ARGH!!! Calvinism makes me furious!!!

Nathon Detroit

Re: Misrepresentation ...

Re: Misrepresentation ...

Originally posted by Hilston
I say that to this this: Please explain how I've misrepresented the Open View on prayer and trust and I will happily and eagerly recant my claim.

You questioned that God wasn't "doing anything" in the Open View.

In realty it's the Open View that argues for God's movement and activity!

It's the closed view that claims God is stagnant.

Therefore you completely misrepresented the OV position.

You may now recant.


Active member
Hall of Fame
Hi Knight,

Knight writes: Do you mean what is God currently doing? God works with those that love Him. (Romans 8:28) He comforts, ...
How does he do this? Please give an example.

Knight writes: ... gives wisdom.
Again, an example, please.

Knight writes: He forgives, ...
No, this is a done deal. He has forgiven, past tense. He no longer grants forgiveness as a contingency as He did with Israel's kingdom. Those who are saved reallize their forgiveness, they do not receive forgiveness.

Knight writes: He shows mercy and He loves etc.
Please give an example.

Knight writes:The Holy Spirit is actively working in all of the lives of those that lean on Him.
How? Please give an example.

Knight writes: Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.
How is this actually done? Please give an example.

Knight writes: Therefore according to open theism God is working through His body via the Holy Spirit in a trillion different ways every day!
Describe one.

Knight writes:What is God currently doing through the eyes of the closed view?
Y'all chose the term "Open View" and "Open Theism" to describe your theology. I am happy to use it out of respect, where it is due. I do not refer to my view as "the closed view," so I am loath to answer a question put in such misrepresentative terms.



Active member
Hall of Fame
Knight writes: You questioned that God wasn't "doing anything" in the Open View.

In realty it's the Open View that argues for God's movement and activity!
OK. I accept that you argue for God's movement and activity. But I haven't seen the actual argument. Please give some examples from your own life of God's movement and activity. I really want to understand this.

Knight writes: It's the closed view that claims God is stagnant.
If you wish to criticize Calvinism, you would fare much better in reading the actual writings of reformed theologians whom you can quote with confidence. If your goal is to merely criticize those who misrepresent Calvinism, then don't call it Calvinism. Otherwise, you're only going to continue having arguments with people who actually know what Calvinism teaches, rather than arguing the merits of their actual teachings. The last thing I want to do is argue against something you do not really believe. What a waste of time that would be. So please, help me to understand what you believe.

Knight writes: Therefore you completely misrepresented the OV position.
Just stating it doesn't make it so, 1Way. What does He do when He moves and is active?

Knight writes: You may now recant.
I am eager to do so when you shown that I've misrepresented the view. You've only stated it. Please show it.


PS: I have the recant already typed and ready to send.


New member
Even the non-elect understand Calvinism

Even the non-elect understand Calvinism

Calvinist Church of the Non-elect :bannana:

If, as Paul teaches (Rom. viii. 29, 30), foreknowledge precedes predestination, and if the mission of Christ is the means of accomplishing the end of predestination, then of necessity predestination to eternal life precedes the gift of Christ. Having, as we are taught in Eph. i. 4, 5, predestinated the elect to the adoption of sons, God chose a few before the foundation of the world, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for sins. This is the order of the divine purposes, or the mutual relation of the truths of redemption as presented in the Scriptures. Even some of the non-elect comprehend these truths and accept the sovereignty of God in choosing them as mere "ordinary vessels".
~Thomas W. Gillespie, Princeton Sem. Bull., 118 (1987): 12

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Hilston
How does he do this? Please give an example.

Again, an example, please.

Please give an example.

How? Please give an example.

How is this actually done? Please give an example

Describe one.

Ephesians 1:16 do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, 18the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,

Jim... all of this stuff is in the Bible. I am not going to do all the heavy lifting for you.

You have heard of the Fruit of the Spirit right Jim?

What does that mean to you?

Oh and you didn't respond to my question...

What is God currently doing through the eyes of the closed view?

Y'all chose the term "Open View" and "Open Theism" to describe your theology. I am happy to use it out of respect, where it is due. I do not refer to my view as "the closed view," so I am loath to answer a question put in such misrepresentative terms.

Oh come on Jim use that noggin of yours!

There are only two possible views of the future.

The future is either open - this option would include ANY totally open or partially open view of the future.

Or the future is closed.

It cannot be both ways as these views are mutually exclusive. If you reject that the future is open to any degree then you are a closed viewer whether you like it or not!

And if you are opposed to the open view why on earth would you be offended being called a "closed viewer"? That is what you are right Jim?


Active member
Hall of Fame
Here is what John Calvin himself wrote about the "stagnant" God of Calvinism. Save this somewhere. Whenever you're tempted to say, "Calvinism teaches that God is stagnant," please read this quote and replace "Calvinism" with the name of the person you are debating.
And truly God claims omnipotence to himself, and would have us to acknowledge it, -- not the vain, indolent, slumbering omnipotence which sophists feign, but vigilant, efficacious, energetic, and ever active, -- not an omnipotence which may only act as a general principle of confused motion, as in ordering a stream to keep within the channel once prescribed to it, but one which is intent on individual and special movements. [John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book 1, Chap. XVI pp. 174]

First, then, let the reader remember that the providence we mean is not one by which the Deity, sitting idly in heaven, looks on at what is taking place in the world, but one by which he, as it were, holds the helm, and overrules all events. Hence his providence extends not less to the hand than to the eye." [ibid. p.175]

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Hilston
If you wish to criticize Calvinism, you would fare much better in reading the actual writings of reformed theologians whom you can quote with confidence. If your goal is to merely criticize those who misrepresent Calvinism, then don't call it Calvinism.
Jim come on man.... that is obfuscation.

I am arguing here! On TOL! Against you and Z Man and a couple others!

I am arguing against YOUR points!

You are here to defend yourself and anything else you would like to defend.

I am not arguing against Calvin as he is dead.

If I misrepresent you in anyway I apologize.

If I misrepresent Z Man in anyway I apologize. But so far as I can tell I am doing a fair job is arguing against the points you are making and the points that Z Man is making even though they are somewhat different from one another.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Hilston

Here is what John Calvin himself wrote about the "stagnant" God of Calvinism. Save this somewhere. Whenever you're tempted to say, "Calvinism teaches that God is stagnant," please read this quote and replace "Calvinism" with the name of the person you are debating.

So even Calvin admits that God can change!

Too bad he is dead maybe he could help straighten out knuckle-heads like Z Man.


Z Man

New member
Avoiding TRUTH....

Avoiding TRUTH....


I'm still waiting for you to respond to this post and this one. My point in debating with you was to prove that Scriptures do state that God gives people diseases, although you continue to state that He doesn't! You are making yourself look like a fool in front of many people that come up here and read these posts on a daily basis!

You specifically said:


SURGEON GENERALS WARNING: God may cause cancer. Errrrrrrrr God does cause cancer. :down:

No He doesn't [cause things like disease]... you are wrong and I am here to defend God's name.

But the Scriptures tell us:

Le 26:16
I also will do this to you: I [the Lord] will even appoint terror over you, wasting disease and fever which shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart.

2 Chronicles 21:14-15, 18
...behold, the Lord will strike your people with a serious affliction--your children, your wives, and all your possessions; and you will become very sick with a disease of your intestines, until your intestines come out by reason of the sickness, day by day. ... After all this the Lord struck him in his intestines with an incurable disease.

De 7:15
And the Lord will take away from you all sickness, and will afflict you with none of the terrible diseases of Egypt which you have known, but will lay [afflictions and disease] on all those who hate you.

De 28:61
Also every sickness and every plague, which is not written in this Book of the Law, will the Lord bring upon you until you are destroyed.

John 11:4
When Jesus heard that, He said, "This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it."


Seriously, you cannot continue in opposing the Word of God and believe that you are right?!?! If you are a real man, admit your mistakes and recant your statement that God does not give people diseases, and that the woman was stupid for claiming that God did indeed give her cancer. We are all waiting...


Active member
Hall of Fame
Knight writes: Ephesians 1:16 do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, 18the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,

Jim... all of this stuff is in the Bible. I am not going to do all the heavy lifting for you.
I'm asking for examples from your life, Knight. Please indulge me. How does God give you the spirit of revealed wisdom? How does he enlighten the eyes of your understanding? Give me an example in your actual experience.

Knight writes: You have heard of the Fruit of the Spirit right Jim?
Yes, but it doesn't make sense in the Open View, at least my understanding of it. Please help me understand how the Open View teaches about this. If you can't give me a reference to one of the Open View books. I probably have it. If I don't, I'll buy it tonight.

Knight writes: What does that mean to you?
What does the "fruit of the Spirit" mean to me? It means that God, by His Spirit, is working in my will to do of His good pleasure. He is causing me to desire things I would naturally reject. He is driving me into the scripture to learn more of Him and to teach others what I am learning. He is meticulously moving in my life, my mind, my heart and my circumstances to bring about the good works in me that He prepared in advance for me to do (Eph 2:10).

Knight writes: There are only two possible views of the future. The future is either open - this option would include ANY totally open or partially open view of the future. Or the future is closed. It cannot be both ways as these views are mutually exclusive. If you reject that the future is open to any degree then you are a closed viewer whether you like it or not!
The term misrepresents the immanence of God. I don't shrink from the concept that the future is closed. But it is not the defining characteristic of my view, nor would I label it as such. Just as I don't go around call my view, "The Limited Atonement View." I heartily declare that as a tenet of my faith, but it isn't its defining characteristic. However, the open future IS the defining characteristic of the Open View, and it makes sense that you would label it as such.

Knight writes: And if you are opposed to the open view why on earth would you be offended being called a "closed viewer"? That is what you are right Jim?
I'm a Mid-Acts dispensationalist. It doesn't cover everything I believe, but that's the most important part.

Nathon Detroit

Re: Avoiding TRUTH....

Re: Avoiding TRUTH....

Originally posted by Z Man
Le 26:16
I also will do this to you: I [the Lord] will even appoint terror over you, wasting disease and fever which shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart.

2 Chronicles 21:14-15, 18
...behold, the Lord will strike your people with a serious affliction--your children, your wives, and all your possessions; and you will become very sick with a disease of your intestines, until your intestines come out by reason of the sickness, day by day. ... After all this the Lord struck him in his intestines with an incurable disease.

De 7:15
And the Lord will take away from you all sickness, and will afflict you with none of the terrible diseases of Egypt which you have known, but will lay [afflictions and disease] on all those who hate you.

De 28:61
Also every sickness and every plague, which is not written in this Book of the Law, will the Lord bring upon you until you are destroyed.

John 11:4
When Jesus heard that, He said, "This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it."
Z Man... are you making the point that EVERY sickness is a punishment of God?

When a two year old boy dies of Leukemia is he being punished by God?

What did he do?

Here we are at almost the 300th post in this thread and you still don't get it!

You give examples of God punishing the wicked and I have said 10 times now you aren't going to get me to disagree that God punishes the wicked.

But for your point to stand EVERY sickness... and EVERY death is a punishment from God. Is that what you believe?

OK, so again I have responded to your objections. It is rude of you to avoid responding to mine.

I asked....

Z Man I have two questions for you.....

1. Z Man is there such a thing as evil?
And if so how do you define it?

2. Has any evil or bad thing ever happened in the history of creation that was not directly orchestrated by God?
And if so, can you give me an example?


+OL remote satellite affiliate
Good Sir Knight - you are doing well by me and the minions of freedom from the authentic living and change-able God! Continue in pressing forward and pay little heed to the side to side twisting gyrations, I pray that Hilston's heart is more steady and true than his contrary words sometimes would show.

Hilston - The first entire part of your (show me, I don't know what you mean) post to Knight is dismissible unless you want to honestly claim ignorance over so much foundational Christian thought. You are a cantankerous character.

But, you did say
Y'all chose the term "Open View" and "Open Theism" to describe your theology. I am happy to use it out of respect, where it is due. I do not refer to my view as "the closed view," so I am loath to answer a question put in such misrepresentative terms.
To which I say, it is just a view, it is not an entire theology, nor is it your entire theology, nor is there any other meaningful option either. Either the future is open or closed to future contingency, one or the other. Those are the only two choices. If you want to invent a new choice or create a new name over this issue, then feel free to do so, but don't avoid the question just because of so much semantic hoopla, deal uprightly, you charged Knight, he responded well, and he charged you with the same questioning and so now your too good to answer? Please, try again.

You said
Just stating it doesn't make it so, 1Way. What does He do when He moves and is active?
For starters, what He does not do is what you claim He does, and that is cause sinners to sin. 911 was not the hand of God, it was not part of God's will or His sovereign decree that it should happen. God does do exactly what Knight said He does. As to forgiveness, it is not as you said because not everyone who will be saved in this dispensation is saved yet, so necessarily God has more forgiving to do. Remember, while you are granting our views to be critical of them, you must accurately represent them, not contradict them, your remark about Him being done forgiving contradicts the open view in that God honestly responds to man in reality.

And I echo what Knight said. We are dealing with each other here and now, and so let's open our bible's and discuss these things without interjecting unnecessary problems.

In case you are wondering, Knights comparison with stagnation is with a closed view God that never changes. Stagnation means "a state of inactivity", synonymous ideas, but different words. God is active in the Open View, in the opposing view, God is stagnant, everything is changeless from God.

So which view do you take? Are you more towards Arminian, or Calvinistic? Does God only know the entire future, or does He also purpose or predestine it?

Nathon Detroit

Re: Avoiding TRUTH....

Re: Avoiding TRUTH....

Originally posted by Hilston

I'm asking for examples from your life, Knight. Please indulge me. How does God give you the spirit of revealed wisdom? How does he enlighten the eyes of your understanding? Give me an example in your actual experience.
Anecdotal evidence is irrelevant.

I have been down these trails with you before Jim. I am sorry but they are a waste of time and never prove anything except that you love distraction.

Yes, but it doesn't make sense in the Open View, at least my understanding of it. Please help me understand how the Open View teaches about this. If you can't give me a reference to one of the Open View books. I probably have it. If I don't, I'll buy it tonight.
I recommend the Bible.

Who cares what other OV'ers say???

Can't you address the concerns here? Now?
What does the "fruit of the Spirit" mean to me? It means that God, by His Spirit, is working in my will to do of His good pleasure. He is causing me to desire things I would naturally reject. He is driving me into the scripture to learn more of Him and to teach others what I am learning. He is meticulously moving in my life, my mind, my heart and my circumstances to bring about the good works in me that He prepared in advance for me to do (Eph 2:10).
Great I agree!

The term misrepresents the immanence of God. I don't shrink from the concept that the future is closed. But it is not the defining characteristic of my view, nor would I label it as such. Just as I don't go around call my view, "The Limited Atonement View." I heartily declare that as a tenet of my faith, but it isn't its defining characteristic. However, the open future IS the defining characteristic of the Open View, and it makes sense that you would label it as such.

I'm a Mid-Acts dispensationalist. It doesn't cover everything I believe, but that's the most important part.
OK... but we are discussing the Open vs. Closed View here so I think the term is more than appropriate.

Again... we are just wasting or time with these meaningless rabbit trails that you don't even really have an argument for.


I asked....

What is God currently doing through the eyes of the closed view?

I will alter the question for you.... (to remove your objection)

What is God currently doing now according to Jim Hilston?

Is that better can you answer it now?

Or will we go down some other rabbit trail?

Z Man

New member
Re: Re: Avoiding TRUTH....

Re: Re: Avoiding TRUTH....

Originally posted by Knight

Z Man... are you making the point that EVERY sickness is a punishment of God?

But for your point to stand EVERY sickness... and EVERY death is a punishment from God. Is that what you believe?
NO!!!! That's not what I believe!!!! That's exactly my point though; every sickness and disease that God gives may not be for punishment, but for something else! That's why I brought up Job, and the Egyptians, and all those women and children who were killed by God, and even the life of Christ, who suffered, yet knew no sin! In all these cases, God brought sickness and destruction upon people, although not necessarily for punishment. In the same way, the woman who said God gave her cancer knows that first of all, it was God that gave her cancer, and secondly, it is to teach her something, whatever the case may be. In John 11:4, sickness was brought upon a little girl so that God may be glorified!

My point in all of this, as I have said for a million times already, is not to prove that God punishes the "innocent", but that God indeed does give people diseases and sufferings and afflictions, whether they are "evil" or "righteous"; it doesn't matter. You said God did not give people diseases at all, and that it was "sick" of us to say He does. But I gave proof through Scripture that you are wrong. You have yet to admit that you were wrong. You said God does not give people diseases, yet Scriptures say He does.

Who is right TOL? Knight, or God's Word?
You give examples of God punishing the wicked...
Job wasn't wicked. Neither was Christ. And do you really think Esau was wicked when God hated him? He wasn't even born yet! David's first son died; was he wicked? How bout all the firstborn in Egypt; some were babies and young children. Do you think they were wicked? How bout when God gave everyone in the land of Egypt boils? How bout all those women and children who God killed in the nations that opposed Israel? Do you really think they were all wicked?

You don't get it:

Matthew 5:45
[God] makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.
OK, so again I have responded to your objections. It is rude of you to avoid responding to mine.
No you haven't. You have yet to respond directly to those posts that I gave links too. There is so much more context in there than you give credit for. If you had read them, then you would of understood that I am not saying that "every sickness is a punishment of God".

Until you admit that you were wrong for saying that God does not give people diseases, I will not move on to another topic in this debate. You are trying to avoid facing your mistakes. But I can't let that happen. You, of all people on this site, must be held accountable for your false teachings...

Nathon Detroit

Until you answer.... I will simply keep asking.

I asked....

Z Man I have two questions for you.....

1. Z Man is there such a thing as evil?
And if so how do you define it?

2. Has any evil or bad thing ever happened in the history of creation that was not directly orchestrated by God?
And if so, can you give me an example?


Active member
Hall of Fame

I am interested in specific examples from your actual experience in life of the following.

"He comforts, ..." How does he do this? Please give an example.

" ... gives wisdom." Again, an example, please.

"He shows mercy and He loves" Please give an example in your life.

"The Holy Spirit is actively working in all of the lives of those that lean on Him." How? Please give an example.

"Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." How is this actually done? Please give an example in your life.

"Therefore according to open theism God is working through His body via the Holy Spirit in a trillion different ways every day!" Describe one.

Knight accuses: Jim come on man.... that is obfuscation.
The fact that you call it obfuscation only demonstrates your unwillingness to get it right, Knight. Apparently you don't care. I can't help you to care. When I debate someone, I want to know what THEY believe. If I find out that a self-proclaimed Arminian is claiming things that sound strangely non-Arminian, I don't THEN go around saying, "Arminians say ..." just because one self-proclaimed Arminian starts shooting off at the mouth. I go and read Jacobus Arminius. Hopefully, when I debate a person, he will be able to soundly represent the view he claims, but if I find him to be inconsistent with that view's teachings, I let him know. The benefit to me is the next time I encounter a self-described Arminian, I'll know what I'm talking about going in, and not some distortion presented by someone who didn't know what he was talking about. Surely you must see the value in this. That's why I've done all the reading I have on the Open View. Any deficit in my understanding is either due to (a) an inadequate treatment of certain topics by the OV scholars, or (b) a failure in my part to process something I've read.

Knight writes:
I am arguing against YOUR points!
That's the problem, Knight. You're not. You've erected a straw man because you have a distorted view of Calvinism, probably due to debating people who do not understand or have not read Calvin. Combine your distorted view of Calvinism with my views that differ from Calvinism and you've got yourself quite a quagmire.

Knight writes: You are here to defend yourself and anything else you would like to defend. I am not arguing against Calvin as he is dead.
Then stop callling it Calvinism. Stop calling it the "closed view." It's disrespectful.

Knight writes: If I misrepresent you in anyway I apologize.
While I appreciate your spirit, the best way to work this out is to try to understand each other's view and to not mischaracterize it.

Knight writes: But so far as I can tell I am doing a fair job is arguing against the points you are making ...
Calling God "stagnant" in my view is not "doing a fair job." Arguing that my view does not allow God's movement and activity is not "doing a fair job." Saying that my view espouses that all men follow God's will is not "doing a fair job." It's like you're not even trying, Knight. If this were a formal debate, the audience would be wondering what you were talking about. I'd be looking around to see who else was on stage that you might be debating instead of me.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Hilston


I am interested in specific examples from your actual experience in life of the following.

"He comforts, ..." How does he do this? Please give an example.
How does He comfort me? He assures me that we win in the end. He tells me that the reward in the afterlife is worth all the crud in this life etc. etc. etc.

" ... gives wisdom." Again, an example, please.
For some... His word gives wisdom. For others it's obvious His word is ignored. :noid:

"He shows mercy and He loves" Please give an example in your life.
He showed mercy on me as I was deserving of an etrernal destiny with the burden of sin piled on me.

Mercy is.... me, not getting what I deserved. :)

"The Holy Spirit is actively working in all of the lives of those that lean on Him." How? Please give an example.
Read the Bible!

There are examples on almost every page!

This is really wierd. Because.... I know your smart enough to know all this stuff and your smart enough to guess the type of examples I would give in all of these situations but you ask any way. :rolleyes:

I don't send you don't useless rabbit trails why do you do this to me?

What did I ever do to you to deserve this treatment?

Knight. If this were a formal debate, the audience would be wondering what you were talking about. I'd be looking around to see who else was on stage that you might be debating instead of me.
LOL... I am trying to debate you Jim but apparently you want no part of it.

I answer your questions and you don't answer mine.

In my book this isn't much of a debate.

What is God currently doing now according to Jim Hilston?