If the drone or police killings are illegal, then they are murder, are they not? unless you assume police and the CIA always are lawful by definition.
So you DO recognize that just because bad-law may protect something, doesn't mean it is, by any necessity, right! :up:
(the law doesn't protect illegal killing by the way, except in the case of abortion

And if you don't assume cell-bundle embryos are human beings, then killing them is not murder.
There's that horrible 'assume' word which gives license where none should be quartered. Assumption is either based off personal selfishness or greater good. I'll always side with the assumed greater good. Always. Let me give you a scenario that happened in the book of Esther: The king passed a law that it was lawful to kill Jews. Jews didn't like it and 'assumed' killing their mother,father,siblings and neighbors was both illegal though not on paper, immoral, and they had every right to defend themselves and any helpless. They 'assumed' God was against it too.
There is the scenario, were they right?
The reality is, they weren't 'assuming' anything, they were protecting themselves and their neighbors against genocide.
It seems your conclusions are assumption laden.
Because God calls the shots. In Texas, if you kill somebody, they reserve the right to kill you back. That's how the story of Esther ended. You don't have a right, even as a mother to murder one of my fellow American citizens, even if you have a paper that says you can. That paper is wrong. Flat out.