ARCHIVE: Lying is never righteous!


Dee Dee Warren

Her whole act of receiving the spies and sending them out another direction is intrinsically tied up with her lie. It is absolutely commended as being part of her act of faith. And when she believed by faith, she was part of the true covenant community.

Dee Dee Warren

Then the king of Egypt spoke to the Hebrew midwives

Jaltus... wipe your feet off, you just stepped in it bad. They WERE HEBREW MIDWIVES, NOT EGYPTIANS... thanks for proving you aren't really reading the text.


New member
Dee Dee,

For someone who is going to answer my earlier post, you sure seem to be answering only my latest one.

I think that you manipulated Romans 8:28 in this situation for it cuts you both ways. Of course God works everything for good, so He would work the denial for good as well. You are correct, if a person "denies" Christ, He will deny them... but you are assuming "denial" simply means mouthing certain words in one certain situation. It does not. For you are forgetting (and this goes back to our original point) such a denial would be a LIE. No one is truly denying Christ which is why this was worded in an emotionally manipulative way. The question should be worded more accurately, is it ever morally permissible to LIE AND SAY YOU ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN?? It is a lie. The question then becomes the motivations and the circumstances as predicated upon the hierarchy of Biblical morals.
The "hierarchy of biblical morals" is something you live by, it is importing your theology into the argument, and thus negates your point. Also, I am not sure what you mean by all this.

So, let me give you a hypothetical... I know these are not alwasy exactly fair, but they do draw out how willing you are willing to go for consistency. You are the only Christian, there is one mad gunman, and one hundred pagans. The gunman will kill all the pagans one by one if you do not deny you are Christian, but you get to live. Do you let the pagans die, and most likely go to hell?? Or do you lie?
LOL, the "most likely go to hell" part is a total fabrication. I am not even going to bother answering such a slanted and emotionally biased question. [example]Obviously if you do not hold to my position you must be damned for all eternity. So do you hold to my position or not?[/example] What a load of garbage. Honestly, Dee Dee, I expect better from you.

As Knight has correctly stated we do not owe the truth to evil to further evil. Can God use it for good, sure. But so can He use our lie than for good. We must choose the greater good as we weigh our ethical dilemnas, and the scale is an absolute one... despite your and Hank's misdefintion of relativism.
Is it for evil's sake we speak the truth or is it for God's sake we speak the truth? I do not know why you and Knight live your lives according to the worlds reaction instead of God's, I can only point out that my motivation stems from the person of Christ. Who or what I am talking to is immaterial in that respect. The question is not one of greater good, it is of "lesser evil," as it were, and I am saying chose no evil at all. Do not lie, do not say anything.

Why is it that you guys can only seemingly argue from bizarre circumstances that will never happen? Are you missing the point of theology?

Hard cases make bad theology, that is something taught in any intro theology course. You guys are all about the hard cases and very little based on the real world. The reason we struggle with hard cases is because they are hard cases, but I want to live my life according to biblical principles spelled out, not because something might happen that might slightly effect something in some way sdo as to negate my theological stance for an extremely limited time.

You both claim I am inconsistent, but all you do is claim that sometimes it is right to lie and other times it is not. Why? Are there absolutes or not? Is truth an absolute or not?
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New member
Dee Dee,

My bad on the widwives.


My bad on Cirisme. However, I did post my scripture before him. And it is still a different context in Luke. Jesus did repeat Himself you know, and using Matthew to understand Luke (especially when the contexts are different) is illegitimate.


New member

The Hebrew widwives were not commended for lying.

17 The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live.
18 Then the king of Egypt summoned the midwives and asked them, "Why have you done this? Why have you let the boys live?"
19 The midwives answered Pharaoh, "Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive."
20 So God was kind to the midwives and the people increased and became even more numerous.
21 And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families of their own.
22 Then Pharaoh gave this order to all his people: "Every boy that is born you must throw into the Nile, but let every girl live."

Read the highlighted part.

Dee Dee Warren

LOL, the "most likely go to hell" part is a total fabrication. I am not even going to bother answering such a slanted and emotionally biased question. [example]Obviously if you do not hold to my position you must be damned for all eternity. So do you hold to my position or not?[/example] What a load of garbage. Honestly, Dee Dee, I expect better from you.

Wait a minute Jaltus... are you suggesting that I am WRONG is saying that pagans who die pagans are going to hell?? Are you serious??

Dee Dee Warren

Hard cases make bad theology, that is something taught in any intro theology course.

Hard cases test someones mettle for consistency and separates the men from the boys.


New member
Dee Dee,

Hard cases test consistensy based on scriptural principles, you are taking hard cases in order to come up with scriptural principles. Not at all the same thing.

Dee Dee Warren

Hard cases test consistensy based on scriptural principles, you are taking hard cases in order to come up with scriptural principles. Not at all the same thing.

Not at all... I am just eliminating the crap and cutting to the chase.

And as far as the pagans Jaltus... even though I see how you could have misread that, really, Jaltus, even I ain't that psycho.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Jaltus

Killing in self-defense is not wrong.
Great! Then why didn't you just answer my earlier question??? You could simply shoot the shooter to defend you and your family!!!

Which raises such an interesting point....
(And of course I only ask questions that raise interesting points ;))

You claim it's OK to kill the bad guy to defend your family (which I agree with) but you also claim you will lose your salvation if you LIE to the bad guy to defend you and your family?

Is that what you are claiming Jaltus?


New member
I did not claim you lose salvation for lying, I claim you lose salvation for denying Christ, a very big difference, Knight.

If you do not see the difference, then I feel sad for you.

Dee Dee Warren

Do you actually think that denying Christ is the same thing as lying about denying Christ?? Or that one act such as that would cause a loss of salvation?? Do you really think that??

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Jaltus

The Hebrew widwives were not commended for lying.

17 The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live.
18 Then the king of Egypt summoned the midwives and asked them, "Why have you done this? Why have you let the boys live?"
19 The midwives answered Pharaoh, "Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive."
20 So God was kind to the midwives and the people increased and became even more numerous.
21 And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families of their own.
22 Then Pharaoh gave this order to all his people: "Every boy that is born you must throw into the Nile, but let every girl live."

Read the highlighted part.
Jaltus if you are going to make a point you might want to read your own post.

You bolded the words...
And because the midwives feared God

But just above that the Bible says...
19 The midwives answered Pharaoh, "Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive." (that's the lie)
20 So God was kind to the midwives and the people increased and became even more numerous.

Apparently God blessed them for fearing Him AND saving the babies with their righteous lie.


New member
Dee Dee,

I said:
How can you, in your (our) incredibly finite understanding ever hope to balance what you (we) think is a good reason to die with what God considers to be a good one? Do you think God would put you in a position in which your death would be pointless? If so, you certainly deny Romans 8:28.
To which you responded:
I think that you manipulated Romans 8:28 in this situation for it cuts you both ways. Of course God works everything for good, so He would work the denial for good as well. You are correct, if a person "denies" Christ, He will deny them... but you are assuming "denial" simply means mouthing certain words in one certain situation. It does not. For you are forgetting (and this goes back to our original point) such a denial would be a LIE. No one is truly denying Christ which is why this was worded in an emotionally manipulative way. The question should be worded more accurately, is it ever morally permissible to LIE AND SAY YOU ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN?? It is a lie. The question then becomes the motivations and the circumstances as predicated upon the hierarchy of Biblical morals.
My question was, do you think God could put you at a point where your death would be pointless?

You respond that one could lie to get out of the situation into which God put you, which is true. But is it the right thing to do? By lying you are assuming that God cannot get you out of this or that God cannot use your death, otherwise what justification do you have for the lie? You and Knight have both stated that the only time you can lie is for a "right" cause, but doesn't that lie assume that God cannot correct the situation in some other way?

My point is that there is no such thing as a "right cause." Your entire case is moot, especially with respect to denying Christ. What circumstance can you possibly be in that God is unable to get you out of whithout the lie?

If you can come up with a circumstance that God cannot get you out of without you lying, you deny omnipotence. Honestly, I really see no way around this objection. I would appreciate a thoughtful response to this.


New member

I previously pointed out that the word translated "so" is just the word "and" in Hebrew. Sorry, you cannot make a deep point from "and."

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Dee Dee Warren
Do you actually think that denying Christ is the same thing as lying about denying Christ?? Or that one act such as that would cause a loss of salvation?? Do you really think that??
Dee Dee I agree completely with you that the above distinction is the basis for Jaltus and cirisme folly.