! You are free willed. You didn't need to pray. Me? I prayed for us both and asked God to help me address specifically, your free will, and your NEED for His-Will. You NEED to be His-Willed. We all do. I pray for nothing less. I could give a rip about your or my free-will. We express THAT all day long on TOL. We NEED to be concerned and in Love, with His Will.

Prove me wrong by showing one scripture that says God saves unbelievers.
1 Corinthians 1:18

Show a scripture that says we cannot believe and obey God by hearing about Him.
John 6:44 Now let's talk about your freewill. I believe you lose it when/if you come to Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17

I've prayed over these scriptures, they are the power of God. Please read them and be HIS willed. -Lon

God's Truth

New member
ABSOLUTELY not. I resisted Calvinism. It assaulted my sense of self and my FreeWill. Do you know ANYTHING about Calvinism?
You just showed you had free will when you said you resisted.
I Just 1) Gave and 2) Explained a LOT of scriptures. You? Trolling the thread with your whimpy 'nuh uh's' and free-will assertions. Did you pray first? Of course not! You are free willed. You didn't need to pray.
What in the world are you talking about?

Me? I prayed for us both and asked God to help me address specifically, your free will, and your NEED for His-Will. You NEED to be His-Willed. We all do. I pray for nothing less. I could give a rip about your or my free-will. We express THAT all day long on TOL. We NEED to be concerned and in Love, with His Will.
All you have shown is that you contradict yourself repeatedly.

1 Corinthians 1:18
That scripture does NOT say God saves unbelievers. You should reconsider believing in something taught by John Calvin that is nowhere in the scriptures.

1 Corinthians 1:18 For the word of the cross {Gr. stauros – stake} is foolishness to those that perish, but unto us who are saved, it is the power of God.

Question yourself better. Where does that scripture say God saves unbelievers?

John 6:44

That is the scripture you gave in reply to my saying, “Show a scripture that says we cannot believe and obey God by hearing about Him.”

Did you ever read the very next scripture of that scripture you choose that actually rebukes you?

Read it here and now:

45 It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that has heard, and has learned of the Father, comes unto me.

That scripture among many prove that we believe in God after learning of Him.

Faith is from God, from reading His powerful message, the Bible, the New Testament. It has the powerful message that saves. We do not get faith supernaturally, as many teach, but we get faith in a very human way, from reading the supernatural message!

Where does our faith come from? Our faith comes from HEARING the word, see Romans 10:17. From hearing the word and being TAUGHT, Colossians 1:5, 7. From continuing in what we have been CONVINCED of, see 2 Timothy 3:14, and being PERSUADED, 2 Corinthians 5:11. In Acts 26:17 Jesus tells Paul he is sending him to the Jews and Gentiles to OPEN THEIR EYES and turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God. How do you think Paul is going to open the eyes of the Jews and the Gentiles? Remember, faith comes from hearing the word, and Jesus sent Paul to preach the gospel. 1 Corinthians 1:18 For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel–not with words of human wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.

Paul is going to open their eyes by preaching to them.

Read what Paul says in Romans 16:25-27. Now to him who is able to ESTABLISH YOU BY MY GOSPEL AND THE PROCLAMATION OF JESUS CHRIST, according to the revelation of the mystery hidden for long ages past, but now revealed and MADE KNOWN THROUGH THE PROPHETIC WRITINGS by the command of the eternal God, SO THAT ALL NATIONS MIGHT BELIEVE AND OBEY HIM–to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen.

Now let's talk about your freewill. I believe you lose it when/if you come to Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17

I've prayed over these scriptures, they are the power of God. Please read them and be HIS willed. –Lon
What you have done is given up the truth for John Calvin’s false teachings.
If you had only done what Jesus said to do, you would not have been entrapped in false doctrines.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You go against the truth of free will. You say a person cannot believe and obey, and then you go against those who say we do not have free will.

You both are in falseness.

Everyone is born with the ability to have faith in God and his Son Jesus Christ. If you don't trust in Christ as your savior, you are without an excuse, Romans 1:18, 19.

God's Truth

New member
Everyone is born with the ability to have faith in God and his Son Jesus Christ. If you don't trust in Christ as your savior, you are without an excuse, Romans 1:18, 19.

That scripture rebukes you.

This is a serious matter when people go against obeying Jesus.

I am seeing a power over people that is not good, even sinister.


Well-known member
You just showed you had free will when you said you resisted.
Exactly. I 'used' to have freewill.
What in the world are you talking about?
Very simply: One of us didn't commune with God before posting yesterday and today. You didn't IOW, render any of this to God. Why ARE you doing it GT? :think:

All you have shown is that you contradict yourself repeatedly.
:( Only one who isn't God-willed would say that :(

That is the scripture you gave in reply to my saying, “Show a scripture that says we cannot believe and obey God by hearing about Him.”
:nono: You never asked that question. It might have 'meant' that in your mind, but nobody can read your mind. You are not careful in your questions.
An unbeliever will hear without ears. A believer hears, and it/He becomes a part of him/her. More precisely, simply say what you don't believe about Calvinism or what you think something means about Calvinism. Scriptures would help (you hadn't used any at all and this is the first post where you only posted 1 scripture. Make a statement, use scriptures to back up that statement.

John 6:45 It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that has heard, and has learned of the Father, comes unto me.

That scripture among many prove that we believe in God after learning of Him.
You are trying to carry on a conversation you had with Nang, with others. Basically, you are talking about synergism, vs. monergism, as well as "What God did and what I did when I was saved."

Don't jump the gun. You can't jump in the middle of a conversation you had with one Calvinist, and then assume another will be able to understand where you are picking up from. In order to have this conversation with me, I'd want to go back to the beginning of it, like you did with Nang. My conversation would have to start with "What does Salvation mean?" For me, it isn't a prayer I prayed one day, though that was involved. There was a LOT more going on regarding Salvation, the day I believed.

What you have done is given up the truth for John Calvin’s false teachings.
If you had only done what Jesus said to do, you would not have been entrapped in false doctrines.
NOBODY believes in your version of things GT. I've seen MAD, Calvinists, and Arminians ALL disagree with your version of things. You have a lot of private interpretations, so I'm not really interested in what you 'feel' or think. I'm interested in what you can prove, not assert. You aren't a 'proving' kind of person. You've used only one verse in this thread. The rest is all your assertions and emoting. Without God behind you? Not worth anything. Scripture is the ONLY thing with power and you don't use it :( Don't just mindlessly mishandle accusatory scriptures either, all of us can 'find' scriptures that condemn another, rather learn to use scripture to prove your points against any one Calvinist doctrine.

Because you rarely/never do? Nobody listens to you. I've still got you on ignore most of the time. You simply are not a workman approved.
2 Timothy 2:15

God's Truth

New member
Exactly. I 'used' to have freewill.

Very simply: One of us didn't commune with God before posting yesterday and today. You didn't IOW, render any of this to God. Why ARE you doing it GT? :think:

:( Only one who isn't God-willed would say that :(

:nono: You never asked that question. It might have 'meant' that in your mind, but nobody can read your mind. You are not careful in your questions.
An unbeliever will hear without ears. A believer hears, and it/He becomes a part of him/her. More precisely, simply say what you don't believe about Calvinism or what you think something means about Calvinism. Scriptures would help (you hadn't used any at all and this is the first post where you only posted 1 scripture. Make a statement, use scriptures to back up that statement.

You are trying to carry on a conversation you had with Nang, with others. Basically, you are talking about synergism, vs. monergism, as well as "What God did and what I did when I was saved."

Don't jump the gun. You can't jump in the middle of a conversation you had with one Calvinist, and then assume another will be able to understand where you are picking up from. In order to have this conversation with me, I'd want to go back to the beginning of it, like you did with Nang. My conversation would have to start with "What does Salvation mean?" For me, it isn't a prayer I prayed one day, though that was involved. There was a LOT more going on regarding Salvation, the day I believed.

NOBODY believes in your version of things GT. I've seen MAD, Calvinists, and Arminians ALL disagree with your version of things. You have a lot of private interpretations, so I'm not really interested in what you 'feel' or think. I'm interested in what you can prove, not assert. You aren't a 'proving' kind of person. You've used only one verse in this thread. The rest is all your assertions and emoting. Without God behind you? Not worth anything. Scripture is the ONLY thing with power and you don't use it :( Don't just mindlessly mishandle accusatory scriptures either, all of us can 'find' scriptures that condemn another, rather learn to use scripture to prove your points against any one Calvinist doctrine.

Because you rarely/never do? Nobody listens to you. I've still got you on ignore most of the time. You simply are not a workman approved.
2 Timothy 2:15

I just can't bring myself to read this, torturous.

I am trying desperately to read this...

'God behind me', are you okay?

I will try to read more later.

God's Truth

New member
Lon, I love debating God's Truth, but there are people I can barely force myself to debate. You are one of them, and Squeaky is another, EvilEye, Cherubram, Nihlio, Jacob, and some others.


Well-known member
I just can't bring myself to read this, torturous.
Typical. It is why I have you on ignore. Truth can hurt, but it is not meant to harm. You need some things and you need to do some things.

I am trying desperately to read this...

'God behind me', are you okay?
Do you argue just to argue, or are you in communion with God and His word when you are posting on TOL?
To me? Without scriptures coming to mind, it is just you. Me? I give scriptures.

Lon, I love debating God's Truth, but there are people I can barely force myself to debate. You are one of them, and Squeaky is another, EvilEye, Cherubram, Nihlio, Jacob, and some others.
I knew I wasn't alone by a long shot on that list. Many people entertain your debates. I endeavor to look at why the debate exists in the first place. I want to know what motivates another. I want to see if I can help them think better than just emoting over something. You don't have to be a Calvinist, few of us are. You do have to be a biblical thinker and that requires time in His Word, that it'd pour out of your thoughts readily. Matthew 4:4 Isaiah 55:11 Sometimes I have to look up a reference, but the more time you spend in God's Word, the more it should pour forth from your thoughts. A lot of TOLer's only do word searches instead of drawing from their rich time with the Lord Jesus Christ. When God is 'behind' your interactions on TOL, it will show. You bet, I'm okay for mentioning it. I generally know who has been doing their devotions in the morning and who hasn't. -Lon

God's Truth

New member
Typical. It is why I have you on ignore. Truth can hurt, but it is not meant to harm. You need some things and you need to do some things.


Do you argue just to argue, or are you in communion with God and His word when you are posting on TOL?
To me? Without scriptures coming to mind, it is just you. Me? I give scriptures.

I knew I wasn't alone by a long shot on that list. Many people entertain your debates. I endeavor to look at why the debate exists in the first place. I want to know what motivates another. I want to see if I can help them think better than just emoting over something. You don't have to be a Calvinist, few of us are. You do have to be a biblical thinker and that requires time in His Word, that it'd pour out of your thoughts readily. Matthew 4:4 Isaiah 55:11 Sometimes I have to look up a reference, but the more time you spend in God's Word, the more it should pour forth from your thoughts. A lot of TOLer's only do word searches instead of drawing from their rich time with the Lord Jesus Christ. When God is 'behind' your interactions on TOL, it will show. You bet, I'm okay for mentioning it. I generally know who has been doing their devotions in the morning and who hasn't. -Lon

First go God then go I.


New member
I knew I wasn't alone by a long shot on that list. Many people entertain your debates. I endeavor to look at why the debate exists in the first place. I want to know what motivates another. I want to see if I can help them think better than just emoting over something. You don't have to be a Calvinist, few of us are. You do have to be a biblical thinker and that requires time in His Word, that it'd pour out of your thoughts readily. Matthew 4:4 Isaiah 55:11 Sometimes I have to look up a reference, but the more time you spend in God's Word, the more it should pour forth from your thoughts. A lot of TOLer's only do word searches instead of drawing from their rich time with the Lord Jesus Christ. When God is 'behind' your interactions on TOL, it will show. You bet, I'm okay for mentioning it. I generally know who has been doing their devotions in the morning and who hasn't. -Lon

This from the deceiver who turns Universalism into unlimited atonement. You're not fooling anyone with your limited intellect derived from your limited atonement where Christ is turned into a bigot.


Well-known member
Everyone has a free will. It would not be possible to function in life without the ability to make choices and decisions. What do you think that you are a puppet and God is pulling your strings? Your post is insulting to common sense. I don't reject Jesus as you falsely accuse me of doing. I fully and completely accept the Jesus of the Bible. It is the Jesus of Calvinism that is a false Jesus that cannot atone for the sins of the world. You arguments are baseless and indicate that you are lost.

Numerous false statements, for instance "everyone has a freewill" not one scripture says that. Pateism teaches that sinners Christ has atoned for are still lost, hence denying that Christ's Death alone saved them He died for !

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Numerous false statements, for instance "everyone has a freewill" not one scripture says that. Pateism teaches that sinners Christ has atoned for are still lost, hence denying that Christ's Death alone saved them He died for !

Who was it that turned on you computer this morning? Was it God?
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