Combined response to Lighthouse, Big Finn, Poly and Knight
Combined response to Lighthouse, Big Finn, Poly and Knight
This is a combined response to Lighthouse, Big Finn, Poly and Knight
To Lighthouse
To Big Finn
Someone wrote: "He's in the business of self-exalting Himself, not man."
Joh 12:28 Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.
Joh 13:31 Therefore, when he was gone out, Jesus said, Now is the Son of man glorified, and God is glorified in him. 32 If God be glorified in him, God shall also glorify him in himself, and shall straightway glorify him.
Joh 17:5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.
What a cocky self-absorbed ego-maniac God is! It looks to me like He's got some kind of "God complex." Perhaps some counseling is in order.
Re 22:13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
To Knight
Hilston originally wrote: What kind of sick and perverted mind blames God for what Satan did?
To Poly
OV version of Re 22:13: "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and (maybe) the end, the first and (maybe) the last. I'm definitely not the middle, because the entire middle doesn't exist yet. Then again, neither does the end, so I can't really be that either."
Combined response to Lighthouse, Big Finn, Poly and Knight
This is a combined response to Lighthouse, Big Finn, Poly and Knight
To Lighthouse
That's not what Calvinists believe. Debating straw men is much easier, isn't it?Lighthouse writes: ... So He gave Job what Job had, and by allowing it to be taken away, He took it away. But not directly, as Calvinists would like us to believe.
God taunted Satan, challenged him. Satan responded with complaints about the hedge God had placed around Job, so God gave Satan the go-ahead to afflict Job. It wasn't merely "allowed." It was instigated by God.Lighthouse writes: ... The scripture plainly tells us that God allwed Satan to destroy Job's life.
Not so. This is about Calvinists being misrepresented and the OV fallacy of attacking straw men of their own concoction.Lighthouse writes: But Job is not the point here, really. This is all about the woman who said God gave her cancer. ...
I completely agree. But did decree that she would acquire it "through the way her body processed something that entered her body."Lighthouse writes: There is no reason for her to believe that God gave her cancer.
Lighthouse, do you know what "responsible" means? God is not responsible for anything, ever. Do you get that?Lighthouse writes: God can be considered to be responsible, because he created the body to work in such a way, but He is not directly responsible. It is not His fault if we don't take care of our bodies.
To Big Finn
Someone wrote: "He's in the business of self-exalting Himself, not man."
The reason self-exaltation amongst men is self-infatuation is that it is based on a lie. God exalts Himself truthfully, duly, and righteously.Big Finn replies: I know you think that this is somehow better than being self-infatuated, but it isn't. This is what an self-infatuated person does. They exalt themselves above others.
Lucifer's self-exaltation was based on a lie. God's self-exaltation is not.Big Finn writes: Is not self-exaltion the very business Lucifer was in that the Bible says was his downfall?
Seriously, Big Finn, you're up a tree with this one. Consider:Big Finn replies: You are clothing God with the attributes of the the devil and you can't even see it. The very essence of sin is self-exaltation. To charge God with that is blasphemy.
Joh 12:28 Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.
Joh 13:31 Therefore, when he was gone out, Jesus said, Now is the Son of man glorified, and God is glorified in him. 32 If God be glorified in him, God shall also glorify him in himself, and shall straightway glorify him.
Joh 17:5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.
What a cocky self-absorbed ego-maniac God is! It looks to me like He's got some kind of "God complex." Perhaps some counseling is in order.
Re 22:13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
See Jn 12:28 13:31 17:5.Big Finn writes: So, when Jesus exemplifies selflessness how then can the Father exemplify self-exaltation?
Only for self-deceived and willfully ignorant humans. Not for the omniscient and omnipotent God.Big Finn writes: Do you not see that the two concepts of self-exaltation and selflessness as mutually exclusive?
You guys should start a club: "The Straw-man Calvinism Bashers Club." It reminds me of how liberals distort the views of conservatives just to make it easier to ridicule.Big Finn writes: If the Father is self-exalting then we can not see Him by seeing His selfless Son. They would be opposite in character. Jesus would not reflect who His Father is. It is a very simple, but very profound concept that the whole of Calvinism denies.
To Knight
Hilston originally wrote: What kind of sick and perverted mind blames God for what Satan did?
You seem to have missed my point. I was being facetious. Job credited God for what Satan did, yet did not charge foolishly.Knight replies: Well.... I guess Z Man does.
To Poly
Do you mean like the way Job contributed his calamity to the Living God?Poly writes: I can't stand things being contributed to the Living God that I serve.
OV version of Re 22:13: "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and (maybe) the end, the first and (maybe) the last. I'm definitely not the middle, because the entire middle doesn't exist yet. Then again, neither does the end, so I can't really be that either."