Originally posted by Knight
No.. no you haven't. All you have shown is that God punishes the wicked and you will get no disagreement from me on that one.
Nowhere in scripture do you find God randomly tormenting innocent people.
There is no such thing as "innocent people". All have sinned and fall short.
The Scriptures I provided proved that God gives diseases to people. You said God doesn't do those things, and the woman was wrong for claiming God gave her cancer - that diseases are created out of "thin air" and just happen. I gave Scripture evidence that proves otherwise. You have yet to give Scripture proof that says "God does not grant people diseases". Frankly, if there were verses that said that, then the Bible would contridict itself.
Le 26:16
I also will do this to you: I [the Lord] will even appoint terror over you, wasting disease and fever which shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart. And you shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.
2 Chronicles 21:14-15, 18
...behold, the Lord will strike your people with a serious affliction--your children, your wives, and all your possessions; and you will become very sick with a disease of your intestines, until your intestines come out by reason of the sickness, day by day. ... After all this the Lord struck him in his intestines with an incurable disease.
De 7:15
And the Lord will take away from you all sickness, and will afflict you with none of the terrible diseases of Egypt which you have known, but will lay them on all those who hate you.
De 28:61
Also every sickness and every plague, which is not written in this Book of the Law, will the Lord bring upon you until you are destroyed.
John 11:4
When Jesus heard that, He said, "This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it."
How many times do you need to be told? Cancer isn't "given". Nor is Alzheimer's, or aneurisms or a multitude of other ailments. Apparently you are the only one on this thread that thinks cancer is "given".
Then I must be the only one who is knowledgable of Scripture. And I know I'm not. So, do not assume that everyone is as "Scripturally challenged" as you are...
The Bible clearly tells us that God "gives" diseases to people. It doesn't just "happen", or come out of no where.
I always avoid irrational conclusions.
So Scripture is irrational? You are theologically depraved...
You are wrong! I have responded to your assertions as I have yet again in this post!
You have yet to directly respond to the Scriptures that tell us God gives people diseases. You said they come from no where, but the Bible tells us that God is the one who gives people diseases.
God doesn't randomly torment innocent people.
Of course He doesn't; there are no such thing as innocent people!
Job was a
righteous man before God, yet God tormented him. Christ was perfect, and God willed His death. God had women and children killed by the masses in the nations that opposed Israel.
Matthew 5:45
[God] makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.
The only biblical examples you have supplied show God punishing wicked people. Therefore you have given ZERO biblical support that God randomly torments innocent people.
I wasn't trying to prove that God randomly torments innocent people. I was simply giving proof that God does give people diseases, as you have vehemently opposed! You do not oppose me or my beliefs my friend, but rather, you directly oppose Scriptures!
Now... maybe you missed it but I asked you a question and you avoided it....
You stated that God... "put Job through a life of hell," to which I asked....
Tell me Z Man I am curious... what specifically do you think GOD did to Job?
I answered you in
post #183.
Through Satan, God put Job through a life of hard times, taking away everything that he had, to show Job one thing; that He is sovereign. Job saw a glimpse of God's glory (Job 42), and was speechless. Because of Job's sufferings, he was shown the glory of God. That's how God does it; He uses evil and suffering and diseases and what have you to show the world that He is a God of Glory and Holiness. Christ is another perfect example of this.
You have yet to prove to us Scripturally that the woman was wrong for claiming that God gave her cancer. You said that diseases come from no where and that they aren't "given". Where does Scripture ever say that?
Your feelings and opinions about who God is will not fly in the search for TRUTH. We must take the TRUTH of Scripture for what it reveals to us. And, as I have pointed out and posted, diseases are truly given, and they are given by God. He doesn't just "punish" the "evil ones"; in fact, God's will is that the "good people" should suffer more than the "evil ones".
1 Peter 3:17
For it is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.
2 Timothy 3:12
Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.
You seem hesitant or afraid to claim that God "suffers" those who are "good". The Bible tells us the exact opposite. Becoming a Christian doesn't mean that life suddenly becomes some sort of cake walk and that God makes sure you have a happy, peaceful life. God desires that we make sacrifices daily. To be persecuted and mocked and go through countless sufferings for Him is pleasing to Him. Who are you to say that the woman who claims God gave her cancer is stupid? She is far more intelligent than you are, and she rightly knows the Scriptures, unlike you. Who knows what God will do with her life and through her afflictions with the disease of cancer....
John 11:4
When Jesus heard that, He said, "This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it."