Because I never sent you a PM.
You can ask Knight, Sherman, or any other moderator. I never sent you a PM.
Nor did I email you. I don't know your email, nor would I ever email you anything.
You're a liar John.
You can't even keep your lies straight (which is what happens to liars). One lie has PM, the other lie has an email.
I know you couldn't care less what I have to say, but if you are a follower of Paul (as you claim), then at least listen to him:
(Col 3:9 KJV) Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;
Another one of Tellalie's "I never................"
Yes, you did, you habitual liar, sending me a PM, and slander me with that "Dance Director" "homo" charge, which you admit is such, and you are a sodomite, with your "Johnny" man crush jazz, which you think makes you look so tough, you wimp. Most TOL members know that you are obsessed with men/sodomy, so stuff your lying about that PM, and you "closet," child of the devil.
And that's rich, Wimpy-the habitual liar of TOL, calling me a liar, when he is caught on every thread, lying, and has been caught at least 6 times with, "I never said..............," changing his story in every thread, on which he spams, and then me producing your exact quotes, where you said it.
You devious punk, and stuff your "but if you are a follower of Paul (as you claim), then at least listen to him" sophistry. If you are a follower of Paul, get a job, infidel, and stop sponging off your wife, as she supports you, and your 8 hours/day on TOL obsession:
1 Timothy 5:8 KJB
But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
Don't you believe Paul, Tellalie? You taught us that.
You're headed for hell, child of the devil, slanderer.