Calling all Open Theists for Feedback


Question answered, but PREDESTINATION Deleted from the SCOPE of Answer.

Question answered, but PREDESTINATION Deleted from the SCOPE of Answer.


I have read your posts directed towards me, including the linked content in them. Every word (over 8,000 words). This is why I have asked a very plain question as you do not seem willing to provide a perspicuous answer. The answer should not be difficult and will establish a common baseline for discussion.

I admit, I'm appreciative that you did read everything carefully. I am exceptionally disappointed to have my mornings work returned "Un-Quoted", but I will brush it off and move forward.

You are employing a debate style that I favor, and thus... my Hat is off to you AMR. If a biblical truth is indeed true... the yes or no stipulation must be exacted. Thus, I will do so.

However... When you say "Ordained" and such... you are speaking of a non-divine, linear thinking that predestines, makes everything a mechanical ride on a rail and imparts the ordination of Evil to God.

I was sincerely hoping for some direct quoting of my words. I said such many times.

I have no proof that you are trying to at the very least, understand what I am saying, and to make matters more frustrating, you are employing yes or no questions with Calvinistic predestination, embedded into them.

I don't like this type of questioning... slight of hand. It's like asking...

Is God Omnipresent, but only able to be at one place at a time? The very question is loaded to stoop the answer into failure. I refrain from this!

[COLOR="Do you believe God knows exactly each and every thought, word, or deed, that you or I will do in the remainders of our lives on this earth? [COLOR="#FF0000"]Not what we might do[/COLOR], but what in fact we will actually do. Simply, is the future settled as far as God's knowledge is concerned, in that God knows we will do these events even before we will actually do them?

I have noted an inadvertent denial of the ability of the Trinity to work together for a specific purpose written into your post (Highlighted in Red). This wording is reading as if God is UNE. You are questioning me as if you were a Modalist. I believe this is how classical reform is marginalizing Open Theism. It is a deceptive tactic and untrue to Open Theism. In other words... the Majority of Classical theists are purposefully mis-defining Open Theism to repress it with deception.

This is a matter that must be addressed by the collective theological community.

You are obfuscating my words and this is why I wanted you to quote and answer line by line. I specifically expounded on the large post to prevent this. There are specific matters you are inadvertently avoiding an address towards that are written into the previous post.

Instead of defining Omniscience... you are associating linear thinking, absolute predestination and false reality of a mechanical form into your questions wording.

The Trinities ability to work together for one purpose is being discounted by the reformed in light of OPEN VIEW to protect doctrines that impart the "Ordination of Evil" to God. I am now thoroughly convinced that deceptive wording is being employed by the classical and closed to prevent what is clearly a more scriptural view of He who SEPERATES LIGHT AND DARK AND never Ordained Evil.

To remain true to "Dispensation", The TriUnity and "Open Theism", while connecting to Reform (Classical Theology)... I will employ a direct yes and no answer scheme. However... I will employ a simple chart that acknowledges the TriUne nature of God and how it connects to your direct question that is specifically phrased to deny freewill and elevate the Calvinist doctrine of utter predestination. I have phrased my answer to respect [MENTION=3698]Tambora[/MENTION] 's explanation of Open Theism, with Dispensation in mind and the note that your very wording LIMITS God to Linear thinking, thus reducing His very Omnipotence.

I state that your total definition of Omniscience is linear and thus more limiting of God than Opentheisms Statement that God can Limit His Foreknowledge.

Tambora has addressed the quantum state of utter possibility to Omniscience... thus I insert her words in place of your highlighted in red words for my answers and retain that God is utterly omniscient, with the ability to limit His foreknowledge.

That's a pretty fair assessment.
Although it may be a tad misleading to state that GOD cannot know the future. Stating it that way can make it sound as though GOD cannot predict a future event and make it come about with any surety. And that is not what most of the OT here at TOL believe.

We believe that in GOD's perfect wisdom, He can calculate every possible outcome of any action, and therefore would know of every single outcome that could happen. And He can intervene when necessary to cause something to happen that He wants to happen.

Case in point:
GOD gives Jonah instructions to go to Nineveh.
Jonah doesn't want to and goes the other way.
GOD nudges a great fish to swallow up Jonah, and then spits him out 3 days and nights later.
Jonah says, "I'll get right on that, Lord", and heads straight for Nineveh.

See, that right there gives the impression that GOD cannot intervene to cause what He wants to happen, to happen.

We can have a guarantee of some things to happen in the future.
Those guarantees come from GOD, they are His oaths, and He will cause them to happen.
No time travel necessary to know it.

So to just say that the Open View says "GOD cannot know the future" or "cannot have any guarantees of the future" is greatly misleading of what the Open View actually teaches.

Yes = Full Omniscience. (A-Temporal Omniscience)
No = Limited Foreknowledge
Mediator = Person of Trinity that Mediates between the (A-Temporal) and the (Temporal) to Limit Foreknowledge and allow Free Will and Sincere, linear, relationship towards ALL Creation, while allowing Architectural intervention upon the needs of mankind and God's ultimate will.

View attachment 25497

A direct answer to the above should not require much in the form of an answer.

I hope this is sufficient as a direct answer. To affirm Dispensation, the TriUne Nature of God and Classical Theology with QUANTUM OMNISCIENCE taken into account, I hope this clarifies matters. I suspect I may be quoting full snippets from my (8000 Character) post towards your future response. "Time" will tell.

At the very least, could you please address this...?

I have a strong counter argument to why God Created as "Architect" (Father) and "Creator" (Son), While willingly limiting/choosing to be limited in foreknowledge (through the Son, though the Father retains ALL foreknowledge/Omniscience)... This would seem preposterous... but we have scriptural evidence that God can do this through His Son (Body)... Php. 2:5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.

It is this...

"Another point to bring in now... Testing vs. Tempting. This very theological information is crucial to get right! One tests and one tempts! Also... There is Father Tree theology and there is Son Tree Theology.

Tree of Life (Son, Fruit of the Spirit, Faith, Trust, God's Provision)

(Tree of The Knowledge O.G.A.E.) (Father, Perfection, Law, Omniscience, LORDSHIP, Provider)

Testing... (Dt. 8:2) ... Tempt... (James 1:13)

Why is this imperative?

Because if the "Memra" (Word) had "foreknowledge" in Creation and Time... Placing the tree of the Father Tree within the garden and knowing the outcome would simultaneously be Testing and Tempting. Any theology that fails to distinguish that the Logos (Word/Memra) had purpose and design set forth (John 10:37, 5:19), yet didn't have the foreknowledge of the outcome is defining God as The Tempter.

One model of theology is clearly lacking next to the other! Let's get blunt through analogy. Instead of the Father Tree and the Garden... we'll use the analogy of a Loaded Gun and a Locked room.

-One theology has God locking a 7 year old in a room with many toys... including a loaded gun, knowing full well the Gun will be used to bring self-harm. This would make God "Evil".

-The other theology has God creating everything in sincerity and through co-collaboration of Omniscience and Limited foreknowledge... that Free Will could reign. How did the omniscient Father prepare matters to ensure sincerity? Self Saccrifice that would pay for the presence of the Loaded Gun and simultaneously allow... (Switching back to Spiritual Verbiage) Sincerity and Fertile soil of Love, with utter provision for all possible outcomes.

Two Trees...

But that would mean that the Father was the "Architect" and the Son was the "Builder"! Yup! The Architect Planned Sincerely and Perfectly and the "Builder" Built Perfectly! No Right hand hiding it's intentions from the Left hand... GOD is never a LEFT HAND! God is ONE!"

And so... I leave you with these questions...

Is God now, not Tri? Father, Son and Holy Spirit?

When did the Son, who we both Agree... per. (Col. 1:15, 16f, 18) is the Physical Creator ... "Finish Creation"?
My proposed Answer: (John 19:30 and Hebrews 4 tied to Gen. 2:2 and (Luke 14:28f, 30) ... In other words... The Father designed it and willed it... and the Son Created it and maintained it...

I suggest that God has allowed the form of Himself that is directly interactive with Mankind to be limited in foreknowledge to experience genuine relationship and provide free will, without being "responsible" for it's abuse. I further propose that He paid the price for providing Free Will, that Love could be "Genuinely" manifested from our Hearts to Him. After all... (Ephesians 1:4 and 1 Peter 1:20 ... Also ... Romans 8:9)
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Why bug me?

EE likes on topic posts.

Enjoy the thread.

I have to give recognition towards the humor in your word for word quote. All blessings. You are more than welcome to support or counter my stance in this thread. I understand your debate style more clearly and I am struggling to be less of a pain to people like yourself, who exalt Jesus, Salvation by Grace and the TriUnity or more commonly referred to Trinity.

- EE

And... :thumb:

Right Divider

Body part
There you go.
My apologies to EE for remaining off topic for just a moment, but I felt like a better explanation was due.

This is the part of EE's post that Nang the omniscient quoted:
It is with Love and Sincerity in Jesus that I type it to you.
And this was her arrogant response:
No it isn't . . .
Now we all know that apart from EE himself, only God could possibly know what Nang claims to know.

This is the typical attitude of arrogance that she displays here on TOL.

Eagles Wings

New member
My apologies to EE for remaining off topic for just a moment, but I felt like a better explanation was due.

This is the part of EE's post that Nang the omniscient quoted:

And this was her arrogant response:

Now we all know that apart from EE himself, only God could possibly know what Nang claims to know.

This is the typical attitude of arrogance that she displays here on TOL.


TOL Subscriber
My apologies to EE for remaining off topic for just a moment, but I felt like a better explanation was due.

This is the part of EE's post that Nang the omniscient quoted:

And this was her arrogant response:

Now we all know that apart from EE himself, only God could possibly know what Nang claims to know.

This is the typical attitude of arrogance that she displays here on TOL.

Only God knows if I was being arrogant or not. Maybe I was being spiritually discerning?

According to you, you cannot know one way the other, can you?

So stop blindly interrupting the thread . . .


Eclectic Theosophist
A few points to consider....

A few points to consider....

Just a few thoughts to nibble on regarding omniscience -

1. Maybe God cannot limit his omniscience if knowing is already always a part of his inherent nature, as much as that nature permeates the whole of existence, all space and time, so what advantage would God have or what purpose would there be for him to limit (modify or change) any aspect of his divine attributes or qualities of Being? If He is already OMNISCIENT,...why change or modify that? - is this just something finite beings are projecting on God, to fit their own theology and philosophical reasoning? (how much of our theology is making 'God' in our own 'imagination'? - the old mirror-analogy). - seems we're imposing on God our terms and qualifications of knowledge modified by our sense of 'time' :think:

2. Also ...... there are theologians and philosophers who posit that even if God does have complete knowledge of all that ever can or will be (in the classical theistic sense), that this does not annul or abrogate genuine freedom of choice. I've yet to ponder on the reasons or rationale on this particular, but will research it more :) - Can we have true freedom of choice, even if God already KNOWS all, already? - Many in OV assume God CANNOT know the future, because it doesn't exist, but couldn't it exist to God, His infinite Being SEEING all that is past, present and future simultaneously? The question here is just how omniscient is God, and is his knowledge limited by space or time? Or is this just the case with our perceptions, hence we ASSUMING that God's knowledge is limited as ours is :think:

this busts the door open in any metaphysics and philosophy involved in our inquiry. - it also opens up to what scientific projects have discovered concerning true 'randomness' and an 'uncertainty principle' which seems to support that our own free will choices or 'direction of consciousness' DOES affect how we interpret and coordinate the reality we 'experience'. - the plot thickens :) - maybe we are to some degree, co-creators with 'God' in the great cosmic Matrix ;)


Well-known member
Have you ever noticed that those that believe in "unconditional election" are always the ones that believe that they are on the favorable side of the coin toss?

Whichever version of Calvinism we are talking about, I see your point. On the other side, is anyone that has called upon the Name of the Lord and wondered why the world at large doesn't come to Him. Are they insane? Even some with an empathetic heart, who I would think would be first in line after hearing of Our Lord Jesus Christ's sacrifice. For me, I do believe Grace is Amazing, so stubborn, it struck Saul blind that he should see. -Lon


Literal lunatic
Whichever version of Calvinism we are talking about, I see your point. On the other side, is anyone that has called upon the Name of the Lord and wondered why the world at large doesn't come to Him. Are they insane? Even some with an empathetic heart, who I would think would be first in line after hearing of Our Lord Jesus Christ's sacrifice. For me, I do believe Grace is Amazing, so stubborn, it struck Saul blind that he should see. -Lon

Daniel 4:35
And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?


Literal lunatic
Daniel 4:35
And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?

Oh and Lon, didn't them demons ask Jesus what he was doin?

Matthew 8:29
And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?

Just wonderin', if Jesus is God, how was they able to do that?:think:

patrick jane

Oh and Lon, didn't them demons ask Jesus what he was doin?

Matthew 8:29
And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?

Just wonderin', if Jesus is God, how was they able to do that?:think:
Jesus is God, the Bible clearly tells us so.


Well-known member
I admit, I'm appreciative that you did read everything carefully. I am exceptionally disappointed to have my mornings work returned "Un-Quoted", but I will brush it off and move forward.
I think I understand that. I have been helping some dear friends move today. I always want someone to read through my thoughts and help me hone them as well give more detailed feedback. You are straddling two worlds of theology and would like to see if they can come together. I think it a noble desire. I will try, but I'm exhausted this eveninghyjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjju (my cat typed that, he's all thumbs, picture of him on my user-page, you'd think that he'd have pity on me, sore and all, I believe God foreknew this).

You are employing a debate style that I favor, and thus... my Hat is off to you AMR. If a biblical truth is indeed true... the yes or no stipulation must be exacted. Thus, I will do so.
I often try to trim, so those reading along can get the Reader's Digest version without all the heavy reading. Sometimes just jumping to a definitive point alleviates the need of readers to traverse the same things we already have. Not only do you and I have to reread everything, anyone reading along does too. I try and exercise mercy. AMR is trying to corner you on a Yes/No. He isn't being deceptive, but rather wanting to know if you embrace the classical definition, or the OV definition. His concern is to see if you are an Open Theist, or rather a time-honored orthodox theist. He is trying to be of service to you because he is seeing you have a bit of inconsistency and simply asking questions will help him expedite the need for long posts. That said, I too often avoid 'yes/no' questions because they don't exactly fit me. I know they fit the guy/gal asking the question. A good part of the time, I share your same aversion and go for longer posts as well. Often we get accused of being elusive as much as the other is suspected of a devious question. More often than not, my reply is "I can answer yes or no, but the answer will not actually give you the information you are looking for 'about me.'"
However... When you say "Ordained" and such... you are speaking of a non-divine, linear thinking that predestines, makes everything a mechanical ride on a rail and imparts the ordination of Evil to God.

I was sincerely hoping for some direct quoting of my words. I said such many times.

I have no proof that you are trying to at the very least, understand what I am saying, and to make matters more frustrating, you are employing yes or no questions with Calvinistic predestination, embedded into them.
Yeah, I think we either employ faith in the other person, or we reiterate our request. Pleading and begging isn't beneath me.

I don't like this type of questioning... slight of hand. It's like asking...

Is God Omnipresent, but only able to be at one place at a time? The very question is loaded to stoop the answer into failure. I refrain from this!

I have noted an inadvertent denial of the ability of the Trinity to work together for a specific purpose written into your post (Highlighted in Red). This wording is reading as if God is UNE. You are questioning me as if you were a Modalist. I believe this is how classical reform is marginalizing Open Theism. It is a deceptive tactic and untrue to Open Theism. In other words... the Majority of Classical theists are purposefully mis-defining Open Theism to repress it with deception.
Rather, I think you are working on reconciliation of two ideas: God who knows, and the Son who didn't or yet doesn't.
My answer to this, was that all things move, and have their being from Christ alone Acts 17:28 Colossians 1:17 Not any one thing John 15:5

I didn't go further in my thoughts concerning the Son's omniscience: I think, in the flesh, the Son didn't exercise full knowledge, and I believe the Father did only know the day and hour. However, in His glorified state, I believe He knows all now.

This is a matter that must be addressed by the collective theological community.
There has been a lot of discussion between Open Theism and the rest of Christianity. You can find articles from ten years ago in major Christian publications.
You are obfuscating my words and this is why I wanted you to quote and answer line by line. I specifically expounded on the large post to prevent this. There are specific matters you are inadvertently avoiding an address towards that are written into the previous post.

Instead of defining Omniscience... you are associating linear thinking, absolute predestination and false reality of a mechanical form into your questions wording.

The Trinities ability to work together for one purpose is being discounted by the reformed in light of OPEN VIEW to protect doctrines that impart the "Ordination of Evil" to God. I am now thoroughly convinced that deceptive wording is being employed by the classical and closed to prevent what is clearly a more scriptural view of He who SEPERATES LIGHT AND DARK AND never Ordained Evil.
I don't believe ordaining the same as creating or desiring. In fact, it cannot mean that as I understand the nature of God. I often go to the parable of the wheat and tares: Someone sowed seed in the Owner's field. He was aware of it, but didn't stop it and didn't want it. Ordained, means He knew but He had a plan. It does mean foreknowledge. In a nutshell, I don't believe exhaustive foreknowledge logically has to equate any troubling conclusion. Some Calvinists do equate it. I disagree with them.

To remain true to "Dispensation", The TriUnity and "Open Theism", while connecting to Reform (Classical Theology)... I will employ a direct yes and no answer scheme. However... I will employ a simple chart that acknowledges the TriUne nature of God and how it connects to your direct question that is specifically phrased to deny freewill and elevate the Calvinist doctrine of utter predestination. I have phrased my answer to respect @Tambora 's explanation of Open Theism, with Dispensation in mind and the note that your very wording LIMITS God to Linear thinking, thus reducing His very Omnipotence.
I'm not sure I can unpack this. It sounds like you are saying you are trying to come to a position that honors all your understandings, including Reformed and Open Theology. Some will tell you it cannot be done, but there is a long history of exactly that (see Molinism).
I am not a molinist. Calvinists aren't molinists. Open Theists aren't molinists, but Knight, in my one-on-one discussion with him (I was not knowledgeable back then), evidenced a version of molinism in his examples.

I state that your total definition of Omniscience is linear and thus more limiting of God than Opentheisms Statement that God can Limit His Foreknowledge.

Tambora has addressed the quantum state of utter possibility to Omniscience... thus I insert her words in place of your highlighted in red words for my answers and retain that God is utterly omniscient, with the ability to limit His foreknowledge.

That's a pretty fair assessment.
Although it may be a tad misleading to state that GOD cannot know the future. Stating it that way can make it sound as though GOD cannot predict a future event and make it come about with any surety. And that is not what most of the OT here at TOL believe.
Actually, that is exactly what they believe. One of the 3 men who brought about Open Theism to the main, Sanders, wrote: "God can make mistakes," in The God Who Risks. Enyart had stated that he rather believed God risks, but is a "Master Chessplayer," so a 'mistake' is rather a 'jeapordy' but being a master at His work, He can compensate. Godrulz, one of the Open Theists on TOL, says similarly that "God is omnicompetent."

We believe that in GOD's perfect wisdom, He can calculate every possible outcome of any action, and therefore would know of every single outcome that could happen. And He can intervene when necessary to cause something to happen that He wants to happen.
:think: This is Molinism rather than Open Theology.

Case in point:
GOD gives Jonah instructions to go to Nineveh.
Jonah doesn't want to and goes the other way.
GOD nudges a great fish to swallow up Jonah, and then spits him out 3 days and nights later.
Jonah says, "I'll get right on that, Lord", and heads straight for Nineveh.

See, that right there gives the impression that GOD cannot intervene to cause what He wants to happen, to happen.
Or vice-versa. I assume God ordains to happen what is necessary to reform Jonah and Jonah's heart (depends on if you read the story where Nineveh is the focus, or Jonah, or both). The important thing to notice is that we all assume a bit from our respective theologies. For me, see Jonah 4:1-3 (see Jonah 4:11 btw, God cares about animals, even my goofy cat, his mother and father were brother and sister I'm afraid. He has like eight toes on his front feet and is not quite right in the head).

We can have a guarantee of some things to happen in the future.
Those guarantees come from GOD, they are His oaths, and He will cause them to happen. See
No time travel necessary to know it.
This is Open Theism, rather than molinism. You are conflating a lot of incongruent theologies. I admire the attempt, but they are incongruent.

So to just say that the Open View says "GOD cannot know the future" or "cannot have any guarantees of the future" is greatly misleading of what the Open View actually teaches.
The "cannot" is rather 'will not' due to His limiting His own foreknowledge purposefully by allowing freewill. There are centuries of trying to understand philosophically how foreknowledge and freewill can co-exist. Molinism is this: I get an almanac from the future. In it, I know many things that will happen. The reason everyone had freewill is because I have absolutely no power to have influenced their decisions, BUT molinism is a bit like the idea that I could change some things if I wanted to change an outcome.
Yes = Full Omniscience. (A-Temporal Omniscience)
That would be Open Theism, but they believe rather an omniscience that 'knows all that is knowable' rather than what isn't knowable. Because the future "isn't knowable" they say, "then God is omniscient because it isn't a scope ascribed to omniscience as an actuality." IOW, they believe the traditionally understood concept of 'omniscience' is illogically over-reaching.
No = Limited Foreknowledge
If you mean it like the Open Theist, then you'd be Open Theist. If you mean it like the molinist, it isn't a tenant of Open Theism. A hybrid? Would take a lot of reinventing the wheel and I'm not sure what the new theology would be called.
Mediator = Person of Trinity that Mediates between the (A-Temporal) and the (Temporal) to Limit Foreknowledge and allow Free Will and Sincere, linear, relationship towards ALL Creation, while allowing Architectural intervention upon the needs of mankind and God's ultimate will.

View attachment 25497

I hope this is sufficient as a direct answer. To affirm Dispensation, the TriUne Nature of God and Classical Theology with QUANTUM OMNISCIENCE taken into account, I hope this clarifies matters. I suspect I may be quoting full snippets from my (8000 Character) post towards your future response. "Time" will tell.

At the very least, could you please address this...?

I have a strong counter argument to why God Created as "Architect" (Father) and "Creator" (Son), While willingly limiting/choosing to be limited in foreknowledge (through the Son, though the Father retains ALL foreknowledge/Omniscience)... This would seem preposterous... but we have scriptural evidence that God can do this through His Son (Body)... Php. 2:5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.

It is this...

"Another point to bring in now... Testing vs. Tempting. This very theological information is crucial to get right! One tests and one tempts! Also... There is Father Tree theology and there is Son Tree Theology.
Not understanding this. It isn't clear to me, not above or following:

Tree of Life (Son, Fruit of the Spirit, Faith, Trust, God's Provision)

(Tree of The Knowledge O.G.A.E.) (Father, Perfection, Law, Omniscience, LORDSHIP, Provider)

Testing... (Dt. 8:2) ... Tempt... (James 1:13)

Why is this imperative?

Because if the "Memra" (Word) had "foreknowledge" in Creation and Time... Placing the tree of the Father Tree within the garden and knowing the outcome would simultaneously be Testing and Tempting. Any theology that fails to distinguish that the Logos (Word/Memra) had purpose and design set forth (John 10:37, 5:19), yet didn't have the foreknowledge of the outcome is defining God as The Tempter.
I think Memra fine (linked if someone is interested) when talking to Jews or proselytes or Messianic Jews, or Judaizers. I'm not sure it always conveys well in discussion though. Most people know "Logos" rather than the apologist ideas from Jews for Jesus et al.

One model of theology is clearly lacking next to the other! Let's get blunt through analogy. Instead of the Father Tree and the Garden... we'll use the analogy of a Loaded Gun and a Locked room.

-One theology has God locking a 7 year old in a room with many toys... including a loaded gun, knowing full well the Gun will be used to bring self-harm. This would make God "Evil".

-The other theology has God creating everything in sincerity and through co-collaboration of Omniscience and Limited foreknowledge... that Free Will could reign. How did the omniscient Father prepare matters to ensure sincerity? Self Saccrifice that would pay for the presence of the Loaded Gun and simultaneously allow... (Switching back to Spiritual Verbiage) Sincerity and Fertile soil of Love, with utter provision for all possible outcomes.

Two Trees...

But that would mean that the Father was the "Architect" and the Son was the "Builder"! Yup! The Architect Planned Sincerely and Perfectly and the "Builder" Built Perfectly! No Right hand hiding it's intentions from the Left hand... GOD is never a LEFT HAND! God is ONE!"

And so... I leave you with these questions...

Is God now, not Tri? Father, Son and Holy Spirit?

When did the Son, who we both Agree... per. (Col. 1:15, 16f, 18) is the Physical Creator ... "Finish Creation"?
My proposed Answer: (John 19:30 and Hebrews 4 tied to Gen. 2:2 and (Luke 14:28f, 30) ... In other words... The Father designed it and willed it... and the Son Created it and maintained it...

I suggest that God has allowed the form of Himself that is directly interactive with Mankind to be limited in foreknowledge to experience genuine relationship and provide free will, without being "responsible" for it's abuse. I further propose that He paid the price for providing Free Will, that Love could be "Genuinely" manifested from our Hearts to Him. After all... (Ephesians 1:4 and 1 Peter 1:20 ... Also ... Romans 8:9)

Realize, however, that simply limiting the Lord Jesus Christ's knowledge, doesn't negate that the Father has it, thus logically, you are back to square one. I think that's why it hasn't been postulated before. It just "passes the buck" as it were. Not a poor attempt, I just don't believe it works. In Him -Lon
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Well-known member
Oh and Lon, didn't them demons ask Jesus what he was doin?

Matthew 8:29
And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?

Just wonderin', if Jesus is God, how was they able to do that?:think:

Good question. I thought of Job when I first considered this, how that Satan was privy to the plans of God concerning the earth. There was nothing he could do without permission. I'd suspect, coupled with your prior post, this is what you are suggesting as well. Good comments and questions. -Lon


Literal lunatic
Good question. I thought of Job when I first considered this, how that Satan was privy to the plans of God concerning the earth. There was nothing he could do without permission. I'd suspect, coupled with your prior post, this is what you are suggesting as well. Good comments and questions. -Lon

Well, yeah.

I've done a bit of walkin' up and down, to and fro in this ole earth m'self.