The point is:
Acts 3- sins are blotted out at the 2nd coming
Col 2- sins already blotted out for some
How do you make them the same?
Because we have Peter and Paul describing Christ Jesus fulfilling two different feasts, and for some reason you can't understand why they don't both describe the events the exact same way.
The sacrifice was for all sins for all-time.
When Christ Jesus returned in 70AD, it fulfilled the Day of Atonement. It marked a renewal of all things.
Peter described that day as when sins are blotted out.
Paul looked back at the sacrifice on the cross, and described that day as when sins were taken away.
Like I said, the sacrifice for the sins took place during Passover. The sacrifice for sins during the Day of Atonement took place that day, not on Passover.
As I have shown, Paul said "our salvation is nearer", and Paul knew he was living in the culmination of the ages, which is when Christ Jesus returned to fulfill the three fall feasts.