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The atheist claims he has no faith. He's got just as much faith as I do. He has faith that God does not exists and that this is all there is. I have faith that God does exists and that there is more after this life.
Job was a legalist. He believed he was a good person. God set him straight (Job 38–41).
He had said to his dimwit wife: Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity? Jb 2:10. In general, if one lives a godly life he can expect good things but that is not always the case and we don't always understand why. He never got answers. He had faith anyway (Jb 19:23–27).
That's what God-haters do. Their slot machine god didn't come through for them so they're finished with him. They pulled the handle and no money came out, no attractive spouse came out, no job or house or white picket fence came out.
Tell me all about my faith. Jn 8:56, Ro 8:33
So you have "faith" that Vishnu does not exist? That is baffling. You cannot apply faith to it. You just want to make faith and belief synonymous. Abraham had faith in that God would provide a substitute for Isaac but he could not see that. It was not logical to even to think that. How can that be applied to not believing Vishnu exists? Can you find a Bible quote that says so and so had faith in not-God?