are you a feminist?


I'm just puzzled over who gets to decide who is voting like a moron.

glad you asked! :thumb:

i propose a system of universal registration and universal sufferage

registration would be dependent on satisfactorily completing a civics course that teaches a full understanding of the purposes and intents of our governmental systems

a test would have to be passed before voting in the general election

for example, two questions might be:

After this election, will you have to worry about putting gas in your car?
After this election, will you have to worry about paying your mortgage?

those two questions would have allowed us to avoid having the moron peggy joseph cast her vote:


instead, peggy joseph might have recieved a letter along the following lines:

Dear Ms Joseph
This letter is to inform you that based on the results of your Election Registration Exam, you are qualified to vote in the Special Election!

we'll have a special election, modelled after the special olympics, to allow those who are determined to be morons to participate :)

heck, they could all elect bammy to be our special president and bammy could go to the special white house and pretend to be president

all the rest of us intelligent people could get on with electing qualified and experienced candidates to run our government


are you a feminist?

no one here wants to say they are a feminist
they don't want to say they are not a feminist

bybee and spitfire are not timid at all
both were very reluctant to say whether or not they were a feminist
it took repeated requests to get them to say they weren't
what is the deal here?
why is this such a difficult label?
is there some kind of intimidation going on?
Being a feminist to my way of thinking is the label put on a person who treats women with respect and fairness and does not de fault to gender roles.

But I am not a feminist. I try to be and sometimes utterly fail. My cultural conditioning is too strong and at times I miss the bus here.


New member
Hall of Fame
It's not so much that there are lots of issues that I could name as special-interests for men, but more than anything that you could carve out as a "special interest" for women must automatically either create a special interest in the antithesis for men, or it doesn't really count as a special interest for women. I think most things that Trad would point to as "special-interests" are going to ultimately be general interests.

Well, the only thing so far that Trad (and others) have mentioned is abortion/reproductive rights so that's where my focus was. Do you think there is a flip side issue for men in that? Making sure that women have the babies for men? :idunno: Of course no man would say that's the reason he wants abortion to be illegal but I also doubt that reasoning comes into play even privately, barring the occasional extreme cases.

Granted, abortion isn't necessarily only a women's issue. I'm sure that there are men out there who want abortion to be legal in case they get a girl pregnant. It's primarily fought for by women though. Would abortion be legal if women couldn't vote?

Beyond that I'm not sure what interests Trad would point to. You may be right that most others, if he has any, would be general interest. Do you think that something is only a special interest if it can only benefit one group? I'm not sure if that's how the term gets used generally.

In theory, I do agree with you that men are not the default whereas women are a special group. But in practice I wasn't immediately coming up with a special interest for men and your list seemed a little outdated. You did mention killing things. Maybe hunting and gun rights? My guess is the NRA is largely male. :chuckle:

But this doesn't matter much since I agree with you in principle.



like marbles on glass
What you are exhibiting is the assumption that male is the default, and that non-male is some kind of special case. There are more women than men, so you could argue that what women want is more generally default and what men want is a special case.

I agree with your assessment.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Do you think there is a flip side issue for men in that? Making sure that women have the babies for men?

That in and of itself is irrelevant as to whether or not it should be legal. In fact, some claiming to be pro-life are really pro-abortion because they use this debate one way or another. There is no man/woman issue. It is a child, and nobody has a right to end its life just because it is very small, less developed, and very young. And I will comment about this in more with the second part.

Would abortion be legal if women couldn't vote?

Of course. Abortions are performed where women are not even allowed to speak in public. Going by numbers alone, men are more "pro-choice" than women in the US. Or so I have read. Those that think abortion is ok, also claim man and monkeys share a heritage. And it is no coincidence that they think a male lion killing all the male cubs is no different than humans doing the same. Just because they will not publicly admit it for political gain does not mean it is not true.

I know liberals because I know the Bible and the evil that is in their heart.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
why don't we hear more from grandmothers who know that the grandchild is more precious than any career they might have had
can you have both?
how often to you see that?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so why all the animosity?
do you want to pretend they don't exist?
do you want to ignore what they do?
you can't look the other way
you can't kill babies to enhance your career
you can't be equal
you don't want to be equal
you want to be better
to do that you are going to have to get dirty
you need us to look the other way
you will hate us
we don't


like marbles on glass
you know it when you see it
I wouldn't expect you to see it coming from your friends

annabenedetti 55
Rusha 35
Arthur Brain 33
bybee 23

You forgot yourself again. :)

chrysostom 73

annabenedetti 55
Rusha 35
Arthur Brain 33
bybee 23

Don't tell me you're not enjoying the attention, I know better. :)


Do you understand how this looks to me?

you can't
you can't
you can't
you don't want
you want
you are going to have to
you need
you will


Selaphiel and Rexlunae:

My brief answer (and don't think this as applying necessarily to every point; this is a general comment) is that I'm willing to admit that my previous points may have been weaker than I initially thought. :idunno:

That said: I still think that the thought of having more people vote rather than fewer people vote is just icky.

Further thought: even though both men and women tend to be stupid, women tend to be more emotion-oriented than men. If you doubt this, then I present to you the examples of Annabenedetti (who, mind you, as far as women go, is probably at the better end of the bell curve), Bybee, Rusha, etc...I mean, really, just think of any of the women on this board (no offense to any of the people that I've named is intended).

I don't think that people should vote based on their feelings. :idunno:

As far as driving goes, to Selaphiel: you are correct, anedoctal evidence doesn't prove anything. Still, it is psychologically compelling, and it does make me wonder...


New member
Further thought: even though both men and women tend to be stupid, women tend to be more emotion-oriented than men. If you doubt this, then I present to you the examples of Annabenedetti (who, mind you, as far as women go, is probably at the better end of the bell curve), Bybee, Rusha, etc...I mean, really, just think of any of the women on this board (no offense to any of the people that I've named is intended).

I'm curious, are you trying to play every bad argument from the history of misogyny in series?


I'm curious, are you trying to play every bad argument from the history of misogyny in series?

Historically speaking, men were landed, and women were not! Do you want a historically unlanded people voting? That makes no sense. :nono: