bill betzler
New member
Posted by Zakath
People havn't changed in 2000 years. The American public could care less about Clinton's immorality in the White House because the economy was good. Also, no one complained when these same corporate leaders were making outrageous incomes during the good times. But take away the Public's money and they are ready to hang anyone on moral grounds.
Jesus one day rides into Jeruselem with the praise of the people and soon afterwards they would rather have Barabbas on their streets rather than Jesus.
There has to be a morality greater than self. Altruism is even selective in that some are left out. It would appear that only a God could be a moral compass for all. Perhaps this God could make a system in which goodness comes to all people while they serve Him. Alas, now who could do that??
p.s. Zakath I'll email you when you have more time.
Recently the news media has held forth at great length on issues dealing with accounting by large corporations such as Enron and WorldCom. While much (maybe most) of the behavior their leadership engaged in was not strictly illegal, the general feeling among the populace is that it is considered morally wrong to handle corporate finances in ways that produce inaccurate messages for auditors and investors. Public outcry is so intense that Congress is currently in the process of considering new legislation to force more clarity in those kinds of situations
People havn't changed in 2000 years. The American public could care less about Clinton's immorality in the White House because the economy was good. Also, no one complained when these same corporate leaders were making outrageous incomes during the good times. But take away the Public's money and they are ready to hang anyone on moral grounds.
Jesus one day rides into Jeruselem with the praise of the people and soon afterwards they would rather have Barabbas on their streets rather than Jesus.
There has to be a morality greater than self. Altruism is even selective in that some are left out. It would appear that only a God could be a moral compass for all. Perhaps this God could make a system in which goodness comes to all people while they serve Him. Alas, now who could do that??
p.s. Zakath I'll email you when you have more time.