BATTLE TALK - Battle Royale II - Knight vs. Zakath

BATTLE TALK - Battle Royale II - Knight vs. Zakath

  • Knight

    Votes: 31 72.1%
  • Zakath

    Votes: 12 27.9%

  • Total voters
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Although the Regal was a great touch I give you a :thumb: and a ;)


New member
Originally posted by Yxboom
Although the Regal was a great touch I give you a :thumb: and a ;)
Although my vote is for Zak on the debate, I have to admit that I like the Regal pic, too. I was never fond of that pompous Brit.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Yxboom

You would think he would make Zakath a heel like Kurt Angle and not fan favorites like Kane and Austin. Knight gotta brush up on his WWE :D
Come on now guys... you have to use your imagination! :D




Come on now guys... you have to use your imagination!
What irony. ;) Telling someone who is an apparent WWE fan to use their imagination. :crackup:


New member
Novice -

Of course you must read what Jaltus says and view it with a filter. He is part of the so called "Christians" that consistently side with the God hating atheists and Pagans like Eireann and Zakath.

It's comments like this which confirm your status as a "novice." :rolleyes: For the record, Jaltus is a gentleman and a scholar. He is one of the premium quality debaters here at TOL. He is a deeply committed Christian - and quite a conservative one, by today's standards.

He is also a friend of mine. So I'll thank you to back off.

I'd also like to suggest that you drop the self-righteous attitude before you lose what's left of your credibility. :down: It doesn't impress people. It simply makes you look like an ignorant bigot.

Let's face it - any idiot can rant and rave. Whether or not he can formulate a cogent argument is another thing entirely. And in my experience, it's when the rubber hits the road that we tend to discover that the average ranter and raver is merely using the intellectual equivalent of retreads... ;)


New member
Originally posted by Evangelion
Let's face it - any idiot can rant and rave. Whether or not he can formulate a cogent argument is another thing entirely. And in my experience, it's when the rubber hits the road that we tend to discover that the average ranter and raver is merely using the intellectual equivalent of retreads... ;)
Very well said, Ev. :up:


Wow! Speaking of Pithy! Hey Ev, I'm comming after you on the other board now as well. Keep looking back over your shoulder cubby!

Nathon Detroit

"E" states....
He is also a friend of mine. So I'll thank you to back off.
Oh well in that case... novice you had better back off!!! :rolleyes:

I'd also like to suggest that you drop the self-righteous attitude before you lose what's left of your credibility.
Excuse me.... Mr. Pot please meet Mr. Kettle.

It doesn't impress people. It simply makes you look like an ignorant bigot.
"bigot"? Hmmmm????

You continue...
Let's face it - any idiot can rant and rave.
Hey, hey... go easy on yourself!


New member
Evangelion, why don't you leave...

Evangelion, why don't you leave...

Didn't you tell everyone you were leaving for a few days? Why don't you take another vacation...

me again

New member
Pot calling kettle, come in please. Can you read me ?

Pot calling kettle, come in please. Can you read me ?

Is it my imagination or has everyone been a little bit testy lately? :confused:
  • Can't we all just get along? <-- Rodney King, post 1991 riots.


all we are saying, is give peace a chance! ;)

It's the heat MeAgain. I don't know about anyone else but we are having the hottest days of the year here around detroit. It get's everyone really peevish.


New member
Originally posted by Pilgrimagain
all we are saying, is give peace a chance! ;)

It's the heat MeAgain. I don't know about anyone else but we are having the hottest days of the year here around detroit. It get's everyone really peevish.
We're having near-record heat here in St. Louis, too. I just got back from the Rush concert about half an hour ago. Imagine being in the midst of 20,000 people when the heat index is about 115. And that was just the heat index from the airport. Inside the amphitheater, with all those people, I'm estimating it was about 130.


New member
So where is the battle thread?

I can see this one, and the other titled "the wish list" but where is the thread with Zak and Knight?


New member
Originally posted by admiral_d
So where is the battle thread?

I can see this one, and the other titled "the wish list" but where is the thread with Zak and Knight?
You'll have to pull it up from an earlier day, unless someone bumps it up. Zak is on extended leave, but said he will return tomorrow night to finish the debate.
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