Hello Anna
We live just north of Baton Rouge. Didn’t mean to rub it in.
My mother told me the good ole governor has recommended that women carry a firearm for protection, with the serial killer lose. If he attacks again, I hope the woman can put him away. There is the concealed fire method of defense that women should learn, where women carry their purses on the opposite side of their dominate hand, with the strap of the purse over the head. If an attack occurs you just reach in the purse and point the weapon from the purse at the attacker, keeping the purse between you and the attacker. He will never know what hit him, as you fire point plank into his abdomen in a slightly upward position. We have trained several on this type of defense. This method allows for easy access to the weapon. Keep the purse in this position even while driving. With a little awareness perception training, and scenario practice, you should be able to defend yourself. Of course there are a few details in technique that should have attention. You can practice this with a friend playing the attacker. Using your hand as the weapon in your purse, act out an attack, the goal here is to keep the purse positioned between you and the attacker during the attack, with the muzzle of the weapon pointed at the attacker. You should practice this scenario on a regular basis. Peace, but not yet.