Are You a Judaizer?


New member
If you have to be told not to do those things then 1 Timothy 1:9, 10, Is for you.

Paul taught, "For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law, indeed, it cannot."
(Romans 8:7 ESV)

So what defines a mind set on the flesh? The knowledge of right and wrong has to be learned, it is not innate as you say. This is why Christ rebukes and chastens those he loves. (Revelation 3:19)


New member
Jesus did not need to explain the parable. I suspect every Jew of Jesus' day understood full well what he was talking about.
Hell has NEVER been a teaching in traditional Judaism. If Yahshua preached the Pagan Hell he would have been stoned on the spot.


New member
Hell has NEVER been a teaching in traditional Judaism. If Yahshua preached the Pagan Hell he would have been stoned on the spot.

Jesus' story had nothing to do with hell, the story is about Israel and the Gentiles.


New member
??? :think:

The rich man symbolized Israel which had been richly blessed by the Father but the beggar symbolized the Gentiles. The Gentiles were covered by God's covenant with Abraham which the rich man (Israel) had ignored.

Jesus' message to the Jews was to shape up. Do right.


New member
The rich man symbolized Israel which had been richly blessed by the Father but the beggar symbolized the Gentiles. The Gentiles were covered by God's covenant with Abraham which the rich man (Israel) had ignored.

Jesus' message to the Jews was to shape up. Do right.
Jamie, Luke 16 does not agree with what the Jews believed. Yahshua would not have gave a message that contradicted their beliefs.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The law was given to the Jews as a keeper, but now that Christ has come the law has been abolished. From now on "The Just Shall Live By Faith" and not by rules, laws or religion.


New member
The law was given to the Jews as a keeper, but now that Christ has come the law has been abolished. From now on "The Just Shall Live By Faith" and not by rules, laws or religion.

Here is the patience of the saints, here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. (Revelation 14:12)​

Those who do not keep God's commandments are being unfaithful.


New member
The law was given to the Jews as a keeper, but now that Christ has come the law has been abolished. From now on "The Just Shall Live By Faith" and not by rules, laws or religion.
The word "abolished" is not the correct translation, "fulfilled" is. Christ fulfilled the Mosaic laws. That verse has noting to do with God's commands. A Judean (Jew) was not only a Hebrew, but all of the other people in the world who came under the Abrahamic faith.


New member
Jamie, Luke 16 does not agree with what the Jews believed. Yahshua would not have gave a message that contradicted their beliefs.

Jesus spoke in parables so the people wouldn't understand. Looks like it's still working.


New member
Jesus spoke in parables so the people wouldn't understand. Looks like it's still working.
Parables is a special study for me. No one in the world knows more about parables than I do Jamie. Luke 16 is most certainly not the words of Christ. It also lacks a parabolic quality found in other parables.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Here is the patience of the saints, here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. (Revelation 14:12)​

Those who do not keep God's commandments are being unfaithful.

We keep the commandments by being "In Christ".

God sees us as perfect and complete "In Christ" Colossians 2:10.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The word "abolished" is not the correct translation, "fulfilled" is. Christ fulfilled the Mosaic laws. That verse has noting to do with God's commands. A Judean (Jew) was not only a Hebrew, but all of the other people in the world who came under the Abrahamic faith.

How about this? "Christ is the end of the law for righteousness" Romans 10:4.