I'd like to comment on the debate on morality. Bob says that atheism undermines morality if Zakath can't admit that there is an absolute right or wrong. Bob may be able to prove that atheism undermines morality but it begs the question of where morality comes from? I think that it merely proves that morality comes from the BELIEF in God, not the EXISTENCE of God. If God exists, how do we what God wants? I don't think Zakath really asked or Bob answered this question. It should be asked. Bob has gotten Zakath on the defensive by exposing weaknesses in scientific explanations of things. I am surprised at how little the BIBLE has been mentioned. Why doesn't Zakath question Bob on the Bible?
I assume the answer to the question above is that we know what God wants by reading the Bible. If so, then the next question is how do we know that God's will is expressed in the Bible? Many, if not all, theists believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. But before proving that you must first prove the existence of God. Even if God exists the Bible may still have been written merely by men without any divine guidance according what they personally, or their society at the time, believed was right. Throughout history men have acted on what they thought was morally right according to God, e.g. slavery, the crusades, other religious wars, witch hunts, and other repression, persecution and violence against people who are different. It all depends on what is considered moral by society.
I would definitely ask Bob if the Bible is the inerrant word of God.
If it is, then how can he use scientific theories such as the Big Bang to prove God? Doesn't the Bible say that the Earth and light came first day, then day and night, then the third day came the plants, THEN not until the fourth day the sun moon, and stars? I'd like to know what Bob would say about that.