Knight said:
Fool asked: "What 'source' makes plunging a sword into a newborn right!?"
To which you responded: "The source doesn't make the action any more or less right. However our trust in our source directly relates to how we should respond to theirs instructions."
In other words, the source is ethically neutral in regards to your actions; your
trust and ultimate
obedience is the important thing. You are presupposing the source must always be correct and that the command or order you are given is absolutely just.
This is a clever way of absolving yourself of personal responsibility and putting it on a distant higher power.
You follow it up with this sick, twisted, blood soaked rationalization:
"God would never tell anyone to do anything so severe if it wasn't absolutely necessary. [In other words, the butchery of infants was necessary; so much for this sanctity of life claptrap.] If the God of the Bible is real, then God is righteous and would never do anything wicked or vile and never tell anyone else to do anything wicked or vile." [In other words, ethics change because slaughtering infants at knifepoint is bad now but not bad then. Situational ethics here I come.]
You add: "Thankfully we do not live in a time like existed in the past" to which I'd add:
you are so damn right. Thankfully we don't. Women who got captured and raped, husbands who were killed, and infants who were slain did not have such a luxury. Bummer.
"The spiritual battles we fight today are personal ones and not ones on the battlefield."
So you would not call the struggle with militant Islam a spiritual battle?