Buddhism for someone who never agreed with Christianity and Christianity without the


Buddhism for someone who never agreed with Christianity and Christianity without the Trinity.

I grew up Christian and now I am Jewish believing Jesus to be the Messiah. I met someone who is now a Buddhist and we had a discussion today while I was waiting for the bus. He saw my kippah. We both grew up Christian but he never believed it because of the Trinity maybe with Father Son and Holy Ghost. But I did not believe in the Trinity as a Christian. Even now I am a Christian and I believe that Jesus is God but in a particular way. Anyhow, I just thought it interesting to have a discussion about things like in Buddhism what I see as an idol is not seen as a god at all.


Buddha never claimed Godhood.
...if that's where this is going? :idunno:

I know that. Some might disagree. But when you see a statue of the Buddha you would think it is an idol. Because creating such is something that we are not supposed to do.

I saw him visibly surprised that I believed in Christianity without the Trinity.


I know that. Some might disagree. But when you see a statue of the Buddha you would think it is an idol. Because creating such is something that we are not supposed to do.

I saw him visibly surprised that I believed in Christianity without the Trinity.

It is an idol but not to worship but rather for believers to venerate.


You are talking about Buddhist believers or getting Christians to do something that they are not supposed to do?

From a Buddhist perspective Christians are welcomed to follow the Buddha's teachings. That's up for each Christian to decide.


He considered the issues of existing gods irrelevant to the Four Noble Truths.

Existing in the minds of man or existing as in there is a God such as a God who created the heavens and the earth, all that we see and hear? Existing gods means more than one and that can't be true to begin with. Is this where Buddhism breaks with Hinduism?

What are the Four Noble Truths? What are they?

I believe that there is a God and that God has a name, which is revealed to us first in the Torah of the written Scriptures.


Existing in the minds of man or existing as in there is a God such as a God who created the heavens and the earth, all that we see and hear? Existing gods means more than one and that can't be true to begin with. Is this where Buddhism breaks with Hinduism?
You could say the Buddha was agnostic.
His goal was to teach the cessation of suffering:

The Four Noble Truths

I believe that there is a God and that God has a name, which is revealed to us first in the Torah of the written Scriptures.


New member
Buddhism for someone who never agreed with Christianity and Christianity without the Trinity.

I grew up Christian and now I am Jewish believing Jesus to be the Messiah. I met someone who is now a Buddhist and we had a discussion today while I was waiting for the bus. He saw my kippah. We both grew up Christian but he never believed it because of the Trinity maybe with Father Son and Holy Ghost. But I did not believe in the Trinity as a Christian. Even now I am a Christian and I believe that Jesus is God but in a particular way. Anyhow, I just thought it interesting to have a discussion about things like in Buddhism what I see as an idol is not seen as a god at all.
So...you've never been a Christian. You've merely been discipled when you were younger, but faith is fiction in your life.


New member
Not at all. Why do you say this? Help me to understand.
Only those whom God has chosen to make alive with Christ have faith. You reject Christ and simply play a game of "I want to feel good about me."
Either one is an adopted child of God or one is dead in trespasses and sins. You or I don't get to pick our place. God, the Sovereign King, either declares you to be condemned by your sins or pardoned by the atoning sacrifice of Yeshua. Since you reject Yeshua as God, it means you have no part with God.


Only those whom God has chosen to make alive with Christ have faith. You reject Christ and simply play a game of "I want to feel good about me."
Either one is an adopted child of God or one is dead in trespasses and sins. You or I don't get to pick our place. God, the Sovereign King, either declares you to be condemned by your sins or pardoned by the atoning sacrifice of Yeshua. Since you reject Yeshua as God, it means you have no part with God.

I believe that Jesus is God in a particular way. For example, Thomas said my Lord and my God! And Paul wrote all the fullness of Deity dwells in Him in bodily form. I have been forgiven my sins in Jesus Christ. Now I need to live my life apart from sin, not making mistakes. It is not about feeling good, although you may feel good as an outcome of God's work in your life or you may not. You can be saved either way. Your saving, or the choosing of you by God, is not up to you it is up to God. But we should choose God anyway.


New member
I believe that Jesus is God in a particular way. For example, Thomas said my Lord and my God! And Paul wrote all the fullness of Deity dwells in Him in bodily form. I have been forgiven my sins in Jesus Christ. Now I need to live my life apart from sin, not making mistakes. It is not about feeling good, although you may feel good as an outcome of God's work in your life or you may not. You can be saved either way. Your saving, or the choosing of you by God, is not up to you it is up to God. But we should choose God anyway.
Jacob you are on the path to hell at this present moment. May God change your path.


Buddhism for someone who never agreed with Christianity and Christianity without the Trinity.

I grew up Christian and now I am Jewish believing Jesus to be the Messiah. I met someone who is now a Buddhist and we had a discussion today while I was waiting for the bus. He saw my kippah. We both grew up Christian but he never believed it because of the Trinity maybe with Father Son and Holy Ghost. But I did not believe in the Trinity as a Christian. Even now I am a Christian and I believe that Jesus is God but in a particular way. Anyhow, I just thought it interesting to have a discussion about things like in Buddhism what I see as an idol is not seen as a god at all.

I don’t perfectly fit your criteria here, but I believe I can speak intelligently on this matter to some degree. After losing my faith in Christianity I did study Buddhism to some degree.

Some of their principles and practices are absolutely commendable in the highest degree (IMHO) and are worthy of contemplation. Their view of God doesn’t work for me....but they are good as religious people go, IMO.