Originally posted by Eireann
Good point. I should have clarified myself a bit more. I hadn't thought about it in quite the terms you expressed. What I mean is that "I believe" is a signal phrase for something that is automatically made relative by the fact that it is preceded by "I believe." Belief is faith without proof. If it were proven, then it would be called knowledge or fact, not belief. Belief is built and strengthened by evidence, but still lacks proof. Lacking proof of that which you believe (which you must if you "believe" it rather than "know" it), then that thing in which you believe is only "known" to be relative to your own experience and interpretation. It may be exactly as you believe it to be, it may be absolute, but lacking proof of it, it remains relative.
Originally posted by Jaltus
A little bit loose of a definition/understanding. I am not sure how I would word it differently, only that I would.
It appears to me that you chose the definition that had the weakest meaning possible to better bolster you position. That’s okay, because that is what debates are all about, right? Choosing the words and definitions that best suit your position.You said, “I never stated or implied that ‘absolute’ only meant that. I am quite aware of multiple meanings. The meaning I chose was the first of two philosophically related meanings presented in the dictionary I cited in my post.”
What do you think? Oh well, it’s too late now I suppose. As you said, we might have “run out of posts before we ran out of definitions.”Absolute morality – a standard of right and wrong that is completely unequivocal and not capable of being viewed as partial or relative.
Hmmm.Originally posted by bill betzler
Zakath, were you a christian and is your testimony of why you left the church public knowledge?
Truly said. I chose the definition, from among many, that I felt would benefit my position. As did Knight, apparently...Originally posted by Becky
It appears to me that you chose the definition that had the weakest meaning possible to better bolster you position. That’s okay, because that is what debates are all about, right? Choosing the words and definitions that best suit your position.
Knight's definition is totally dependent upon human morality since it requires his "absolute" construct to be superior to human constructs. Without the human constructs, he has no absolute system of morality since there would be nothing to be superior to...You claim that Knight’s definition was “more anthropocentric and relativistic” than the definition you used, but that isn’t true. You defined absolute morality as a “system of ideas” rather than a “standard.” Ideas are “personal opinions or beliefs,” “thoughts to be presented as suggestions,” “concepts that exist only in the mind.” A standard is “an acknowledged measure of comparison for quantitative or qualitative value,” “a criterion,” “a degree or level of requirement, excellence, or attainment.”
Exactly my point. Thanks for the input....Oh well, it’s too late now I suppose. As you said, we might have “run out of posts before we ran out of definitions.”
I am being MORE than fair with you.Originally posted by Zakath
It would appear that the referee (the Webmaster) is more interested in bludgeoning the non-believer than answering questions...
My question remains unanswered, since I did not appear to break the two minute rule by exceeding two minutes between my post and edit, why am I being chastized?
Could it be that "they're all out to get me"...
"Someone hand that man another folding chair..."![]()
I agree with the first part of your post which is why I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. On the flip side.... the rules state....Originally posted by Jaltus
I have had the problem, though, that when I hit edit, it takes a minute for the post to load. During this time, it counts down the timer, thus making me past the time even though I hit the button in plenty of time (for some reason, edits do not load fast, and I am on a cable connection).
I do think that Zak should get the benefit of the doubt, which he did for the first post, but I also think he should have known to not post the second post of his.
Perhaps both his second post and the webmasters could be deleted from the thread (the ones refering to the editing, not the actual post nor the webmasters response to it)?
Editing your posts in a battle should be unnecessary! You have ample time (48 hours) to compose your post and you can preview your post limitless times before you post it using the "Preview Reply" button.Basically make sure you are ready to post your response when you post it because we do not want combatants editing their posts after they have been posted.