ECT Attention! Everyone who doesn't like MAD!

Attention! Everyone who doesn't like MAD!

  • It denies water baptism.

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  • It denies the place of the Law in the life of the believer.

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TOL Subscriber
And these. Your demand for specific proof-texting is hilarious.
You have no good news to declare. Got it.

No, you don't. New wine in old wineskins for all of you MADs.
Nope. 2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV
You don't have the faith of the Son of God, else you would hear and know the Gospel you presume you know.
The only way to have the faith and finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ put to your account (even the righteousness of God) is to trust the Lord believing the gospel of Christ (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV. SIMPLICITY! You don't declare IT, the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth (Romans 1:16-17 KJV, Romans 3:21-22 KJV. Too bad for you.

To have the faith OF the Son of God, you have to be IN Christ. IN His prosopon. By faith.
I'm in and nothing you can so is going to get me out.

Close, but still the old wineskin. Deceived even beyond the "others" you always refer to. And still a Zionist. Fail.
I'm not a Zionist. I am a Bible believer.

Romans 11:26-27 KJV


TOL Subscriber
You have no good news to declare. Got it.

Nope. 2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV The only way to have the faith and finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ put to your account (even the righteousness of God) is to trust the Lord believing the gospel of Christ (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV. SIMPLICITY! You don't declare IT, the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth (Romans 1:16-17 KJV, Romans 3:21-22 KJV. Too bad for you.

I'm in and nothing you can so is going to get me out.

I'm not a Zionist. I am a Bible believer.

Romans 11:26-27 KJV





TOL Subscriber
It's not my speaking that's the problem, it's your hearing.

And plainness*of*speech is a translated word cluster for parresia. You misuse it becasue you don't know what it means, just like you don't know what most of scripture means because you depend on English concepts of the mind.

Devices is noema (concepts of the mind). They're Satan's, and they're at the core of both your sub-cognitive and cognitive thinking, which is your heart and mind.

Virtually everything you guys say is based on a perpetual series of assembled English concepts that aren't what scripture says in the inspired original language.

It's an epidemic, but MADs seem to be the most bent because of the veil of their Neo-Judaism that isn't taken away in Christ.

I pray your hope somehow gets the substance of faith to underlie it by hearing God's Rhema by which faith comes. You don't live by the faith OF the Son of God yet. Only hope. Elpis is not pistis.
You can have your so called "the Greek", your final authority over what the scriptures actually say. I have all I need in a KJB 2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
It's truly sad that you despise the inspired original Greek text and the accompanying meanings in that language that aren't translated well into English, which results in a poor and partial understanding.

Translated: The LORD God is a bumbling idiot, unable to tranlate His book into other languages, even though He created languages, so He needs the "hep" of "scholars" like Timmy, beholden to man.

"the inspired original Greek text"

Deception. You have this "original Greek text?" PM me your address. I'll give you a late Christmas present-$4,3876,987 for it. Agreed? Of course, I would need authentication, that this "Greek text" is the "original."

I will wait...for an eternity.

"It's truly sad that you are a fraud, with this "scholarly" "the inspired original Greek text" scam.

Paul's Gospel was recorded in Greek. Knowing and understanding it requires at least remedial access to a handful of words and their definitions

And? Chapter, verse, that asserts that a translation cannot be "is given by inspiration?"

Nobody has to be a scholar. I teach county, state, and federal inmates every week. They don't have any problem seeing the need for the Greek definitions

You don't know how to speak any Greek, how to write it, cannot understand it/read it, and certainly not any "Koine"(common) Greek, as most Greeks don't even know it. All you do, like most fake so called "experts," AKA frauds, is get out your "Strong's Concordance" out, and, wala, you are a "the Greek" expert.

If you don't know what a prosopon is, you can't know Paul's Gospel. It's a word he used for a specific reason to demonstrate the ontology of BEING in Christ

Made up. I know English quite well, fraud, and the LORD God, unlike you, is quite capable in communicating His word into English.

So if you have a problem with the Greek text, take it up with Paul. All I've done is access it so I could know the depth, breadth, and height of what he said by inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

No verse asserts that the LORD God promised to preserve His word in "the Greek," or any language. You made that up. All your jazz is just straight from other bible correcting articles, and bible correctors/agnostics, such as yourself.

You're left with a law methodology because you don't know the grammatical terms for the language. DOING instead of BEING. IN Christ.

That can only come by knowing the difference between hope and faith from Greek definitions. And it's not even that difficult.

Made up. I know English quite well, fraud, and the LORD God, unlike you, is quite capable in communicating His word into English.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

All :spam:


Vs. previously:

"Wow. Just nevermind. It's not worth it. I have better things to do with my day than listen to someone disparage the inspired text in favor of their English concepts that are the devices of Satan.

Have a great week. Ciao."-Timmy

Can't stay away from the great, humble John W, can you Timmy? I understand.....I'm quite brilliant, and irresistable.

Of course, he posted the above, after a few puffs...


Well-known member
There has to be consistent core believe system which most of you organizational people don't have.

I trust many were faithful Jesus' followers and they recorded it for later generations to follow.

Those three I use to evangelize is less confusing to the audience.

God is not God of confusion.

You need dignity in your faith, dude.

What you believe is Matthew's and Mark's and Luke's account of Jesus' life.

Who told M and M and L what to write? God did.

Did God tell John what to write? Yes.

Is John confusing? No, God is the author of confusion.

Who told Paul what to write? God did in Christ.

Who told Moses what to write? God did.

God's word is not confusing, it is perfect in every way.

Just because we don't understand all that is written does not negate God's authorship of scripture, nor does it imply that some books are less worthy of our study than others. However, some books are definitely more applicable for us than others. Like Paul's epistles.


TOL Subscriber
It's truly sad that you despise the inspired original Greek text and the accompanying meanings in that language that aren't translated well into English, which results in a poor and partial understanding.
as opposed to

2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

2 Timothy 3:17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

If you don't know what a prosopon is, you can't know Paul's Gospel.
If you don't trust the Lord for salvation believing what Christ did for you (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV) you'll perish (2 Thessalonians 2:10 KJV).


TOL Subscriber
Translated: The LORD God is a bumbling idiot, unable to tranlate His book into other languages, even though He created languages, so He needs the "hep" of "scholars" like Timmy, beholden to man.

"the inspired original Greek text"

Deception. You have this "original Greek text?" PM me your address. I'll give you a late Christmas present-$4,3876,987 for it. Agreed? Of course, I would need authentication, that this "Greek text" is the "original."

I will wait...for an eternity.

"It's truly sad that you are a fraud, with this "scholarly" "the inspired original Greek text" scam.

And? Chapter, verse, that asserts that a translation cannot be "is given by inspiration?"

You don't know how to speak any Greek, how to write it, cannot understand it/read it, and certainly not any "Koine"(common) Greek, as most Greeks don't even know it. All you do, like most fake so called "experts," AKA frauds, is get out your "Strong's Concordance" out, and, wala, you are a "the Greek" expert.

Made up. I know English quite well, fraud, and the LORD God, unlike you, is quite capable in communicating His word into English.

No verse asserts that the LORD God promised to preserve His word in "the Greek," or any language. You made that up. All your jazz is just straight from other bible correcting articles, and bible correctors/agnostics, such as yourself.

Made up. I know English quite well, fraud, and the LORD God, unlike you, is quite capable in communicating His word into English.



TOL Subscriber
Translated: The LORD God is a bumbling idiot, unable to tranlate His book into other languages, even though He created languages, so He needs the "hep" of "scholars" like Timmy, beholden to man.
It's their first order of business: to talk you out of believing the words on the page mean what they say. ssssssssssssss