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Re: Hey Huey...

Re: Hey Huey...

Originally posted by Bob Enyart
Hey Huey, are you trying to publish an entire manuscript that you've previously written by cutting and pasting it a section at a time into TOL forums with occasional intros and tag lines just to make it look relevant? Just curious. -Bob Enyart

Mr. Bob Enyart,

No, the writing occurs in the course of the discussion itself, it is not "prewritten" material. The thoughts itself though - my ideological outlook on reality - was of course already there, since I did read some philosophical works about (dialectical/historical) materialism.

But you have raised a good idea! Maybe I should work these topics out and publish a full manuscript!

Thanks !


You can refer to me as 'Rob' which is my first name, sounds some better as 'Hey Huey' ....


A request of my side, if you have time, could you - if you want to - reflect on my post (same request goes to Zakath) nr. 240 which relates to the issue what God Is or Not Is?


Acc. to my philosophical outlook, I have no indication that Mr. Zakath is indeed an atheist. I could at most call him an agnostic.
The reason for that is that he misses to built up his argument from materialism - the acknowledgement that in first instance the world exists as matter in eternal motion - since he does not indicate that a 'begin of the universe, the material world' is inconceivable.... he just prefers NOT to talk about that issue....

There are in fact basically only TWO outlooks on the world.

Either one thinks that consciousness is the primary substance of the world (and in theism is interpreted as... God created the world and created man)


One admits to the acknowledgement that the material world exists on itself as an independend and objective and primary substance of the world, which does not have a begin or end, which caused the world to be, and stands for all phenomena of nature including life forms, human consciousness, etc.

If one neither acknowledges one or the other, this is called agnosticisim.
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Re: Conscience and spirit

Re: Conscience and spirit

Originally posted by August
A theologian is somewhat like a marine biologist who stays in his lab, refusing to enter the water himself, and drawing conclusions only from his own theories and perhaps from anecdotal evidence - which is always somewhat suspect because it is anecdotal.
But a materialist is more like a man who sits in his office in Kansas and denies that the ocean even exists.

Your interpretation of MATERIALISM could not be more false as stated here.

MATERIALISM admits to the fact that matter is the primary substance of the world, which exists APART FROM, OUTSIDE OF AND INDEPENDEND of the mind.

Theists admits to the fact that oceans and matter exist, but not as independend or objective entities, since matter was created by consciousness (God).

For a materialist though, the world of matter is an independend entity that was neither created nor can be destructed.
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Bob Enyart

Staff member
God is spirit

God is spirit

August wrote: "The amazing thing about this debate is that the concept of spirit has hardly been mentioned, when God Himself is spiritual in nature. It almost appears as if Enyart has an anthropomorphic view of God."

August, when defining God in post 1, I decided to go with supernatural rather than spiritual because of my plan to focus on God's role as the Creator of the natural world. Spiritual would be great also. (Hey, do you know why the month of August has 31 days?)



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Bob wrote:

<<, I decided to go with supernatural rather than spiritual because of my plan to focus on God's role as the Creator of the natural world.>>

Consider this, 'God' s role can only be limited to 'create' the awareness of there being a material world, which has independend and objective existence outside of man's consciousness, and thus 'God' can only be portrayed as a fundamental principle to the world of thought and consciousness. 'God' does not have existence outside of that (outside of one's consciousness), it is not fundamental to the material world itself.

Don't make God into something it is not, since matter is not something that one can 'create' or 'destroy', neither is matter dependend on something else. Matter is therefore the primary substance of the world, while consciousness is secondary.

There was a material world before human consciousness existed, right?

And in the same way, there was a world before Bob Enyart existed in human form, although Bob Enyart does not have any notion from his own consciousness, that that was the case. To acknowledge that fact, he must relie on sources outside of his own consciousness.

In conclusion:

Matter does not exist in the same way as consciousness exists, since matter is an endless process without begin or end, while consciousness has a begin and an end.

At the same time, matter exists in a causal way, and consciousness exists in an acausal way. Which means: within consciousness itself, there are no causes for consciousness; therefore one has to acknowledge the fact that the reasons or causes for consciousness to exist, must lie outside of consciousness itself, and can only relie on the existence of matter.
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Bob's "proof" for God

Bob's "proof" for God

Bob's "proof" for God in his last post:

Let us reflect on some of the ideas of Bob in his last post. They can be thought of as showing a fundamental contradiction in the way we think about the existence of the material world.

It can be stated like this:

Science does not know how to explain phenomena 'X' therefore the 'naturalistic' or scientific perception of the world is false.

Hence: I have proved the existence of my God.

But there is a much simpler approach to this, which is a principle which one should use to establish knowledge about the material world.

It's a kind of rule of thumb.

If our interpretation or model of the world, somehow when reasoned through indicates that the world itself (the world of matter in eternal motion) is impossible we have only two options:


We conclude that the material world itself is impossible, and that somehow we live in a grand illusion


We have to conclude that our interpretation of the world somehow is impossible, and we must work on a better interpretation.

All what Bob does is arbitrarily introduce a Third option, which is:

I don't know, neither I do care to know. I prefer to be ignorant of it.

Well he states that in a different way, he comes up with his God, to explain the world, but that does not count for knowledge. If we count the "God did it" explenation for knowledge, then why wouldn't we just be still running around like apes? Their knowledge about the world would then be as sensual and knowledgeable as the "God did it" explenation.
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New member
And as a STATE OF THE ART form of knowledge, consider this.

Random natural events, even when we consider trillions of years of evolution, can not account for the fact that evolution occured.

This kind of 'reasons' is there to account for the fact that all of what evolution tries to explain and more, has had to be happened in no more then six days

Yes, Mr Enyart. THAT IS CONVINCING US. We do believe you now!!!
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A failry simple but nontrivial question, He does not want to answer

A failry simple but nontrivial question, He does not want to answer

Origin of consciousness

About the 'origin' question, let us state some fairly simple, but in no way trivial question regarding this, and let us adress this question to Mr Bob Enyart (hoping that He is willing to answer such a simple but nontrivial question).

Do you consider the knowledge you have about the world (including the 'knowledge' about God) to reside in your consciousness?

If stated yes, then please explain here to all of us, where did your consciousness originate from?

Either indicate, if the source for your consciousness arises out of your own consciousness itself, or wether your consciousness has been arisen out of something outside, apart from and independend from your own consciousness.

In other words, do you account something within, or outside of your own consciousness responsible for your consciousness to have become existent?

if stated no, then please provide us in an objective way a proof of what the source of your knowledge is.
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The atmosphere of the earth consists of different types of molecules, mainly Nitrogen - N2 (alomst 80%) and Oxygen - O2 (20%), and some other molecules which behave random through the atmosphere.

Given the:
1. Amount of molecules which exist in the earth's atmosphere
2. The number of locations each molecule could occupy at a certain time
3. The number of speeds a molecule can have at a certain time
4. The number of directions in which a molecule could move at a certain time

One can calculate the probability that these air molecules could behave in such a way in which they lift a car from a specific location and move it tens of meters high and deposit it tens of meters far away to another specific location, at a specific time.

Anyone wanting to take a guess on the probability of that kind of thing ever happening?

What is the probability of that kind of thing happening in let's say a thousand years?

Anyone any guesses here?

Does it prove that God did it, when a tornado hits a house and lifts a car? Or is it just a natural phenomena?
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Some interesting thoughts from Bob in that last post:

If crimes are truly wrong, then a personal, loving, and just God does exist and you should ask Him for forgiveness for the hurt that you have inflicted upon others.

I would think asking the forgiveness of those you have wronged, apologizing and make appropriate amends to them would be more useful. Of what possible benefit is it to you or an eternal all-powerful being to ask him forgiveness for wrongs you did to others? I know, it shows obedience and submittal. Plus, it makes you feel better without having to actually do anything.

Atheists believe that the universe is less than 20 billion years old. Yet for chance (BA10-6) to develop one simple protein molecule (which is trillions of times less complex than the simplest living organism), if every atom in the known universe interacted a billion times per second with other atoms, the entire universe couldn’t produce that one protein molecule by chance in a trillion years. Mathematics indicates that this would not happen in a trillion years, with the entire universe, every atom in every star in every galaxy, working on that single task.

What's the source on this? It seems a Quixotically pointless probability calculation because the variables are so wild, so whose is it?

Scientists measuring the processing power of people estimate that the human brain can perform around 2,000,000,000,000,000 instructions

Scientists, eh? They're so ignorant they can't even get the age of the universe right, and they overestimate the age of the earth by orders of magnitude. Why on earth would you be so trusting of them today?

Again, it would be nice to have some sources please - that's how we can weigh the reliability of your evidence, Enyart.

See, the figures I found suggest this:

...It is fortunate that we understand the neural assemblies is the retina of the vertebrate eye quite well (structurally and functionally) because it helps to give us a idea of the human brain's capability.

The retina is a nerve tissue in the back of the eyeball which detects lights and sends images to the brain. A human retina has a size of about a centimeter square is half a millimeter thick and is made up of 100 million neurons. Scientists say that the retina sends to the brain, particular patches of images indicating light intensity differences which are transported via the optic nerve, a million-fiber cable which reaches deep into the brain.

Overall, the retina seems to process about ten one-million-point images per second.

Because the 1,500 cubic centimeter human brain is about 100,000 times as large as the retina, by simple calculation, we can estimate the processing power of a average brain to be about 100 million MIPS (Million computer Instructions Per Second ). In case you're wondering how much speed that is, let us give you an idea...


A creationist off by orders of magnitude? Imagine!

A benchmark with a Pentium 4 overclocked to 3.45 GHz reveals a Dhrystone score of 10526 MIPS for a single processor. Therefore, about 9500 Pentium 4 processors will approximate the processing power of the human brain.

Tangents aside, when one removes many zeros from Bob's wild miscalculation, things look a lot less intimidating. The other point is that Bob is using unreliable figures (I'm being polite) as his evidence and passing them off as if they were recognized truths.

I can't help but notice he didn't post the estimated MIPS score (not entirely sure how useful MIPS-scoring the brain is anyway - probably no more so than in benchmarks) for a chimp, so it's hard to assess how wild the difference is. Science at work, folks.

I'm surprised Bob's being so slack with his standards of evidence as after all, he has chosen to put himself on public show. It is too soon to conclude that to Bob, science is merely a rhetorical tool for ministry. Perhaps he's just not used to being questioned at Denver Bible Church?

Perhaps such simple calculations, along with math being the most pure science, explains why a higher percentage of mathematicians believe in God, 14.3%, as compared to other scientists (Nature, 1998, vol. 394, p. 313).

Hey look, a source! So we know Bob knows better than to post unsupported assertions. Why then is he doing it? Isn't that almost like lying?

Actually, I'm surprised that the number of theists in Math is so low. How much worse is it then for the natural sciences (you know, theoretical/experimental)? How does this correlate with the heavingly unscientific populace and their beliefs? Never mind, it's not necessarily casual.

Hey! Now I come to think of it, didn't Bob write:

Philip Paracelsus, died 1541, Chemical Medicine
Nicolas Copernicus, 1543, Scientific Revolution
Francis Bacon, 1626, Scientific Method
Johann Kepler, 1630, Physical Astronomy
Galileo Galilei, 1642, Law of falling bodies
William Harvey, 1657, Circulatory System
Blaise Pascal, 1662, Probability and Calculators
Robert Boyle, 1691, Chemistry
Isaac Newton, 1727, Gravitation
Carolus Linnaeus, 1778, Taxonomy
George Cuvier, 1832, Anatomy/Paleontology
John Dalton, 1844, Atomic Theory

For those who object that these brilliant men lived prior to the 1859 publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species, consider the following scientific giants all of whom in a time of more open debate, publicly rejected natural origins and Darwinian evolution, and indicated that the evidence supports belief in a supernatural Creator:

Michael Faraday, 1867, Electromagnetism
Gregor Mendel, 1884, Genetics
Louis Pasteur, 1885, Microbiology
James Joule, 1889, Thermodynamics
Lord Kelvin, 1907, Thermodynamics
Joseph Lister, 1912, Modern Surgery
G. W. Carver, 1943, Modern Agriculture

I know, he covered his botox with "in the time of more public debate" and acknowledged that things were certainly different these days. And I will happily grant him that it is possible to be a Christian and an excellent scientist. Christianity does not reclude reason. Fundamental literalist Christianity, unfortunately, does.

It would be tough to be a creationist in science these days, but not necessarily impossible. And it seems to me that if the evidence is so clear and so certain for a 6,000 year old earth then someone somewhere would champion it. There's a whole planet of scientists and it's not like we're living in a time of scientific paucity, is it?

So, from Kepler and Newton to a mere 14% of mathematicians as theists, yet we agree that human knowledge has vastly grown since that time, yes? Surely if Bob were correct, the trend should be the other way around as science confirmed the clockwork creation?

Man, I'm looking forward to the creationist smoking gun that will turn cosmology and evolution on its head. Any idea when that will happen Bob, do you think? did the caterpillars survive this rather unnecessary midlife crisis of turning themselves into sludge?

You know, that's an excellent question. However, I find the appeal to design hardly more satisfying. As you say, it's rather unnecessary. Perhaps you'd care to shed some light on the design requirements. After all, we hear all the time from creationists what a parsimonious and thoughtful designer the speculative creator is what with his reuse of genes As Enyart points out, we're more than 95% similar to our Bonobo buddies. Enyart's grandfather may not have been a monkey, but his genetic structure makes them almost kissing cousins.

So what was the design consideration behind the caterpillar/chrysalis/butterfly blueprint? Was it a joke? Designed by committee? What?

Back in 1995, NASA widely predicted that a soon-to-be-developed Hubble photograph of the tiniest point of night sky would show galaxies in their early stages of formation. At the same time, a Christian TV talk-show host, Bob Enyart, predicted on air in 80 cities that the atheistic NASA astrophysicists were wrong, and that the galaxies photographed would look just like any other group of galaxies. Zakath, who do you think was vindicated, the atheistic NASA engineers in 1995 predicting that a developing Hubble photo would show galaxies forming, or the Christian talk-show host predicting the photo would show typical, not early, galaxies? Hint, see photo below.

I'm interested to know what "the Christian talk-show host" thought early galaxies were going to look like.

The major breakthrough that has unravelled the enigma of galaxy formation is the discovery last year of so-called primeval or proto- galaxies. These are embryo galaxies caught at a very early stage of their life cycle, when they are forming stars in profusion for the first time. This discovery was made by an Anglo-American team of researchers using some of the best and largest telescopes in the world.

They first identified candidate protogalaxies by measuring the colours of faint images using the British William Herschel Telescope in the Canary Islands. The tell-tale signs are the blue colour of young stars, together with the a missing chunk in the spectrum of their light, absorbed by intervening gas clouds during its long journey from the early universe to terrestrial telescopes. Some of these candidate proto-galaxies were then reobserved with very long exposures at the 10-m Keck Telescope in Hawaii, the largest telescope in the world. The detailed data clearly revealed that these are the long-sought after primeval galaxies. The same technique was subsequently applied to data from the Hubble Deep Field, the longest exposure ever made of a small patch of sky. Many more primeval galaxies were found in this way, covering a range of look-back times.

The Royal Astronomical Society

Or you might check out an informative article on, which comes complete with a picture of Abell 2218, the earliest known galaxy cluster.

A sample follows:

Nearer to Earth in space and in time, about 2 billion years after the Big Bang, astronomers see protogalaxies. These are compact objects (though larger than the suspected building blocks) that are forming new stars at a high rate and appear to represent an intermediate stage in galaxy formation.

About 4 billion to 5 billion years after the Big Bang – that is, 8 billion or 9 billion years before now – the first mature galaxies appear. These come in the same varieties astronomers see today in the nearby universe: spiral galaxies, with their classic pinwheel shapes; elliptical galaxies, which look like football- or basketball-shaped swarms of stars; and irregular galaxies, which are disorganized and ragged.


Oh Bob, Bob, Bob, whatever shall we do with you? Why do you have to lie to us to bolster your case? Or is it that you just don't know?

Either way, I'd advise you to stay away from science in future when you have this argument. It's making you and the foundation to your science arguments look bad. I should listen to Hilston if I were you - you might have a bit more luck trying to swallow your own tail.
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Bob Enyart wrote:
<Hey, do you know why the month of August has 31 days?>
Augustus didn't want Julius to have one up on him.

bob b

Science Lover
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by heusdens
And as a STATE OF THE ART form of knowledge, consider this.

Random natural events, even when we consider trillions of years of evolution, can not account for the fact that evolution occured.

This kind of 'reasons' is there to account for the fact that all of what evolution tries to explain and more, has had to be happened in no more then six days

I can't let this one go by without comment.

A common claim one hears all the time is that creationists believe that everything we see today was created in its present form at the beginning in 6 days.

There may be some that believe this, but almost all creationists I know who have looked at this seriously have rejected it.

Plenty of things have changed in the last 6000 Earth years, including things we see in the cosmos with our telescopes as well as in our binoculars, microscopes and naked eyes on Earth.


New member
Originally posted by bob b
I can't let this one go by without comment.

A common claim one hears all the time is that creationists believe that everything we see today was created in its present form at the beginning in 6 days.

There may be some that believe this, but almost all creationists I know who have looked at this seriously have rejected it.

Plenty of things have changed in the last 6000 Earth years, including things we see in the cosmos with our telescopes as well as in our binoculars, microscopes and naked eyes on Earth.

I don't think you see my argument.

Bob E is holding the position - based on some ill form of "probability logic" (the same kind of logic that would infer us to think that air molecules could not lift a car in a trillion years a one exact location and time, given the low probability for that) - that life could not arise in trillions of years.

But while shooting at a scientific theory will ill arguments, he does not come up with any other viable theory, so this defaults then to the mythology from scirptue that accompanies his belief system, that reduces the creation of everything to six days.

A trillion years is (acc. to his argument) not enough for making one substance necessary for evolution.... and that is asked for credibility to make us believe: His God did all of cosmic, anorganic and organic evolution up to man in SIX DAYS.


New member


I was reading these posts last night and I saw one that was very interesting. It was about scientists that have created proteins, I think. The problem I'm having is that I can't find that post. Maybe I'm not looking in the right spot. I'm new here and would appreciate someone helping me find that post.
thank you


Atheists believe that the universe is less than 20 billion years old. Yet for chance (BA10-6) to develop one simple protein molecule (which is trillions of times less complex than the simplest living organism), if every atom in the known universe interacted a billion times per second with other atoms, the entire universe couldn’t produce that one protein molecule by chance in a trillion years. Mathematics indicates that this would not happen in a trillion years, with the entire universe, every atom in every star in every galaxy, working on that single task.
I can't belive he tried to slip this oldie but goodie into the debate. Bob wants his minions to think that atheists believe protiens just happened to pop in existence by chance. Sorry again Bob, this is not what abiogenesis says.
So the calculation goes that the probability of forming a given 300 amino acid long protein (say an enzyme like carboxypeptidase) randomly is (1/20)300 or 1 chance in 2.04 x 10390, which is astoundingly, mind-beggaringly improbable. This is then cranked up by adding on the probabilities of generating 400 or so similar enzymes until a figure is reached that is so huge that merely contemplating it causes your brain to dribble out your ears. This gives the impression that the formation of even the smallest organism seems totally impossible. However, this is completely incorrect.

Firstly, the formation of biological polymers from monomers is a function of the laws of chemistry and biochemistry, and these are decidedly not random.
What abiogenesis really says.

Aussie Thinker


What an excellent post.

Thanks by the way for wasting about 2 hours of my own research into Bob’s “scientific claims”.. no point posting mine after you have so pointedly disgraced Bob.


In your next reply you would do well to just place a pointer to Flippers post rather than waste time refuting Bob’s poor science and mathematics !

bob b

Science Lover
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by heusdens
I don't think you see my argument.

Bob E is holding the position - based on some ill form of "probability logic" (the same kind of logic that would infer us to think that air molecules could not lift a car in a trillion years a one exact location and time, given the low probability for that) - that life could not arise in trillions of years.

But while shooting at a scientific theory will ill arguments, he does not come up with any other viable theory, so this defaults then to the mythology from scirptue that accompanies his belief system, that reduces the creation of everything to six days.

A trillion years is (acc. to his argument) not enough for making one substance necessary for evolution.... and that is asked for credibility to make us believe: His God did all of cosmic, anorganic and organic evolution up to man in SIX DAYS.

And I don't think you see my objection to your final sentence.

bob b

Science Lover
Hall of Fame

Several comments:

The probability argument already took into account multiple simultaneous trials.

Ian's coin flipping experiment was obviously not "random".

"When someone tells us that some event has a one in a million chance of occuring, many of us expect that one million trials must be undergone before the said event turns up, but this is wrong."

This is what one would expect "on the average" for sometimes it would be less and sometimes more.

Who does Ian think he is kidding with his "hypothetical" cells that bear no resemblance whatsoever to any real life we are familiar with? One can only marvel at the faith demonstrated by those
who believe life developed "naturally".

I have been following developments in abiogenesis theory for close to 50 years, ever since I first read about Oparin's fantasies, and if anything they are further away now with anything credible than Oparin was.

The reason is simple. New discoveries in cellular biology are occurring far faster than those in abiogenesis theory, with the net result that the abiogenesis fantasy is rapidly losing ground against the reality of the unbelievable ingenuity of cellular design.
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Originally posted by bob b
A common claim one hears all the time is that creationists believe that everything we see today was created in its present form at the beginning in 6 days.

There may be some that believe this, but almost all creationists I know who have looked at this seriously have rejected it.

Plenty of things have changed in the last 6000 Earth years, including things we see in the cosmos with our telescopes as well as in our binoculars, microscopes and naked eyes on Earth.

So, you don't think the universe was created in 6 days? How many then? What has changed in 6000 years? Perhaps the knowledge of the speed of light? And the fact that the light from the furthest galaxies we can see would have taken a butt load more than 6000 years to reach us?



Originally posted by Flipper
Tangents aside, when one removes many zeros from Bob's wild miscalculation, things look a lot less intimidating.
Just had to be nit-picky here... if for no other reason than to show how I try to not just see the evidence that supports my point of view...


Bob said "2,000,000,000,000,000 instructions per second, that’s quadrillions, or 2 QIPS".

You said "100 million MIPS (Million computer Instructions Per Second)".

100 million million is: 100,000,000,000,000

That is "only" an order of magnitude of 20 times. So, there aren't really "many" zeros to remove... unless "1" is many... which it could be... compared to say ".00000001" or something. But still. :-D

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