Freak comes out swinging. He throws a jab
(ego eimi), another jab
(ego eimi), a right hook
(Jesus being very God) that almost knocks me again out of the ring. me again bounces off the ropes only to catch a left
(the Word was God and the Word became flesh) that bloodies his mouth. Freak throws an uppercut
(The Hypostatic Union) that misses…
But wait! me again is off the ropes, he swings,
a haymaker,
(There are no scriptures that stipulate that a man must confess ”Jesus is God” in order to be saved), but it just glances off the shoulder of Freak and…
DING! End of round one.
I would have to give that one to Freak. He came out swinging and made a few connections. me again tried one punch but it was weak with little follow through.
Round two coming up and
Freak comes out with that patented jab of his
(ego eimi), me again can’t seem to counter it. He goes with it again
(Looks like to me that the Holy Scriptures teach quite clearly that you must believe Jesus is "I am" (God)). me again seems to be dazed.
Freak powers a horrendous uppercut that lands on the chin of me again
(According to meagain one can: "believe in the Lord Jesus Christ with all his heart" and deny He is God and still be a Christian. So, Me again, does it matter if the Mormons who believe Jesus with all their heart and that they believe He is the brother of the devil begotten through sexual intercourse). me again is reeling, blood is pouring.
Freak steps in, the jab snapping out, but me again sidesteps and the punch goes over his shoulder. me again throws a hook
(However, the Greek ego eimi in John 8:58 and in John 8:24 does not prove your thesis that ”a man must believe that Jesus is God to be saved.) it connects and Freak staggers back, but me again moves in, smelling blood.
He smashes Freak with an uppercut
(I interpret the words of Jesus as follows: I am the Messiah!!! I am the promised One!!! I am He who God has sent!!! You must believe in Me or you will die in your sins!!!) The crowd goes wild!
He moves in but misses with two wild punches
(Let’s look at some other translations, in addition to the KJV Bible to corroborate this), then connects with a wicked right cross
(This same Jesus is looked upon by members of every nation, kindred, tongue and tribe of the earth. The salvic requirement is that we accept Jesus for who He is: The only begotten Son of God, the first fruits of many to come.) that spins Freak in a complete circle.
me again follows, a hook
(That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.), then another hook
(Yes, I think it does matter. Again, there are varying degrees of deception. Conversely, do you acknowledge that you may be doctrinally deceived in some of your interpretational analyses of the scriptures? Or do you claim absolute knowledge in all scriptural areas, just as the Mormons do? If you are wrong in one doctrinal area (as the Mormons are), then are you damned (as you say they are damned)? Is your judgmental methodology a two-way street?) and Freak goes down to the canvas. The crowd is on its feet, Knight starts the count while me again goes to his corner. Is it over?
…four, five, six…
And Freak is up!
What a battle folks! What athletes!
“DING” Round three!
Freak snaps that jab
(ego eimi) out again. me again tries to dodge but it zips him in the lip, popping his head back. Freak steps in and
POW!!! he catches me again with a right
(Amazingly, you said (in response to my second point): I am of the opinion that many cult members will be saved because of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul says in response to your claim: But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!"). Then a left
(I believe the Apostle John made himself clear in 1 John 4:2-3 is saying that if you deny that Jesus is God in flesh then you are of the spirit of Antichrist. A anti-Christ is one who is not a member of the Body of Christ.)
me again is down! He’s down, down, down!
Can he make it back to his feet? Can he overcome the wicked
ego eimi jab of Freak? Stay tuned folks… the best is yet to come!