Thanks for your 'righteous indignation' Knight!
Thanks for your 'righteous indignation' Knight!
Originally posted by Knight
P.S. Please note that this thread is in the "Exclusively Christian Theology" forum so if you are coming in here to mock God please think otherwise.
I would rather discuss this concept from a Christian or biblical stance.
Thanks in advance for your consideration.
Knight, you are absolutely right!
It IS very disconcerting when people blame God for the evil that is in the world through sin. I have heard people say God is responsible for all kinds of things, from evil, to just plain physical or emotional "pain" as a result of the outworkings of sin in our bodies and minds.
But whatever goes wrong in this world, IT IS NOT GOD'S FAULT!
It was our older brother and sister, Adam and Eve, that brought rebellion against God into this world, and that act began the development of sin. Sin's malignant effects have devastated this planet and all it's inhabitants--animals and plants included. We suffer because of sin. Yet God, in His benevolent mercy and justice, has helped us all along the way--or none of us would long survive. One of the beneficial effects of the flood was the shortening of man's life span, in order that we would not have to suffer this life for a thousand years. It is your righteous indignation, Knight, that objects so strongly to these wrong-headed people.
Sin brings pain and death. Not God.
Thanks Knight for this reminder!
May God Bless!
