Calling all Open Theists for Feedback



My words you quote here, define the doctrine of Election as it is revealed in Ephesians 1:3-6. It is only by being chosen for redemption in Christ, and by the grace of God, that any of us are accepted in the Beloved. (vs 6)

Election has to do with God saving sinners . . not God declaring some righteous before creation. (B57 might teach this, but it is not the orthodox Reformed view.)

Paul, in the next chapter makes this clear. He teaches we are all sinners and dead in our trespasses; without any righteousness at all. Ephesians 2:1-10

Only by the will and grace of God are we imputed with Christ's righteousness unto salvation. That is why Paul says in Eph. 2:10, that those elected unto redemption are "His workmanship."

Ephesians 2:8f is kind of a grail for me! I don't venerate scripture... as Jesus is the WORD... but then again... I venerate scripture as the only means that we should build theology with, via (1 John 2:27 and John 5:39f)

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.

This set of two verses is a power house to open many eyes when in actual face to face discussion.

We simply (Exodus 14:14 ... John 3:16) ... that's our part! We either do... or we don't. It is "Belief" in His "Faithfulness and Love" that He would bountifully give this gift to all mankind. It is a "choice".

You wouldn't rearrange the works portion of this verse, or the faith portion... would you? As in say it's His Faith... so we are then defined by "our works"... would you?

You wouldn't look to the flesh of a believer... would you? As in see a James 2... impoverished in the flesh... falling apart... condemn-able sinner by carnal judgment... that is in transgression of the old covenant... in any way... would you?

You wouldn't negate His limitless grace to a specific group of people, would you? You would never call a group of people "Reprobate" by any standard... outside of their rejection of Jesus Christ as Lord, God and Savior... and their preaching against His being God, Lord or Savior... would you?

Are we not all Beggars declared Prince's and Princesses that were shown where the Kings storehouse is and given a Key to His castle, by His Love, Alone... destined to show as many fellow beggars that the key and storehouse are free?


Well-known member
Open Theism must understand the Omni's of God

Open Theism must understand the Omni's of God

God, logically and necessarily is outside of time, and I will prove it logically.
If God isn't constrained by time unidirectionally, as the Open Theist claims He is, the foundation of Open Theology, Mormonism, and a good many other philosophies or theologies, crumbles.

I am not attempting to trample anyone's theology, but it will do so. Reader beware.

Most of us understand that something or someone has always had to exist, eternally.
What is eternal, cannot be contained in temporal. Scripture says the heavens are His throne, the earth His footstool, that He is from eternity to eternity, that absolutely not one thing that is or can be made, is capable of existing without Him.
God is eternal (like a line), no analogy can describe this because everything but our life in Him (like a ray), is finite, can be measured, has limitation(like a segment).
God is immeasurable, thus this analogy will only help one apprehend why God necessarily is not experiencing time as we do.

Finite analogy of the infinite: If a jar and all contents were analogous of God, and even by Open View description, all inside the jar is known by God. There literally can be nothing new in the jar. There is no room and anything added would necessarily come from outside the jar, thus God would be a product of a larger God, if the OV were correct.

Open Theists claim that God experiences time unidirectional. They have to believe this or the whole framework of Open Theism falls. Why? Because God would be Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent. The Open Theist claims that the rest of us are influenced by Greek philosophy. This is incorrect: we are 'logical' as the Greeks were 'logical' rather. It is a strawman. My only reason for bringing it up, is to show that logic works, no matter who thinks logically. Even if they are Greeks.
Proof that God is outside of time by analogy and logic:
Time must move unidirectionally. There is no such thing as going back in time. Open Theism agrees with this and in fact, it is their logical hallmark that suggests God must move unidirectionally move through time too. "What happened 'before' God created?" they ask. "Before" is a 'created' and limited question imposed on the question, however.

Time and the conception of time is 1) physically constrained 2) a physical perception 3) a random variable between two points 4) forces finite concepts upon the infinite and an infinite God.
In order for anyone to tell you the time, time has to have passed, else "it would always be noon." What changes from noon to 2 PM? Physical movement and that alone. The perception and framework of time has to do with mathematic numerals (something to measure), and is nearly the same as our concept of lines, segments, and rays.

Time is a segment or series of limited segments. No time A, No time B nor duration.
<____________________________> Line bi-durative infinite
.____________________________> Ray finite to durative infinite
.____________________________. Segment finite with some durative properties
God has no beginning. It is an accepted truth because 1) scriptures says so 2) obvious logical sense says so 3) all of Christendom agrees
A nonbeginning logically is at least bi-durative. Clocks cannot go back in time. Only reference points can be understood from what is past. We cannot go back there, but it requires a time-stamp/date. God has none. He CANNOT be merely unidirectional. He is at least bi-durational, thus timeless. The only point of interaction between God and man is because He places Himself within our time-frame. We are unidirectional, thus His interaction is unidirectional at least as far as we perceive it.

Whatever God's extent (He has none, but we cannot conceive other than as finite beings, the infinite), He says there is nothing beside Him nor will there ever be.
As part of the jar analogy, think of a jar that can become larger, but the contents are always the same inside the jar. Even a vaccum created is but the energy difference, no change. God must certainly know all elements of His 'finite' creation else it would necessarily have to come from outside of Himself and He could no longer be God. Greek? Yes, but I didn't read this from a Greek, I found it doing mathematics in relation to infinite quantities.
Therefore, God possesses all omni's by necessity else something else would be His God. This is scripturally true. It is logically true. It is mathematically true.


TOL Subscriber
Ephesians 2:8f is kind of a grail for me! I don't venerate scripture... as Jesus is the WORD... but then again... I venerate scripture as the only means that we should build theology with, via (1 John 2:27 and John 5:39f)

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.

This set of two verses is a power house to open many eyes when in actual face to face discussion.

We simply (Exodus 14:14 ... John 3:16) ... that's our part! We either do... or we don't. It is "Belief" in His "Faithfulness and Love" that He would bountifully give this gift to all mankind. It is a "choice".

You wouldn't rearrange the works portion of this verse, or the faith portion... would you? As in say it's His Faith... so we are then defined by "our works"... would you?

You wouldn't look to the flesh of a believer... would you? As in see a James 2... impoverished in the flesh... falling apart... condemn-able sinner by carnal judgment... that is in transgression of the old covenant... in any way... would you?

You wouldn't negate His limitless grace to a specific group of people, would you? You would never call a group of people "Reprobate" by any standard... outside of their rejection of Jesus Christ as Lord, God and Savior... and their preaching against His being God, Lord or Savior... would you?

Are we not all Beggars declared Prince's and Princesses that were shown where the Kings storehouse is and given a Key to His castle, by His Love, Alone... destined to show as many fellow beggars that the key and storehouse are free?

The sidebar exchange I had with Nick M was simply to clarify his error of conflating two doctrines into one of my earlier posts.

He claimed I was referring to saved sinners possessing eternal righteousness (aka the wrong doctrine of "Eternal Justification") which I do not believe, when I was instead referring to the doctrine of Election, which I do believe.

Two different subjects, which Nick M unfortunately does not comprehend.

Your attempt to add to his confusion, is duly noted . . .
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God, logically and necessarily is outside of time, and I will prove it logically.
If God isn't constrained by time unidirectionally, as the Open Theist claims He is, the foundation of Open Theology, Mormonism, and a good many other philosophies or theologies, crumbles.

I am not attempting to trample anyone's theology, but it will do so. Reader beware.

Most of us understand that something or someone has always had to exist, eternally.
What is eternal, cannot be contained in temporal. Scripture says the heavens are His throne, the earth His footstool, that He is from eternity to eternity, that absolutely not one thing that is or can be made, is capable of existing without Him.
God is eternal (like a line), no analogy can describe this because everything but our life in Him (like a ray), is finite, can be measured, has limitation(like a segment).
God is immeasurable, thus this analogy will only help one apprehend why God necessarily is not experiencing time as we do.

Finite analogy of the infinite: If a jar and all contents were analogous of God, and even by Open View description, all inside the jar is known by God. There literally can be nothing new in the jar. There is no room and anything added would necessarily come from outside the jar, thus God would be a product of a larger God, if the OV were correct.

Open Theists claim that God experiences time unidirectional. They have to believe this or the whole framework of Open Theism falls. Why? Because God would be Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent. The Open Theist claims that the rest of us are influenced by Greek philosophy. This is incorrect: we are 'logical' as the Greeks were 'logical' rather. It is a strawman. My only reason for bringing it up, is to show that logic works, no matter who thinks logically. Even if they are Greeks.
Proof that God is outside of time by analogy and logic:
Time must move unidirectionally. There is no such thing as going back in time. Open Theism agrees with this and in fact, it is their logical hallmark that suggests God must move unidirectionally move through time too. "What happened 'before' God created?" they ask. "Before" is a 'created' and limited question imposed on the question, however.

Time and the conception of time is 1) physically constrained 2) a physical perception 3) a random variable between two points 4) forces finite concepts upon the infinite and an infinite God.
In order for anyone to tell you the time, time has to have passed, else "it would always be noon." What changes from noon to 2 PM? Physical movement and that alone. The perception and framework of time has to do with mathematic numerals (something to measure), and is nearly the same as our concept of lines, segments, and rays.

Time is a segment or series of limited segments. No time A, No time B nor duration.
<____________________________> Line bi-durative infinite
.____________________________> Ray finite to durative infinite
.____________________________. Segment finite with some durative properties
God has no beginning. It is an accepted truth because 1) scriptures says so 2) obvious logical sense says so 3) all of Christendom agrees
A nonbeginning logically is at least bi-durative. Clocks cannot go back in time. Only reference points can be understood from what is past. We cannot go back there, but it requires a time-stamp/date. God has none. He CANNOT be merely unidirectional. He is at least bi-durational, thus timeless. The only point of interaction between God and man is because He places Himself within our time-frame. We are unidirectional, thus His interaction is unidirectional at least as far as we perceive it.

Whatever God's extent (He has none, but we cannot conceive other than as finite beings, the infinite), He says there is nothing beside Him nor will there ever be.
As part of the jar analogy, think of a jar that can become larger, but the contents are always the same inside the jar. Even a vaccum created is but the energy difference, no change. God must certainly know all elements of His 'finite' creation else it would necessarily have to come from outside of Himself and He could no longer be God. Greek? Yes, but I didn't read this from a Greek, I found it doing mathematics in relation to infinite quantities.
Therefore, God possesses all omni's by necessity else something else would be His God.
This is scripturally true. It is logically true. It is mathematically true.

Hi Lon,

You haven't trampled Open Theism... I haven't met a single Open Theist that denies God is "Outside" of time.

The Open Theist expresses that the GodHead and God's Omnipresence affords Him the Divine ability to simultaneously experience Infinity and finite time at the same time.

If you would kindly read through what I have written to AMR Link Here... you will see that nothing I am saying is in disagreement with what you have said... except a possible... misunderstanding... on your part and apparently most of Christindom's part... about what Open Theist's believe.

You say God can't experience time on a linear scale... yet we see that the "Logos" became flesh and related to us in a linear time or temporal fashion.

I Love you very much, but I have been writing this all along....

I have been asserting that the GodHead allows God to be A-Temporal (Beyond Time) and simultaneously Temporal (within Time/Creation).... As in (Gen. 1:3 + John 8:12 = Body/Logos/Physical Presence of God... Placed within time.) ... in spoilers to AMR I explain how the Holy Spirit (Of Christ) is now our Temporal relational Presence of God. His Body is in heaven... After All.

The Logos is identified as the Pillar of fire, Glory before Moses, Cloud, Rock, and so on... the very... reoccurring theophanie throughout all scripture.

Please read what I wrote to AMR... I doubt any Open Theist would disagree with me that God is A-Twmporal and Simultaneously Temporal.

Open Theism focuses on the Temporal presence of God that we relate to... My linked post to AMR will get you up to speed.

- All Love and Grace...

- EE


TOL Subscriber
Said another way, God created them to go to hell and suffer and they deserve it because God said so, not because of what the person will do.

It gets worse. She rejects that sin was forgiven at the cross.

You remain completely off base with your reactions to my posts, because you do not comprehend the doctrine of Election that is founded upon God's love and foreknowledge of particular people, as taught in Romans 9:6-13.

If I thought you were at all interested in investigating this teaching, I would pursue discussion with you, but of course you are not, so I have nothing more to say to you in defense of anything I have posted on TOL.


The sidebar exchange I had with Nick M was simply to clarify his error of conflating two doctrines into one of my earlier posts.

He claimed I was referring to saved sinners possessing eternal righteousness (aka the wrong doctrine of "Eternal Justification") which I do not believe, when I was instead referring to the doctrine of Election, which I do believe.

Two different subjects, which Nick M unfortunately does not comprehend.

Your attempt to add to his confusion, is duly noted . . .

messy debate is the norm in between opposing Christians.


You remain completely off base with your reactions to my posts, because you do not comprehend the doctrine of Election that is founded upon God's love and foreknowledge of particular people, as taught in Romans 9:6-13.

If I thought you were at all interested in investigating this teaching, I would pursue discussion with you, but of course you are not, so I have nothing more to say to you in defense of anything I have posted on TOL.

Nang... the topic is Open Theism and Counter Scripture to Open Theism. If you desire debate and Iron to iron... scripturally challenging debate... that is the OP topic. Nick M was explaining that your attacks are rooted in scriptural error.

Please feel free to get into OP topic.



TOL Subscriber
Nang... the topic is Open Theism and Counter Scripture to Open Theism.

Did you know that the doctrine of Unconditional Election is directly counter to Open Theist beliefs? Do you realize that the Reformed Faith is a systematic theology totally founded on Holy Scripture alone?

If you desire debate and Iron to iron... scripturally challenging debate... that is the OP topic. Nick M was explaining that your attacks are rooted in scriptural error.

Nick explained nothing. Nick went off the OP by accusing me of believing and teaching something foreign to my actual beliefs. He does not theologically comprehend my beliefs enough to call them erroneous.

Please feel free to get into OP topic.


Sure . . .


Well-known member
Hi Lon,

You haven't trampled Open Theism... I haven't met a single Open Theist that denies God is "Outside" of ti)me.
Welcome to TOL! (all of them here that I know of).

The Open Theist expresses that the GodHead and God's Omnipresence affords Him the Divine ability to simultaneously experience Infinity and finite time at the same time.
As I understand Him: Relational to, unconstrained by - time.

If you would kindly read through what I have written to AMR Link Here... you will see that nothing I am saying is in disagreement with what you have said... except a possible... misunderstanding... on your part and apparently most of Christindom's part... about what Open Theist's believe.
It might be 'new' open theism you believe or something. In a sense, I think if that's the case, you are really with the rest of Christianity over the matter. See Sander, Boyd and Pinnock (Open Theists) then CARM for a description as well as where OT departs from traditional understandings of theology.

You say God can't experience time on a linear scale... yet we see that the "Logos" became flesh and related to us in a linear time or temporal fashion.
I actually agree. A segment is contained in a line. I line is not contained in a segment.

I Love you very much, but I have been writing this all along....

I have been asserting that the GodHead allows God to be A-Temporal (Beyond Time) and simultaneously Temporal (within Time/Creation).... As in (Gen. 1:3 + John 8:12 = Body/Logos/Physical Presence of God... Placed within time.) ... in spoilers to AMR I explain how the Holy Spirit (Of Christ) is now our Temporal relational Presence of God. His Body is in heaven... After All.

The Logos is identified as the Pillar of fire, Glory before Moses, Cloud, Rock, and so on... the very... reoccurring theophanie throughout all scripture.

Please read what I wrote to AMR... I doubt any Open Theist would disagree with me that God is A-Twmporal and Simultaneously Temporal.
I agree as well: "God is relational to but unconstrained by - time"

Open Theism focuses on the Temporal presence of God that we relate to... My linked post to AMR will get you up to speed.

- All Love and Grace...

- EE
However, Boyd, one of the premier voices who propounds Open Theism, says this:
Greg Boyd said:
While God can decide to pre-settle whatever aspects of the future he wishes, to the degree that he has given agents freedom, God has chosen to leave the future open, as a domain of possibilities, for agents to resolve with their free choices. This view obviously conflicts with the understanding of the future that has been espoused by classical theologians, for the traditional view is that God foreknows from all eternity the future exclusively as a domain of exhaustively definite facts. -Link
I will read it. Thanks.


messy debate is the norm in between opposing Christians.

Shut your mouth! I would forfeit all my theology and co-cling to John 5:39f and Ephesians 2:8f for any of those that believe Jesus is God and our salvation!

I rebuke you!

May the Love of Christ Jesus Lord, God and Savior break your hardened Pottery!


Eclectic Theosophist
Pan-en-theistic cosmology.......

Pan-en-theistic cosmology.......

Hi Lon,

You haven't trampled Open Theism... I haven't met a single Open Theist that denies God is "Outside" of time.

The Open Theist expresses that the GodHead and God's Omnipresence affords Him the Divine ability to simultaneously experience Infinity and finite time at the same time.

If you would kindly read through what I have written to AMR Link Here... you will see that nothing I am saying is in disagreement with what you have said... except a possible... misunderstanding... on your part and apparently most of Christindom's part... about what Open Theist's believe.

You say God can't experience time on a linear scale... yet we see that the "Logos" became flesh and related to us in a linear time or temporal fashion.

I Love you very much, but I have been writing this all along....

I have been asserting that the GodHead allows God to be A-Temporal (Beyond Time) and simultaneously Temporal (within Time/Creation).... As in (Gen. 1:3 + John 8:12 = Body/Logos/Physical Presence of God... Placed within time.) ... in spoilers to AMR I explain how the Holy Spirit (Of Christ) is now our Temporal relational Presence of God. His Body is in heaven... After All.

The Logos is identified as the Pillar of fire, Glory before Moses, Cloud, Rock, and so on... the very... reoccurring theophanie throughout all scripture.

Please read what I wrote to AMR... I doubt any Open Theist would disagree with me that God is A-Twmporal and Simultaneously Temporal.

Open Theism focuses on the Temporal presence of God that we relate to... My linked post to AMR will get you up to speed.

- All Love and Grace...

- EE

Indeed,...'God' is both within space-time dimensions and without space-time dimensions. All space and time arises as relational points within infinity. The infinite is ever the womb from whence all space-time relativity and definitions arise and appear....while the infinite is ever immanent within as well as transcending creation, in a pan-en-theistic fasion, is my view :)

(from the Ancient Greek expression πᾶν ἐν θεῷ, pān en theṓ, literally “all in God”[1][2]) is the belief that the divine pervades and interpenetrates every part of the universe and also extends beyond time and space. - wiki

This understanding is universally rational and logical, so an emphasis of 'Open Theology' appears unnecessary really if this is already understood, unless the OV has risen as a counter-re-action to some other extreme form of classical theism which denies that God can also be in time, while the very fact of omnipresence posits God's presence everywhere, in all space and time. So,...not really much of a point of OV, unless to emphasize or correct something it perceives as being misconstrued or neglected, and whatever other nuances it feels it brings to one's understanding of God's relationship to us, in time ;)

Those of us more metaphysically liberal and eclectic in our studies, I gather have always assumed that 'God' is both within and without time. The infinite by definition, is also a 'totality' of ever expanding potentiality and possibility,..... a merging synthesis or interaction between the infinite and finite. - that very tension of 'inter-action' is 'creation'.


Well-known member
Said another way, God created them to go to hell and suffer and they deserve it because God said so, not because of what the person will do.

I believe Calvin himself did say God reprobates some for his own good pleasure and no one has the right to question it. If he didn't say it, many of his inheritors have because it's the inescapable logical counterpart to election.
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New member
I am a little unsure of what you are seeking, from the phrasing in your OP. However, I would add that one should read Scripture with logical reasoning, and criticism/skepticism.

Now, I know this sounds like an atheist or some kind of Bible denier, but allow me to explain what I mean. If you were reading a bill passed by congress, you would naturally read it with criticism and skepticism, right? Your literal reading will not alter the words or their meanings, in any capacity. But will you not question the motives, perspectives, reasons, etc for the items found within the bill? The same applications can be made to any history book. So, if we approach all other books and literature with this attitude, we should do likewise with the Bible.

I know that Scripture is without error and is sacred. I am not questioning that in any way. As a matter of fact, criticism and skepticism, when utilized in Scripture, proves this to be true. The error always comes in when a person reads their doctrines and biases into the Word. They perform some very impressive mental gymnastics to apply their beliefs to Scriptures.

And this is where logical reasoning comes into play. If you want an honest and open discussion of doctrines, any and all Scriptures utilized should be read with logical,unbiased approaches. For example, I cannot dismiss any verse simply because it goes against my doctrines. I must attempt to understand the perspective of the opposition, search out proofs for and against their arguments, and above all, compare it with the Scriptures themselves. Most logical arguments and doctrines attained from Scripture will not falter to questioning or criticisms. There will be no contradictions. Thus, if one's doctrines cannot withstand scrutiny, then a logical and reasonable approach has not been exercised when reading the Scriptures.


Well-known member
This understanding is universally rational and logical, so an emphasis of 'Open Theology' appears unnecessary really if this is already understood, unless the OV has risen as a counter-re-action to some other extreme form of classical theism which denies that God can also be in time, while the very fact of omnipresence posits God's presence everywhere, in all space and time. So,...not really much of a point of OV, unless to emphasize or correct something it perceives as being misconstrued or neglected, and whatever other nuances it feels it brings to one's understanding of God's relationship to us, in time ;)

Those of us more metaphysically liberal and eclectic in our studies, I gather have always assumed that 'God' is both within and without time. The infinite by definition, is also a 'totality' of ever expanding potentiality and possibility,..... a merging synthesis or interaction between the infinite and finite. - that very tension of 'inter-action' is 'creation'.
See Bob Enyart's -Time is Absolute and Summit Clock (Time is absolute). Both to support the notion that God experiences time only unidirectional[-ly] as we do.


Eclectic Theosophist
See Bob Enyart's -Time is Absolute and Summit Clock (Time is absolute). Both to support the notion that God experiences time only unidirectional[-ly] as we do.

Thanks, and yes....I did notice somewhat of a 'dogmatic' view of this from the Enyart crowd. I recall watching just a portion of Bob's debate with James White over this too, it was a hoot,...especially with their after-debate comments towards each other. I do love Jame's work with the KJV-only issue, but would have to re-watch this particular debate in full, for a better analysis over it.


New member
Indeed,...'God' is both within space-time dimensions and without space-time dimensions.

:thumb: I agree. The primary dimension is spiritual and is outside of time. This dimension is without beginning or end.

The physical dimension in which we exist is a creation with a beginning and an end. This dimension is temporary. It will be changed periodically.


How IS the weather in Hawaii these days?


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I'm off for the night... I look forward to reading what each of you write.... (EXCEPT MESHAK)...

All Grace and Blessing to each of you! (Except Meshak... She needs to be broken, dusted, watered and Reformed by our Divine Potter!!!)