kratus1 said:
What needs to be asserted is that this question of "God causing" or "God controlling" diseases is an easy avenue for any genuine christian to question God's sovereignty? And that question is "If God is so loving, why does He allow pain and suffering?
If we followed everyone's course here, we would be asking, "Why does God cause pain and suffering?" We may very well take responsibility for the Cross, but we are deceived away from the reality that the 'enemy' [satan] was given "room to breathe" on this earth. Paul referred to him as "prince of the air of darkness" and "god of this world."
If we, as christians, understood all other claimed christian doctrinal systems, we would realize how close we are to deism, fundamentalism and traditional mormonism.
That is the point of the fall: Adam's body was created from this creation's (earth's) elements, and so was of it; and that body was breathed into by the Creator (who called Himself, literally; "Breath Who [or, 'That'] Breathes); and the Adamkind was given the authority, at the beginning, of high king over all that was in this present creation (Genesis 1:26-28; Psalm 8), under YHWH, who ruled the heavens but gave earth to the sons of Adam;
"The heaven, [even] the heavens, [are] the LORD'S: but the earth hath he given to the children of Adam [men]"; Psa 115:16 .
But now -since the fall- we do not see all things [of this present creation], under the dominion of the race [sons] 'of' Adam, but the Redeemer -'Kinsman' [YHWH of hosts -in the second Person] has come in human flesh of the New Creation to be our Ransom and our Avenger and to take the kingdom back for the glory of the Father to indwell again, in His fullness.
"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.": Satan gained dominion at the fall of all that Adam had been given; but the promise was immediate that the Seed of the woman would crush the head of the serpent; the 'head' being the fallen Cherub.
No woman has seed, so a New Man [human] was promised to come through the woman and be of the woman [to have the right as Kinsman], who would be the deliverer: through the Book we see the promise unfold, and we now fully understand it
At the fall, the serpent was used by the rebel Cherub to gain the dominion that Adam was given, so the Father's presence of glory departed, and this entire present creation became subject to sin and death. Corruption entered, and our race's firstborn died spiritually, as son of God; and all we, who are his seed came into this world in that state of uncleanness, subject to sin and death; and dead, as sons of God.
The redemption is about the ransom of the kingdom and it's citizens by cleansing and adoption and regeneration, by a Redeemer-Kinsman/Avenger, who came forth 'in the fullness of time' to be our once, for all [in Adam -'whosoever will'], acceptable offering for sin.
Calvinism is totally not about the great Ransom of all in Adam [whosoever will], but is a mixed up pagan Greek/Babylonian philosophy type of religion, and as I said, and do believe, is a daughter of the great harlot; for it ruled with the sword over all it could get under it in this present kingdom when it had the power to do so: just as the Roman church has done whenever it had the power to do so.
America is about that separation from being ruled with the sword by a 'church', and I believe that the church that rules in this present kingdom of darkness by the sword, and which has the blood of the saints on it's hands, is no different from Islam, and will suffer the same judgment that Islam will suffer; therefore He is always calling His people to 'come out' of the great harlot -and come out of her daughters.