Originally posted by sawrie
Zakath what are you afraid of?
Regarding this topic? Nothing. I am asked this question so often that I am astounded at how difficult it appears for religionists to conceive of the possibility that those who do not think as they do are not fearful.
you say: Is it utterly impossible for religionists like you to stick to the discussion at hand?
Maybe you know that if one cannot prove the physical worlds existance, (which I say that you cannot) then all that can really be proven is the existance of God.
If you cannot prove the existence of the physcial which can be seen, measured, and quantified, how can you possible expect to prove the existence of that which cannot be seen, measured, or quantified?
only if you can prove to me that YOU exist. How do I know you're talking to me? are you a figment of my imagination? Or am I of yours?
I have one sentence for you to ponder, "Cogito ergo sum."
You see this is not true maybe we are only conscious of a physical world that exists, within our consciousness; but not in reality. Although one may question that rational, it is actually more probable than the existance of the physical world.
Based on what proabibility calculation?
My point is to show that the only thing we can be absolutly sure of, is consciousness: not the world we live in.
We can be certain of the world, just not that our perception is completely accurate. There's a big difference.
The reason for this rational is to show that the only thing we can absolutly be sure of is the existance of God, seeing that we exist and you cannot have something from nothing.
Again you make this assertion without offering any proof.
God is, and ignorant people like Zakath, who say their is no God in their ignorance, don't want to believe he is because then we can always try and claim ignorance before God. These people wish not to know truth but justify themselves in their ignorance.
No, I wish to know the truth, I am merely not as easily convinced as some folks.
The word Satan in the Hebrew is Opposer Zakath is not an Athiest rather a Satanist.
When logic fails, as it has in your argument, fall back on ad hominem by insulting the opponent. Unfortunately, I don't believe in the existence of any sort of angels either...