It seems to me, GOD’S plan for salvation has been the same, from the fall in the garden, till the end. The promise of the MESSIAH, to come and take the sins of the world away, was promised to Adam and Eve. The acceptance of this belief is what saved them. The belief that JESUS is this same MESSIAH, and HE died to pay for our sins, and accepting HIM as LORD is what saved us. Abraham believed GOD and it was counted as righteousness. What did Abraham believe? He believed that MESSIAH was coming to take the sins of the world away. My questions are, did the old testament saints know that MESSIAH was going to be GOD HIMSELF? If the books of the Bible are the true word of GOD, and I believe they are, then what did men draw from for salvation before these books were written? There has always been only one way to salvation. The promise of MESSIAH for those who had no Bible to read. For us, we believe HE came. We have the privilege of having GOD’S WORD as a physical origin for our beliefs. The old testament saints that lived before the WORD of GOD was recorded, believed what was past down from Adam, that the MESSIAH cometh. So if GOD is not a respecter of persons, and it can be shown that those before the WORD was recorded had no way of knowing that the MESSIAH was going to be GOD HIMSELF, did they all die lost, or was their faith in HIM, coming to take away the sins of the world (alone) enough. We must be care not to add to the WORD, and since JESUS IS THE WORD. Why are there those who say you need JESUS and. Peace, but not yet.