Sorry I've been absent for so long, I was out of town over the holiday weekend. I can't believe how much has been posted since Friday. I have only skimmed most of it so I hoped I didn't overlook anything vitally important.
I did notice the POTD. Thank you!
I also noticed that Freak is history! Thank you again!
In answer to your question, my answer is no, I think (I qualify it like this because it is clearly a loaded question and so my answer depends on what you are desiring to read into my answer).
God has the power and authority to do what He wants to do. Perhaps a better question is why doesn't He intervene in such cases?
The answer to that question has already been given and is reitterated in what follows...
I have a question for you.
If God should intervene in the case of terrorist plots, why shouldn't He intervene at some other point? In other words where should God draw the line? Should He only intervene when thousands of peoples of lives are at stake or are hundreds enough to warrant His intervention, if hundreds are enough, why not 50 or 25? What if it where just your daughter, should God intervene to keep her from being murdered?
What if her life wasn't at stake? What if it was just her innocence? Should God intervene to stop someone from raping her? How about just beating her up or why stop there? What if someone wanted to slap you daughter across the face, should God intervene then? How about if someone was going to steal her car? Is that bad enough? How about if she had a pack of Tic-Tacs? Should God allow someone to successfully pull of a Tic-Tac robbery?
Why not?
Resting in Him,