Calling all Open Theists for Feedback


I am probably the strongest Calvinist on this site, so you judge me wrongly. I am faithful to the Reformed Faith and their historic confessions of faith, which uphold the same Scriptural positions as myself.

So you not only wrongly accuse and judge me, but you wrongly accuse and judge an entire body of learned and faithful Christians . . . the very Church of Jesus Christ.

By so doing, you declare war on Christ's saints.

Mistakes noted here...

(1) You are discounting [MENTION=6696]Lon[/MENTION] and [MENTION=7209]Ask Mr. Religion[/MENTION]

(2) You didn't reply to a word of scripture or a word of the post that I made, except for the part where I was trying to connect with your desire to show that "Calvinism" is good.

(3) You have now equated "Calvinism" with the "Bride of Christ". Not only is this beyond Bull Business... but it is blasphemy. (1 Co. 1:13)

(4) You are confusing (John 5:39f) with (Theology)...

One is J-E-S-U-S... the other is M-A-N-'-S U-N-D-E-R-S-T-A-N-D-I-N-G O-F J-E-S-U-S.

You are Putting GOD in a

(5) You probably think I "hate" you... I do not! I wouldn't waist a positive character towards you if I discounted your scriptural usage and beliefs in the total nature of the matter.

Please read what I have written carefully... It is with Love and Sincerity in Jesus that I type it to you.

- All Grace to you,


Pretty Please... Reply to my previous post... Line by Line...

Okay... you are correct that Paul suggests this... but you are (2 Peter 3:16) at the moment. Paul does this ... (Ga. 4:24) ... You have to (Acts 17:11)... instead of... (Mt. 7:18)...

Your statement here is denouncing this... (1 Tim. 2:4)...

You are also denouncing this (Ho. 6:6 and Mt. 9:13)

I am not trying to be rude towards you, but I don't think that you are correct in the matters of "reformed" doctrine. What you are insinuating, contradicts this... (2 Co. 5:15)... and this... (Heb. 13:8). You are kind of marring the name "Calvinist".

(Psalm 136:1; 1 Co. 13; 1 John 4:8 and so on...) state that Jesus is Loving and (James 1:13) affirms this!

Mt. 5:44 says God forgives His enemies, because God is NEVER DUPLICITOUS.

You are forgetting this... (Psalm 141:9) ... which is linked to our Lord, God, Jesus Christ... Our Humble Messiah in (Luke 20:20)

If we, therefore, who are evil... are to detest such men that set snares to destroy people... (Mt. 7:11)... Then why would you proclaim God to have a nature that ensnares a person before they were created?

Please entertain my brief analogy...

You are God for a day... (You are creating everything)... You decide two matters... One... "Hell is eternal suffering"... and Two... "You want to specifically create people to eternally suffer."

You detest "Abortion", if I remember correctly. Let's say that one of the "Aborted" souls was one of those "vessels of wrath" that you are proposing "God Created for the purpose of eternal suffering."

Do you support torture of a human being in such a manner that it inflicts enormous emotional, physical and spiritual pain on them at the edge of a knife for 30 days straight?


No it isn't . . .

You have clearly missed my mode of communication with people that I am certain are beyond theological hope. You are not receiving it. My mode of communication towards people that are without Theological Hope is Utterly HARSH, BLUNT and WITHOUT ANY Courtesy.

Shall I gather that much like "Meshak"... you have no desire to "learn" and listen, but merely to regurgitate and discount?


Yes, a Son of the Most High.

The two of them comprise the holy Spirit manifest through humans.

We are the personification of the Spirit. Where we are, he is.

Why did you say what I placed in "RED"... do you believe He is an "Angel"... Exalted?


Jesus is the very first Son of God to be born again, the first of many.

He is the firstborn of the dead. (Colossians 1:18 KJV)

Are you messing with me?

Do you believe Jesus is Created... or do you know that He is the "First Born", because He... God the Son... (Rev. 4:2 ... Dt. 6:4) is the ONE to WHOM ALL of Creation BELONGS... (Per the Hebrew meaning of "First Born", in relationship to Inheritance)?

Do you believe that He is the Mighty Tri(3)Une(1) God?


Jesus was conceived and born of woman like any other human being.

He was born of woman and the first to be born of the Spirit.

Jesus is a joint-heir with us of the Father, his Father and our Father.

Jamie... Is the Son of God Infinite and Eternal?

- You force me to evaluate every word of your posts. You manage to pack 1000 lbs into a 1 lbs post!


New member
Jamie... Is the Son of God Infinite and Eternal?

Yes, but the first of the firstfruits.

Jesus was conceived as a son of God. We are not begotten as a son of God until baptism when we are raised up to walk with Christ in our new life. We will later be born of the Father at Christ's coming to establish his kingdom over all the earth.

The world to come is our world.

For unto the angels hath he not put in subjection the world to come, whereof we speak. But one in a certain place testified, saying, What is man, that thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that thou visitest him? Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands: Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him. But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. (Hebrews 2:5-8 KJV)​


Yes, but the first of the firstfruits.

Jesus was conceived as a son of God. We are not begotten as a son of God until baptism when we are raised up to walk with Christ in our new life. We will later be born of the Father at Christ's coming to establish his kingdom over all the earth.

The world to come is our world.

For unto the angels hath he not put in subjection the world to come, whereof we speak.*But one in a certain place testified, saying, What is man, that thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that thou visitest him?*Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands:*Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him.*But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.*(Hebrews 2:5-8)​

You've studied yourself INSANE! (Acts 26:24)

: )

- All respect and grace...



Seems scriptural to me!


Jamie... Is the Son of God Infinite and Eternal?

- You force me to evaluate every word of your posts. You manage to pack 1000 lbs into a 1 lbs post!

Yes, but the first of the firstfruits.

Jesus was conceived as a son of God. We are not begotten as a son of God until baptism when we are raised up to walk with Christ in our new life. We will later be born of the Father at Christ's coming to establish his kingdom over all the earth.

The world to come is our world.

For unto the angels hath he not put in subjection the world to come, whereof we speak. But one in a certain place testified, saying, What is man, that thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that thou visitest him? Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands: Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him. But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. (Hebrews 2:5-8 KJV)​

You also managed to avoid my earlier questions. Please find them and answer them, or I will have to deal with you harshly, because you do not support a biblical view of Jesus.

Thank you and final warning,

- EE

This is the kind of attitude I'm looking for... It has been manifested by many here. You do not usually carry it...

Prove all things...


EE is Jesus only, not a trinitarian.


I'm not even going to debate you. It would be wise that you left this thread. You are sneaking in and trying to cause "dis-unity'.

I claim the title TriUnitarian. He is Tri(3)Une(1).

But you would know that if you read anything I post. It is helpful to be able to show that God is Modal (ONE) and Tri (Three) ... to cast deceivers like yourself, aside... Please leave.

- Thank you


Eclectic Theosophist


You have exposed a matter that is utterly true, but is rooted in words that get thrown like stones at the ideas of men that Love, Honor and cherish God that is Utterly Absolute, Infinite, Limitless, Sovereign, Humble, Genuine and without "Equal".

Because I am wading out into the waters of exposing that I understand the "Spiritual" words that you use... I have one sincere request...

Thank you, I'd prefer to explore/expound upon the metaphysical/philosophical issues that the OV may infer or assume and the implications of that :) - there are still some aspects of it we've yet to explore. I think also if we take the total realm of 'science'(knowledge) as a whole there is more to consider AND that passages can be used to support any number of viewpoints, which is why the OV and other perspectives are challenging classical theist propositions or at least putting 'mofifiers' or 'qualifications' upon them, such as the extent of 'omniscience' in relation to free will choices.

Would you please answer these two questions with One word?

(1) ... Of all the words and god's that you have studied, which one came down from His eternal domain, walked among us and displayed that He would rather Die then spend Eternity without a single one of all of His created Sons and Daughters? (1 Tim. 2:4)

(2) ... Of all the names of god's that you have studied... what is the name of the TRUE GOD (Infinite Spirit and Origin of All) of gods that is our Creator, Salvation and limitless display of Love?

Is this relevant to the topic?

We know what you're trying to get me to say. Of course from a Christian viewpoint, the answer is JESUS. - You also know I've well versed and knowledgable about most of the aspects, schools and traditions within Christianity, and have always been 'Christian' in my orientation as far as religious philosophy goes, but not limited to the Christian tradition, since I also enjoy being a student of comparative religions (other world faith-traditions), and other schools of metaphysics, esoteric teaching, universal spirituality, etc. 'God' is truly 'One',...yet Truth has many different perspectives, as filtered thru so many different schools, minds, conceptual formats, terms and analogies. One Ocean, many rivers. One Sun, many rays. The INFINITE is truly INFINITE...and it includes all. - all dimensions, forms, interpretations, translations spring from within this Infinite ONE....and still the Infinite can never be fully contained, or defined.

In our recent and ongoing threads on the Unitarian/Trinitarian debate, I've held a more Unitarian 'perspective' for the sake of practical dialogue, my commentaries are many and can be accessed by any reader. Nothing to hide. I have explained myself so many times, it gets redundant. I do not idenfity as a 'Christian' in my religious affiliation here because I do not subscribe to what is passed off as 'Christianity' by many of the posters here, so do not feel to identify with such a 'label' or 'denomination', so 'Other' is just fine as Knight only supplied this alter-category for us more eclectic ones, and did not respond to a request for even putting 'Unitarian-Universalist' among the optioins to choose, so what can one do? Also, being a liberal, progressive ECLECTIC,... a 'label' isn't so important as it may be confusing or confining, but at least 'Unitarian-Universalist' is a broad label that can include a more eclectic person. So whatever.

I enjoy and have loved studying JESUS in many different schools on his person and teaching, within many different views of 'Christology',...and do not limit Jesus to any given one, as you cannot so limit the CHRIST of 'God'. If Jesus is so much as infinite as 'God' is infinite', this is even more true, so I refuse any dogmatic, pious, limited, so called and imposed 'orthodox' formulation or creed imposed on 'God' and 'Christ'. Within this context a more 'new-age', 'gnostic', or 'cosmic Christ' figure has angles and features more appealing or efficacious than a more rigid traditional-orthodox caricature of Jesus, but only in some aspects. The Essene Jesus also has some wonderful nuances, so you cannot peg or pigeonhole Jesus into anyone one hole, let alone the INFINITE. You cant put 'God' in a box. In a more loose sense, a theosophist is wholly non-dogmatic but studies universal wisdom and truth principles, laws of nature, psychology, spirituality, ethics, and esoteric science (the secret teachings and wisdom behind all religious traditions, myths and metaphor).

I just don't feel the need to PROFESS my faith in Jesus like a billboard for the approval of anyone, or to pass some religious test or sanction among peers, because my faith is very personal, and between me and God. - this goes for all sentient beings. I let my commentary speak for itself, and the wise and discerning ought be open to consider such and then remain open to continually understand, interpret and correlate those words, intuiting their essential meaning, correlating their principles, interpreting their values. Let the logos of soul and spirit speak for itself. 'God' does not need any apologists, we have enough self-proclaimed apologists within Christianity,...what 'God' does is speak thru his 'creative word'. I see him letting those who represent his Spirit, do the same thing. Interpret a persons logos with the spirit of truth, to discern what is being communicated (before prejudging, presuming or presupposing anything, lest you bear false witness against them and misrepresent them, something a few on this board have done to me, and a few persist in their ignorance).

JESUS is what He truly is, means, represents, embodies and communicates,...and that is all one needs to consider and know, and that knowledge will have its own value, import and effect. The pure in heart shall see 'God'. Only the Spirit is LIFE. - all else are but words, ideals, concepts, symbols, vanity. What is important is what is being communicated, and ultimately realized in consciousness. I've always been about 'creative dialogue' and 'expansion of consciousness',....holding positive religious values, based on goodness, truth and beauty, the classical higher ideals of religious philosophy, scientific study, the arts and humanities, the universal truths of the wisdom schools. Love has always been the way, since God is love. Henceforth 'Christ' is LOVE.

My views on JESUS are freely communicated, and can be thus judged as they are, since I do not reject anything written of him in the Bible or any other book, unless I espouse, explore and am studying a particular perspective or view at any given time, since all points of view are subject to CHANGE. I see a Unitarian or Trinitarian view of Jesus within Christianity as possible and acceptable, although I may not subscribe to any particular dogmatic creedal definition of the Trinity. Belief in a 'concept' cannot save you. Only faith in a living God.

Any half-baked bible student knows what the NT teaches about Jesus, but even these writings are subject to interpretation/translation, such is the case with any religious writings or theological discourse. I do not hold to a concept of 'biblical inerrancy or infallibility' and do not find such a 'belief' necessary to find meaning or value in biblical texts. I also do NOT limit 'God' to any one book or collection of books, because God cannot be so limited. So books or authors may also be better representations or communicators of truth than others. There are multiple viewpoints and perspective possible about any subject and this is always the case, unless we are postulating or meditating upon that reality which is forever unchanging it its essence and absoluteness of being (Diety itself).

Anyways,...I'd much prefer more personal matters and free form philososphical musings be shared on a thread dedicated to such, maybe my 'cosmic cafe' thread which serves more as a catalog-blog-thread, but for 'creative dialogue' as well. On this note, I'd like get back on topic here, - discussion on other subjects can be be taken to appropriate threads or in PM. Thank you.

Ask Mr. Religion

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Omniscience of God vs. Open Theism

Omniscience of God vs. Open Theism


There is a need to bottom out on some fundamentals related to open theism.

I wrote:
On the other hand, the non-open theist affirms that God knows past, present, and future equally vividly because His knowledge of past, present, and future is grounded in the fact that God has ordained all that has, is, or will happen. Hence, God genuinely knows. God does not predict the future based upon past and present knowledge, per the open theist, rather God knows the future for He has ordained all that has, is, or will happen.

You apparently affirm the above:
I actually agree with your cited "Non-open Theist" definition.

If you stand by your affirmation of the classical view of omniscience I have provided, then your claim to being an "open theist" is, well, just incorrect. It is a fundamental tenet of open theism that God does not, indeed cannot, know the future, for the open theist argues the future has not yet happened, so there is nothing for God to know. Hence, the openist will argue God is omniscient, meaning here that God knows all there is to know.

Further, per open theism, God has a thorough knowledge of past and present, and He knows us completely. This often enables God to have a good idea of what we will do, but until we do it, there are no guarantees. See, for example, David Basinger, “Can an Evangelical Christian Justifiably Deny God’s Exhaustive Knowledge of the Future?” CSR 25 (December 1995): 133-134.

God’s lack of knowledge about the future also means that, though God has hopes and plans for what will occur, He may need to scrap them and choose another course of action, once He sees what we do. See, Sanders, God Who Risks, pp. 230-235.

It seems from your post that you may be implying that God at one point actually did know all that would happen in the future, but somewhere along the lines gave Himself a lobotomy of sorts, willing Himself to forget what He knew, in favor of libertarian free will. It is as if, while God has ordained all that will happen (the classic view you apparently affirm), He now "will no longer remember" these things, and is now acting and reacting relationally with His creatures. Yet, that which God has ordained before "forgetting" it all, will in fact happen. It is just that God no longer remembers He ordained it all, yet being consistent with Himself, whatever actions He takes will ultimately comport with His previous ordaining decree. If this is your view, I do not see how this escapes the charge of illusory behavior on God's part.

It will help all concerned for you to make some explicit statements about what you are claiming. You plainly stated you agree with my classical definition of omniscience given earlier. How then do you claim God does not know the future, given that, per my definition, God knows the future because He ordained the future?



Thank you,
I'd prefer to explore/expound upon the metaphysical/philosophical issues that the OV may infer or assume and the implications of that :) - there are still some aspects of it we've yet to explore. I think also if we take the total realm of 'science'(knowledge) as a whole there is more to consider AND that passages can be used to support any number of viewpoints, which is why the OV and other perspectives are challenging classical theist propositions or at least putting 'mofifiers' or 'qualifications' upon them, such as the extent of 'omniscience' in relation to free will choices.

Is this relevant to the topic?

We know what you're trying to get me to say. Of course from a Christian viewpoint, the answer is JESUS. - You also know I've well versed and knowledgeable about most of the aspects, schools and traditions within Christianity, and have always been 'Christian' in my orientation as far as religious philosophy goes, but not limited to the Christian tradition, since I also enjoy being a student of comparative religions (other world faith-traditions), and other schools of metaphysics, esoteric teaching, universal spirituality, etc. 'God' is truly 'One',...yet Truth has many different perspectives, as filtered thru so many different schools, minds, conceptual formats, terms and analogies. One Ocean, many rivers. One Sun, many rays. The INFINITE is truly INFINITE...and it includes all. - all dimensions, forms, interpretations, translations spring from within this Infinite ONE....and still the Infinite can never be fully contained, or defined.

In our recent and ongoing threads on the Unitarian/Trinitarian debate, I've held a more Unitarian 'perspective' for the sake of practical dialogue, my commentaries are many and can be accessed by any reader. Nothing to hide. I have explained myself so many times, it gets redundant. I do not idenfity as a 'Christian' in my religious affiliation here because I do not subscribe to what is passed off as 'Christianity' by many of the posters here, so do not feel to identify with such a 'label' or 'denomination', so 'Other' is just fine as Knight only supplied this alter-category for us more eclectic ones, and did not respond to a request for even putting 'Unitarian-Universalist' among the optioins to choose, so what can one do? Also, being a liberal, progressive ECLECTIC,... a 'label' isn't so important as it may be confusing or confining, but at least 'Unitarian-Universalist' is a broad label that can include a more eclectic person. So whatever.

I enjoy and have loved studying JESUS in many different schools on his person and teaching, within many different views of 'Christology',...and do not limit Jesus to any given one, as you cannot so limit the CHRIST of 'God'. If Jesus is so much as infinite as 'God' is infinite', this is even more true, so I refuse any dogmatic, pious, limited, so called and imposed 'orthodox' formulation or creed imposed on 'God' and 'Christ'. Within this context a more 'new-age', 'gnostic', or 'cosmic Christ' figure has angles and features more appealing or efficacious than a more rigid traditional-orthodox caricature of Jesus, but only in some aspects. The Essene Jesus also has some wonderful nuances, so you cannot peg or pigeonhole Jesus into anyone one hole, let alone the INFINITE. You cant put 'God' in a box. In a more loose sense, a theosophist is wholly non-dogmatic but studies universal wisdom and truth principles, laws of nature, psychology, spirituality, ethics, and esoteric science (the secret teachings and wisdom behind all religious traditions, myths and metaphor).

I just don't feel the need to PROFESS my faith in Jesus like a billboard for the approval of anyone, or to pass some religious test or sanction among peers, because my faith is very personal, and between me and God. - this goes for all sentient beings. I let my commentary speak for itself, and the wise and discerning ought be open to consider such and then remain open to continually understand, interpret and correlate those words, intuiting their essential meaning, correlating their principles, interpreting their values. Let the logos of soul and spirit speak for itself. 'God' does not need any apologists, we have enough self-proclaimed apologists within Christianity,...what 'God' does is speak thru his 'creative word'. I see him letting those who represent his Spirit, do the same thing. Interpret a persons logos with the spirit of truth, to discern what is being communicated (before prejudging, presuming or presupposing anything, lest you bear false witness against them and misrepresent them, something a few on this board have done to me, and a few persist in their ignorance).

JESUS is what He truly is, means, represents, embodies and communicates,...and that is all one needs to consider and know, and that knowledge will have its own value, import and effect. The pure in heart shall see 'God'. Only the Spirit is LIFE. - all else are but words, ideals, concepts, symbols, vanity. What is important is what is being communicated, and ultimately realized in consciousness. I've always been about 'creative dialogue' and 'expansion of consciousness',....holding positive religious values, based on goodness, truth and beauty, the classical higher ideals of religious philosophy, scientific study, the arts and humanities, the universal truths of the wisdom schools. Love has always been the way, since God is love. Henceforth 'Christ' is LOVE.

My views on JESUS are freely communicated, and can be thus judged as they are, since I do not reject anything written of him in the Bible or any other book, unless I espouse, explore and am studying a particular perspective or view at any given time, since all points of view are subject to CHANGE. I see a Unitarian or Trinitarian view of Jesus within Christianity as possible and acceptable, although I may not subscribe to any particular dogmatic creedal definition of the Trinity. Belief in a 'concept' cannot save you. Only faith in a living God.

Any half-baked bible student knows what the NT teaches about Jesus, but even these writings are subject to interpretation/translation, such is the case with any religious writings or theological discourse. I do not hold to a concept of 'biblical inerrancy or infallibility' and do not find such a 'belief' necessary to find meaning or value in biblical texts. I also do NOT limit 'God' to any one book or collection of books, because God cannot be so limited. So books or authors may also be better representations or communicators of truth than others. There are multiple viewpoints and perspective possible about any subject and this is always the case, unless we are postulating or meditating upon that reality which is forever unchanging it its essence and absoluteness of being (Deity itself).

Anyways,...I'd much prefer more personal matters and free form philosophical musings be shared on a thread dedicated to such, maybe my 'cosmic cafe' thread which serves more as a catalog-blog-thread, but for 'creative dialogue' as well. On this note, I'd like get back on topic here, - discussion on other subjects can be be taken to appropriate threads or in PM. Thank you.

I can see it in your answer. It is there. The way you answered this is "controversial", but I see it. I was tempted to take the ToL color markup to it. But that wouldn't be honoring what you are.

I will simply be snarky and post one tiny scripture... (1 Co. 9:19f, 21f, 23)

Yup... John 8:36 and 2 Co. 4:6

- Evil.Eye.<(I)>
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