Armed terrorists occupy federal building - won't leave until their demands are met

Jose Fly

New member
Well, then it simply boils down to he said/she said.

No, the facts I posted are a matter of public record.

What I do know is that the ranchers are miffed about something.

The Hammonds don't support these militia people.

While I doubt the government will offer the full history of events.

I don't suspect this will last very long. This is the picture of the supplies they tweeted out.



They were poachers, the fire they set got out of control, they got busted. Angels, no. Deserving of what they got, yes. Martyrs? Definitely not.

They fulfilled their initial sentences. An appeal was filed and they were "re-sentenced". :rolleyes:

Something is rotten in Denmark....or rather, in Oregon.

Jose Fly

New member
They fulfilled their initial sentences. An appeal was filed and they were "re-sentenced". :rolleyes:

Somthing is rotten in Denmark....or rather, in Oregon.

Again, you need to get better sources (at least ones that get the fundamental facts straight). The Hammonds were convicted under a law that had Congressional mandatory minimum sentences. Their original sentences were far short of those minimums, so the prosecutor appealed and won.


No, the facts I posted are a matter of public record.

Perhaps, the actions the government took could be publicly verified as well.

The Hammonds don't support these militia people.

Understandable. Doing so would only aggravate their - already serious - personal dilemma.

I don't suspect this will last very long. This is the picture of the supplies they tweeted out.

LOL...I've brought more to a picnic.


Again, you need to get better sources (at least ones that get the fundamental facts straight). The Hammonds were convicted under a law that had Congressional mandatory minimum sentences. Their original sentences were far short of those minimums, so the prosecutor appealed and won.

I agree, there was some biased "spinning" going on with the article...though there's generally two sides to every story. I've no reason to think it was complete b.s.

Jose Fly

New member
Perhaps, the actions the government took could be publicly verified as well.

Yes, they could be.

Understandable. Doing so would only aggravate their - already serious - personal dilemma.

No doubt. Before all this, probably no one outside of Burns, OR knew of the Hammonds, let alone of their poaching and arson. Now millions know.

LOL...I've brought more to a picnic.

If that pic really is their supplies, this could be over by the end of the week.

I agree, there was some biased "spinning" going on with the article...though there's generally two sides to every story. I've no reason to think it was complete b.s.

At the very least, I'd double-check everything claimed in that post.


Well-known member
Article from National Review gives a pretty explanation of the ranchers side of the story:

The Case for Civil Disobedience in Oregon

I will add The War Against the Cowboys

A segment...

As our old republic fades into history, replaced by a voracious global Empire, the division between foreign policy and domestic policy is erased. A conquistador treats his helots on the home front with the same contempt he has for his subjects abroad. In both cases, conquest and subjugation is the goal – and rebellion is the inevitable result.

Jose Fly

New member
The problem is, "civil disobedience" is going into a federal building and staging a sit in....or holding a march and blocking an overpass.

A small group armed to the teeth taking over a federal facility, setting up people in sniper positions, and saying "we are prepared to die" is not.


Well-known member
I don't know why anyone would take issue with the Bundy "yer laws aint apply to me!" militia... God told him to do it. Who's to argue with an armed persecuted freedom fighter who's being instructed by God?

Who else would anyone want interpreting and defending the constitution but someone who God is speaking to?


Well-known member
I don't know why anyone would take issue with the Bundy "Yer laws aint apply to me!" militia... God told him to do it. Who's to argue with an armed persecuted freedom fighter who's being instructed by God?

Who else would anyone want interpreting and defending the constitution but someone who God is speaking to?

Ad absurdum.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
The problem is, "civil disobedience" is going into a federal building and staging a sit in....or holding a march and blocking an overpass.

A small group armed to the teeth taking over a federal facility, setting up people in sniper positions, and saying "we are prepared to die" is not.

Personally I think people who block roads and overpasses should be shot. :plain:


Well-known member
The problem is, "civil disobedience" is going into a federal building and staging a sit in....or holding a march and blocking an overpass.

A small group armed to the teeth taking over a federal facility, setting up people in sniper positions, and saying "we are prepared to die" is not.

Doesn't make it so easy to walk over huh?


Well-known member
I don't know why anyone would take issue with the Bundy "yer laws aint apply to me!" militia... God told him to do it. Who's to argue with an armed persecuted freedom fighter who's being instructed by God?

Who else would anyone want interpreting and defending the constitution but someone who God is speaking to?

Ad absurdum.

I agree with you that it's absurd that Bundy is saying God is instructing them. Twisted, but absurd. I also think it's twisted and absurd that folks around here just seem to brush it off.

These nutters think they're doing God's will.

Papa Bundy also said God was instructing him.

"[Bundy] reproaches the crowd for failing to follow the word of God – to the letter – which he says is being delivered through him. They failed, for example, to follow his instructions to tear down the toll booths at Lake Mead and disarm the Park Service.

"The message I gave to you all was a revelation that I received. And yet not one of you can seem to even quote it."

Cliven continues, sermon-like: "The records of our bible — how long have they been kept? Thousands of years. They've been turned over generation after generation, buried, and all kinds of things happen to 'em. And yet, here, something I felt was inspired [by God] and yet we haven't even carried it forth for even a couple of days. Shame on us." Smattering of clapping.

He goes on to explain that, although they managed to deter the BLM, they failed to do it "within one hour," as the revelation had prophesied. So when an hour passes, he decides to get in his bulldozer and march on the BLM himself. The dozer gets stuck in the mud and he receives another revelation.

"It come to my mind real plain — the good Lord said, 'Bundy, it's not your job, it's THEIR job.' So we come back over here and heard that they had brought some cattle back. So I want you to understand," he said. "This is not my job, it's YOUR job.

"This morning, I said a prayer, and this is what I received. I heard a voice say, 'Sheriff Gillespie, your work is not done. Every sheriff across the United States, take the guns away from the United States bureaucrats.'"


New member
The whole situation got worse when the authorities backed away from the armed gangs of radicalised Christians instead of enforcing their action against Bundy for not paying his rent. They think that laws don't apply to them now.

only morons take the side of corrupt govt over citizens, and it is my contention that only the demonically possessed (or at least demonically-influenced) hate Christians more than big govt. Their hatred blinds them. But they will not be blind in the next hot world--they will see (and worse--FEEL)their own vile evil face to face for all eternity



New member
We all need to know more about this. We need to see the court records and documents pertaining to this situation.

Fox News hasn't provided that kind of info yet. But i get the feeling some at that station are against the Bundys even with this limited amt of info

At this point i take the side of We the People, aka The Bundys and that other family who have probably been falsely convicted. I have seen much crruption in gov in my lifetime.
