Originally posted by Lion
Hey I just got off the phone with Bob Enyart and he loved the idea of this fighting... er... wrestling... er... boxing... er... grappling... er... discussion page and made a standing challange of his own.
He told me he would take on any or all combatants, live (no two minute correction time), on his show (knowing that we on Theologyonline have the most skilled debaters in the world... even if some of them are moronic God haters or idgits that claim that God is an unliving, unmoving, rock).
Just give him a call at 1-800-8Enyart (1-800-836-9278) between 9 and 10 pm ET. (and wait for the slaughter to begin.)
Although I will warn you... getting into a debate with the big "E" is kind of like getting your shoe lace caught in a gear. At first it seems like no big deal but by the time you realize just what is happening to you, it's too late... and the whole time the horrible grinding of your bones is reaching your ears, you just keep thinking you can't belive what is happening to you.