How can anyone defend the writings of LaHaye , Lindsey , concerning prophecy and say it's the gospel truth. There are numerous false predictions and redefining terms all thru their books and tapes. ... And Jerry is defending that worldview.
We say to the Mormon and Jehovah Witness that they have a different Jesus and that Jesus is not the Jesus of the Bible. So isn't it true of present day Judaism that even their God is not the God of Christianity ???
Amen, I appreciate your posts, for you are SO RIGHT, mrsnacks. The Jews do NOT worship the same God that Christians do. They do not believe in the same messiah. They DENY God and His Messiah.
WHOSOEVER denies the Son denies the Father also, and the Jews are NO EXCEPTION.
Rev 7:17:
Another Gospel?
Now do you REALLY believe we believe in a different gospel?
What else can you call it? What would Paul have called it? Was Paul "stupid", "ignorant", or "a little crazy" when he condemned the gospel of the Judaizers, and called IT "another gospel? Certainly their arguments against Paul sounded similar to Sola's.
So scoff as you will at Lindsey. Van Impe, Jeffires, Lahaye, etc. You are doing EXACTLY what Peter warned of, and you are taking away a BIBLICAL INCENTIVE FOR HOLY LIVING.
False prophecy and emotional hype is no incentive to live holy, Sola. Peter said that
"through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you", and all those men you mentioned have done just that.
Does it cause anyone to live holy once they realize they've been lied to, and see they've been PAYING for those lies for thirty years or more?? I think many who finally realize they've been duped aren't able to endure the humiliation, so they FALL AWAY from Christ because of it instead of being drawn closer to Him. (But the "other gospel" of dispensationalists says that nobody who was once saved even CAN fall away. Wrong.)
The way of truth is being evil spoken of rather than embraced by the unsaved who can see through the expensive media hype of disp'ism. Futurists keep their followers on the edge of their seats by pinning the tail on the antichrist, watching Israel as if that's some clue of the end, frantically waiting to see the rebuilding of the temple (which they blasphemously claim that Paul called "the temple of God"), or by insisting that the great trib will start "ANY DAY NOW", and they've sold their fantasies for years on that note.
Not knowing the scriptures, I swallowed a form of futurism (post trib) back in the 70's. I forsook it in the eighties by the GRACE OF GOD through study of the bible. In the nineties, God showed me that the question
"are you pre, mid or post?" is one that entirely msses the mark, because it pre-supposes that futurism is correct in
some form. Instead, it should rather be asked
"Which prophecies are yet to be fulfilled, and which have already been fulfilled?"
Futurism is another gospel since it claims that Paul called a future, rebuilt temple on earth "the temple of God" that couldn't be that at all, and exalts a people that HATE Jesus Christ, as if they are God's chosen people. Rather than encouraging holiness,
futurism UNDERMINES holiness by teaching respect of persons, and exalts the WORSHIP of the Jewish race even more than Christ Himself, for the Jew's denial of Christ is praised as the very
reason for our salvation! (Shoud we thank the Jews for our salvation? I think not!) Futurism denies the fulfillment of the very prophecy (Dan 9:24-27), which identified the Messiah and what He was DETERMINED to do to CONFIRM His Messiahship and usher in the New Covenant, making Daniel's prophecy of none effect in order to try to support their future great tribulation/rebuilt temple/literal Jewish millenium reign doctrines. They demolish the truth of the testimony of the prophet Daniel just as they do every other prophet, Christ notwithstanding (remember that Walvoord says that the way of salvation is not revealed in the gospels!).
"Enemies" is a fitting word to describe them that hold futurism. Jesus asked the Pharisees (who like futurists, also held to the idea of a restored and blessed earthly Israeli state regardless of their hatred and unbelief in Christ)
"How can you escape the damnation of hell?"
Paul told the Galatians to "let them be accursed" (Gal 1:6-9) who teach such heresies, to avoid them (Rom 16:17,18), to withdraw from them (1Tim 6:3-5KJV), and to not have any fellowship with them, but instead to reprove them (Eph 5:11). It's an unfruitful work of darkness to deny Christ while exalting the Jews. Paul called them "the ENEMIES of the cross of Christ" (Rom 16:17,18) who did so, and just as the first century Jews were Christ's enemies, so are the disps today because of their twisted, perverted, prophecy-denying false gospel, for it DENIES Christ and the apostle's doctrine, and exalts in it's place the doctrines of men. The Judaizing-"Christians" of Paul's day "believed" in Christ too, but that wasn't enough to stop Paul from labeling them like he did. Their doctrine was no better than that of the Pharisees:
Matt 15:6b Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition.
7 Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying,
8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
Luke 11:52 Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered.
Isn't the planning of the temple and the reinstitution of sacrifices an abomination to God ??
Of COURSE it is! Paul says in Hebrews that there IS no more sacrifice for sin! Without faith in Christ, any other sacrifice can be nothing less than an abomination. The OT ceremonial sacrifices have been made obsolete by the blood of Jesus Christ, so for anyone to offer animal sacrifice now would be a DENIAL of Christ.
This is true ESPECIALLY for any professing Christians, though I believe that there are some who WOULD offer animals right along with the unbelieving Jews, and THINK they do God a service, if a temple is ever erected!
Why is it that futurists haven't done anything to stop Jews from going to Israel if such a terrible holocaust will take place there where millions will lose their lives ?
Oh, but a few of them HAVE done something, haven't you heard? I read where some futurists have even sent red heifers to Israel so they would all ready to sacrifice once a temple is erected! These futurists think they are hastening the rapture of the church (which they think will happen BEFORE Jews begin sacrificing) to help them prepare to sacrifice animals! They are taught that the Jews will certainly be on earth after the rapture, but rather than preach a loud warning to them, and try to bring them to faith in Christ JESUS, they are content to suppose that the Jews alive during the imagined trib/holocaust will all be saved after the church is raptured, even if it doesn't happen until the day Christ comes yet a THIRD time (which futurists call "the SECOND coming)!
Some "gospel", huh? It is an outright DENIAL of the truth:
2 Thessalonians 1
7 And to you who are troubled (by the Jews who were persecuting them and the Judaizers who were perverting the true gospel) rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,
8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;
10 When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.