Banned For "Intentional Blasphemy ?


Well-known member
I have never shirked for denying I am often hypocritical.

I think my feminine traits (like flexibility, intuition and loving feelings) are just fine with me. I am not threatened by me, nor am I threatened by other men who are the same.

Nor am I threatened by those who are unable to recognize and confront their feminine side.

I don't care about your feminine side. Why are you so fixated about it? Are you coming out of the closet, is that what this is all about?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I just ask that we treat each other like adults and in ways that we ourselves would like to be treated.
No, now you are coping out.

I ask no one to change their thinking or their beliefs. I try to pass on helpful information (like ugly behavior has consequences) and leave it to others to deal with it how they will.

You are trying to insert your own values on this here, and no this will not make cowards out of us, we will truthsmack like always.

I treasure and celebrate my soft and fragile side. It allowed me to fall in love and to raise a morally healthy child.

Good, I hope she was a girl.
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I'm surprised you have to ask. I agree that we should be careful about dehumanizing others. History is full of horrors that stand as lessons why.

Haven't I seen you argue from the pro-abortion side, citing the unborn child is, at a certain point, not human? It fits the profile.
My reading of Genesis tells me life begins when God breathes into the nostrils of humans. Life is breath. Breath is also a good translation of God as he is described in the Bible. Spirit and breath are the same.

Attitudes like hysterical focusing on fetuses and not doing much else for children today is more than astonishing today. This is a major reason why religions like Christianity and Islam are becoming more and more marginalized.

Too much hypocrisy is not that compelling for today’s world citizens.


You are too much a dope.
Why don’t you disagree with this poster by going back to the actual Bible instead of trying to keep him/her at bay by calling names? If you come to a discussion with an intent to learn the discussion can continue. But if you come to it with an intent to protect yourself it will surely fail.


I don't care about your feminine side. Why are you so fixated about it? Are you coming out of the closet, is that what this is all about?
You might want to ponder how my open and feminine side makes you so hysterical about homosexuality?

Most normal males--in my experience--do not automatically dwell on gay sex.


Originally Posted by aikido7:
I just ask that we treat each other like adults and in ways that we ourselves would like to be treated.
No, now you are coping out.
I think you mean “copping out.”

The Golden Rule is not copping out. Just my opinion.

Originally posted by aikido7:
I ask no one to change their thinking or their beliefs. I try to pass on helpful information (like ugly behavior has consequences) and leave it to others to deal with it how they will.

You are trying to insert your own values on this here, and no this will not make cowards out of us, we will truthsmack like always.
We must all bring our own values, thoughts and beliefs to everything we do.

The term “truthsmack” is an ugly and shameful phrase. Telling the truth does not happen by using violent action or imagery. And deep down, you know that full well.

Good, I hope she was a girl.
It would be the same thing if it were a boy: treat the holy innocence of childhood with caring, respect and fairness.


Well-known member
Why don’t you disagree with this poster by going back to the actual Bible instead of trying to keep him/her at bay by calling names? If you come to a discussion with an intent to learn the discussion can continue. But if you come to it with an intent to protect yourself it will surely fail.
Because he repeats this inanely, even though similar as below has been given to him numerous times. He is like the Pharisees who shoved their fingers in their ears and screamed at the top of their lungs when they stoned Stephen in Acts.

But just to prove the point, watch, he'll come to the next thread, even after this, and say
"no scripture says that" again :dizzy:

Nope. It never mentions sodomy. Try again.
Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1 and 1 Corinthians 6

Choose ye this day whom you will serve, but if not, as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15
2 Corinthians 6:16-18

You are in the world and 'of' the world. You are 'supposed' to be in it BUT NOT 'of it.'


New member
My reading of Genesis tells me life begins when God breathes into the nostrils of humans. Life is breath. Breath is also a good translation of God as he is described in the Bible. Spirit and breath are the same.

Attitudes like hysterical focusing on fetuses and not doing much else for children today is more than astonishing today. This is a major reason why religions like Christianity and Islam are becoming more and more marginalized.

Too much hypocrisy is not that compelling for today’s world citizens.
No, Genesis tells you that human life began when God breathed life into Adam.

Aikido7, you are intelligent enough to know this is an incredibly weak defense of abortion. Do believe the unborn aren't oxygenated at any point? Do you support abortion at nine months?

There's no excuse for this, aikido7.


Well-known member
The ego is the "I' in all humans. The word does not mean a 'big biased jerk'.

True, but our ego is the mechanism by which we seek protect our idea of ourselves, regardless of how inflated and inaccurate that idea is. So it is our egos that tend to make us behave like jerks much of the time. And especially, it is our ego that causes us to automatically defend ourselves even when no one is 'attacking' us. And it is this auto-defending ego that enforces and entrenches our blinding ignorance.

We must humble ourselves (our egos) to learn anything; even to just listen.

Many here do not understand any of this.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
kat, on The Horn:
He has not made one single intelligent post here. All he does is act like he has no use for anyone who is Christian. His posts are always in disagreement with those who are like-minded to this forum~!

He is a troll!

i agree with you, but whatever you do, don’t call him a retard for the retarded things he posts