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My search for truth ended in His love.
Thanks for making my point :grave:
My search for truth ended in His love.
Human history as whole has no empirical evidence. The nature of the kind of truths defines whether it can be evidenced at all. More often, humans rely on the validity of witnessing to reach a truth. No witnessing can be made more valid then those martyred themselves for what is said and done. Today we have photos and videos supportive of our witnessing though.
I am quite aware of the feelings such a subjective perspective can bring about. It is still wise for a person to be courageous and honest with themselves about all the various angles to this perspective.
So you are claiming to now have absolute knowledge of all things?
Thanks for making my point :grave:
If you ever experience His love and presence in your life here on earth you will be convinced as well.
Thanks but I prefer reality to the fundamentalist delusion. I know you are too far gone to see that now but hopefully one day you will.
If you can preach then so can I![]()
Your reality consists of matter alone, that is nothing more than energy held together. Energy that has a source, that is held together by something. The question is what is the energy source, what holds it together?
I know you can see that human beings have a longing for love. Love that humans can not satisfy. Only God's perfect love can.
The not knowing part is something that I have no great problem with.Your reality consists of matter alone, that is nothing more than energy held together. Energy that has a source, that is held together by something. The question is what is the energy source, what holds it together?
Energy cannot be created and cannot be destroyed, this much we know. If you assert this as ever been any different then present your evidence. Preaching won't help you on that one. Evidence or shut up about it, that simple.
Yes, we've already established how easy mindless preaching is. Let me show you just how easy: there is no such thing as a perfect God and nothing is going on outside your head. You are wrong on a cosmic scale.
See how easy that is? Anyone can do it. Now, proving your assertion with evidence... that takes work, study, knowledge, a desire to find the truth and not being afraid of getting it wrong and changing your view.
So, evidence, got any?
Not do you think you're right--do you hope that you are right that there is no God and therefore no ultimate justice in the afterlife?
The not knowing part is something that I have no great problem with.
Where did energy come from?
Is a god the answer?
Is a god even an answer?
Is a god simply the point at which some people are content to draw the line and stop looking for answers.
Even the great genius Isaac Newton apparently tended to do that.
For me however unknowns can simply remain unknowns until a rational, convincing explanation comes along.
We really don't need imaginative conclusions, tall stories and myths.
In the meantime we can all wonder about the "ultimate question" and try to imagine what a possible reasonable explanation might be for ourselves, rather than adhere to those of the past.
Is the answer 42 or something rather more convoluted and supernatural say the involvement of an omnipotent deity, hosts of heavenly angels, an eternal afterlife, lake of fire, Satanic struggle of good v evil, 6 day creation, original sin, global flood, Ten Commandments, virgin birth, vicarious redemption, salvation ...etc...? mmm:think:
42 it is then.![]()
My heart pumps blood btw.When He convinces your heart to take a step trust and His love and presence comes upon you like a rushing wind you will be as convinced as I am.
When your heart has been freed from the burdens and anxities of life that smothered you will sing His praises l like I do.
My heart pumps blood btw.
It seems to me that a deluded person may also have a similar conviction as you seem to have. Your counterpart in another religion may be as equally convinced or deluded as you are?
The big bang asserts that the whole universe all matter came from nothing.
Because you refute my testimony and countless others who testify to the healing God's love has brought them does not make it false.
'Taste and see that the Lord is good'
Your attitude is you don't like green eggs and ham and yet you have not tried them.
Seek God and His love and see for yourself. God created the natural world He is beyond it. With a naturalistic predjudice you are close minded to what created nature.
That my friend is close minded.My search for truth ended in His love.
I'm sorry but the Big Bang event "asserts" nothing and, beyond theoretical speculation, the state of existence before the Big Bang is not known by anyone, not leading scientists and cosmologists, and certainly not by theologians and religionists.
And the countless other, mutually exclusive gods who's devotees lay testimony to must all be wrong, right? I just disbelieve in one more god than you. Why would I believe you and not them. You can't all be right but you certainly can all be wrong.
Mindless preaching. Dismiss. Show me some evidence that this lord exists outside of your head and then we can discuss it.
How do you know what I've tried?
Me close minded!! talk about pot - kettle - black. Would you like to see "close minded? Here it is:
That my friend is close minded.
And I can assure you there is no prejudice here. Present your evidence and I'll be happy to examine it. But note, I mean testable, falsifiable evidence. Religious platitudes and mindless preaching do not count.
Ok then if your are open minded surrender yourself to Him, open your heart to him, seek Him and reach out to Him, turn to Him. Pray that He fills you with Himself and His love as you turn away from sin. If He is not real what would be the harm. He wants to be Lord of you.
The problem may be that you want to be king of your castle and you don't want to let go for nothing. The only thing that is keeping you from Him is you. He is waiting and He will be waiting for you. He loves you.
I'm talking about fellowship, a close personal Love filled relationship with God through Jesus Christ. I've witnessed to me actually experiencing this and freedom from darkness in my heart; intense negative emotions from my pains inflicted by myself and others and the healing His love has brought me.
It's not so open that my brain falls out. The only way to discovering what's real, IMO, is through critical examination and open minded scepticism. Scepticism is the heart of the scientific method btw. If what you assert is true then you should have no problem presenting the evidence, yet all you do is make bald assertions and engage in mindless preaching. Anyone can do that about anything. I. Don't. Buy. It. Please try to get that fact clear in your head. Preaching is for believers not Sceptics..... how many times must I repeat this?
<preach mode> except there's nothing there. It's all in your head </preach mode> See, easy??
You have no argument, no evidence and no interest in rational discussion. If all you can do is preach then please find someone else to preach at. This sceptic doesn't much care for it. Thanks
If I was able to heal my suffering in life I would have done it long before He did.
It's your choice to ignore my testimony.
May God bless you and keep you.