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Since when did this become a criteria for scripture?Name one supernatural event in it.
Where is the "supernatural event" in 3 John?
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Since when did this become a criteria for scripture?Name one supernatural event in it.
The book of Esther is an uninspired turd. They make their way to the king only to get the right to defend themselves which they already had. What a rubbish ending!
"So simple."~you
Matthew 10:23 (KJV)
LA is forced to claim that the Son of Man "came" at Pentecost.
Mike Tyson: "It's lucridous..."
John was motivated by the holy spirit. Mordocai and Esther are motivated by their own stupidity. There is no indication that the book of Esther is inspired by God.Since when did this become a criteria for scripture?
Where is the "supernatural event" in 3 John?
"They spiritualizeSpiritually He has, but you did not receive Him as those 3000 did.
John was motivated by the holy spirit. Mordocai and Esther are motivated by their own stupidity. There is no indication that the book of Esther is inspired by God.
Exactly-- you have no proof.silence, sssssssssnake
2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV
So you're changing your story now! Now the definition of what qualifies as scripture is based on Omniskeptical's ever changing ideas. No, it is not.John was motivated by the holy spirit. Mordocai and Esther are motivated by their own stupidity. There is no indication that the book of Esther is inspired by God.
"They spiritualize
and tell spiritual lies
They can't see the truth
because they don't
have spiritual eyes!"
*they=LA Lost
Hi and I can at this time explain Repentance !
#1 In Acts 19:4 , Repentance is tied to Water Baptism , very simple , which Pentecost Theology , can not explain !!
#2 Repentance and water Baptism is tied to the Kingdom of Heaven , also preached by Jesus !
#3 In Acts 26:20 says " DO WORKS FOR REPENTANCE !!
#4 , Repentance is TIED to Works !
#5 , Matt 3:8 , John refused to Baptize Phariwsees and Sdducess UNTIL they produced ( FRUIT or WORKS ) that demonstrates Repentance !
#6 But 1 Cor 2:14 is the killer verse , That the natural man receives not the things of God , for it is FOOLISHNESS to him and he cannot KNOW IT , because it is BEING SPIRITUALLY INVESTIGATED !!
#7 So , then how can a person be saved when he is Spiritually DEAD ??
#8 How can a Dead Man produces WORKS , huh , huh ??
Will you try and answer #7
dan p
Hi Dan,
#6 This verse in context has nothing to do with the repentance you stated that you were going to explain. Paul is merely writing to believers explaining that his teaching was not with worldly wisdom and that an unsaved person could not receive it because it needed to be spiritually discerned which of course a person (as you say) who is spiritually dead cannot do.
Hi , and what is not understood about verse in 1 Cor 2:14 is not under the Law , and Israel had a GUIDE under the Law and it was CONITIONAL or be Punished !!
Under Grace , all are dead in Trespassess and sins and 1 Cor 2:14 no one has Direction , as the biblr is Foolishness as it is Spiritually Discerned !!
The is why Pentecostals are not Spiritually driven as the are FOOLISHLY trying to bring back Pentecost !! LOLLLLLL !!:bang::bang:
If you truly follow Paul then show some dignified manner.
Wrong! There is but one baptism today and it's BY ONE SPIRIT into one Body (1 Corinthians 12:13 KJV). It's baptism/identification into Christ's death (Romans 6:3-4 KJV). It is the baptism we are beseeched to endevour to keep (in other words, don't get wet (Ephesians 4:1-6 KJV)!Ideally true repentance and conversion is at some time followed by water baptism but the time can and does very often vary.
says the poster who threatens beheading on members of the Body of Christ
If you truly follow Paul then show some dignified manner.
Name one supernatural event in it.
You weren't sorry or sorry enough.
Exactly-- you have no proof.
says the poster who threatens beheading on members of the Body of Christ