Well-known member
I would love to know how Montel would have handled young AG Holders situation.lain:
"That's different."
I would love to know how Montel would have handled young AG Holders situation.lain:
"That's different."
So a local resident and two other witnesses see the Hammonds illegally poach a herd of deer on public land. Then less than two hours later the hunters have to evacuate their campsite because of a fire in the same area.
One of the Hammonds' own relatives (a teenager) testifies that Steven Hammond gave him matches and told him to "light up the whole county on fire". He does, and the fire spreads so fast that the teenager has to dive into a creek to escape the flames. Then when the teenager goes back to the family ranch, Steven Hammond tells him to "keep his mouth shut" and "no one needs to know about the fire".
All this evidence is presented to a jury (of locals) who find the Hammonds guilty of arson.
Additionally, in 2006 as firefighters were fighting several fires (naturally caused), a burn ban is put into place. Despite the ban, and in full knowledge that firefighters were on the ground in the area, Steven Hammond sets multiple fires without notifying anyone. This forces the firefighters to evacuate and stop their firefighting activities. The next day, a firefighter confronts Steven Hammond, who admits to setting the fires. The jury also convicts Steven Hammond of arson for this incident.
And these are the people the militia is rallying around (even though the Hammonds don't want them to)? I don't think "unhinged" does justice to the sheer insanity of these people.
oh noes, hundreds of squirrels could be endangered.
Or worse: teenage squirrels could be introduced to the NRA and then armed.
Yes, that's correct. They're angry some arsonists are going to prison and they took over a building to show just how angry they are.
And they've got guns and want to get into a shootout.
Which makes no sense, because they don't seem to be protesting their convictions or jail sentences.
And that's what this really seems to be about. These nutters got wind of "The federal government is sending some ranchers to jail", and figured "Hey, maybe we can turn this into a shootout with the feds!"
IOW, this has nothing to do with the Hammonds or the actual facts of the case. They didn't get their shootout at the Bundy ranch or the Grants Pass mining thing, so they're trying to get it here.
Armed terrorists occupy federal building - won't leave until their demands are met.
"That's different."
More power to 'em. :Clete:
Sounds like they got jerked around.
It gives Granite more grit to sharpen his bitingwithypocrisy.![]()
Read...and draw your own conclusion.
Insults only work when they make sense, Tom.
Been there, done that. My question (to clarify) was how exactly the armed protestershad been "jerked around." Even the Hammonds don't support what they're doing.
Everybody knows you are a hypocrite Granite....I don't have to explain anything. :idunno:
They're tired of the way the goverment treats ranchers. :idunno:
You've been officially in a snit since after one too many threads about guns. Put me on ignore and do yourself a favor, otherwise sniping at me makes you look like a bigger doofus than usual.
Happy new year.