Anybody else sick of the supposed race issue?


Black actors deserve what they get - nothing

They are doing just as feminists have done- mistake simply not being good enough, and not receiving the desired results, for prejudice.

That's the primary issue with specialty groups- they want the same results without the same follow through. Men are presidents because men thus far have been better- it's the same with white actors.

To sit there and pretend there is some vast prejudicial network going on, holding down minorities, is ridiculous- it's just an outlet to transgress against others.

Look at Kanye West, for example, acting like a complete tool toward others like Taylor Swift- if it were the other way around, Taylor would never get another grammy.

So, don't let a liberal try to rationalize that madness :rolleyes:


New member
white actors play cross gender characters

There's always been more receptivity in the LGBT community to being represented by proxy. Part of that may be that they are already well-represented in Hollywood, and the portrayals have generally been fairly sympathetic. I don't think a lot of gay people object to Eric Stonestreet being "gay for pay", because he represents their community well, and perhaps also because his own portrayal subverts traditional homophobia.

That said, it's not without controversy.

white actors play non-human characters

I don't think there are going to be any non-human objections.

white actors play disabled characters

white actors play abused characters, characters who have been raped or murdered even though they may never have been raped, abused or murdered themselves!

You think murder victims should be portrayed by murdered people?

I'm not sure how much being a victim of a crime is a part of your identity.

google "definition of acting" and see if you don't get it

Everyone understands that acting is the art of pretending to be something you aren't. But that isn't the problem. There are actually a couple of problems. For one thing, Hollywood, like any industry, should be expected to be an equal opportunity employer. They shouldn't avoid, as they did for decades, hiring black actors, directors, etc. They get away with a certain amount of that for the sake of authenticity, but that argument is undercut badly when they keep casting white people to play non-white rolls. But the more fundamental problem is that if you only hire white people to write and portray members of minorities, the portrayal is consistently inaccurate and stereotype-driven.

So you might get away with casting Eddie Redmayne to play a man with ALS, as long as his portrayal is sensitive, and careful, and accurate, and especially if there is no actor with ALS willing and able to do it. And you might get away with casting Jeffrey Tambor as a trans woman, as long as you follow the same guidelines. But if it becomes a pattern, if Hollywood seems unwilling to hire trans or disabled people to portray their own communities, that's when it becomes a serious problem. That starts to look like erasure, like white people deciding for themselves how they're going to view people of various minorities, and excluding those minorities from the decision.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I'm not sure how much being a victim of a crime is a part of your identity.]

you musta missed the rape threads a couple months ago :chuckle:

rex said:
For one thing, Hollywood, like any industry, should be expected to be an equal opportunity employer.

hollywood is a town, not an employer

rex said:
the more fundamental problem is that if you only hire white people to write and portray members of minorities, the portrayal is consistently inaccurate and stereotype-driven.

a bold statement, but I'm not sure it's supportable

it implies that only minorities can truly understand the minority experience - whatever that is

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
In the context of this conversation, it's an industry.

made up of many different employers, each of which is motivated by one driving factor

and it ain't racism

rex said:
It's not one experience.

indeed it isn't

so i'm not sure why you apparently think that the most important thing necessary to tap into one of those experiences is the amount of melanin in your skin

rex said:
And there's ample evidence of rather stereotyped portrayals, if you care to look.

i'm sure there are - from both white filmmakers and black filmmakers


New member
made up of many different employers, each of which is motivated by one driving factor

and it ain't racism

Racism motivated by greed is still racism.

indeed it isn't

so i'm not sure why you apparently think that the most important thing necessary to tap into one of those experiences is the amount of melanin in your skin

I didn't say that.

i'm sure there are - from both white filmmakers and black filmmakers

Ok. And?


New member
Hall of Fame
Because the represent the pinnacle of success in Hollywood, and they are powerful enough to drive at least some decisions in how movies are made.
I don't doubt that 'bait' happens. But to me that's a corruption in the system and shouldn't be encouraged. And you're basically saying that the Academy should nominate and vote for films not based on their quality but based on the desire for social change, on getting more black people in there. I don't think that's the Academy's job.

Perhaps the Academy needs to expand their criteria but I don't think "more black winners" should be included.

And yet, white actors play non-white characters all the time.
And I can understand the criticism of that also.


New member
Hall of Fame
The majority of the movie going public does not like these kinds of movies.

I assume this is in reference to okdoser's post about 'ghetto' movies. The desire is not to see movies about 'ghetto culture', it's to see black actors get the same types of roles that white actors would get and lead to nominations. In fact, I think part of the criticism is that right now a black actor usually has to take a role that's about 'black issues' in order to get nominated. okdoser already mentioned 12 Years A Slave. Movies and roles like that are like 'bait' that Rex already mentioned. The desire is that black actors shouldn't need to take roles like that in order to get nominated.


New member
I assume this is in reference to okdoser's post about 'ghetto' movies. The desire is not to see movies about 'ghetto culture', it's to see black actors get the same types of roles that white actors would get and lead to nominations. In fact, I think part of the criticism is that right now a black actor usually has to take a role that's about 'black issues' in order to get nominated. okdoser already mentioned 12 Years A Slave. Movies and roles like that are like 'bait' that Rex already mentioned. The desire is that black actors shouldn't need to take roles like that in order to get nominated.

I am referring to the three movies I posted in a row. It was in answer to rex's question to okdoser as to what he meant by ghetto movies.

I got those movies from a huge list of "hood films" on


New member
Hall of Fame
I am referring to the three movies I posted in a row. It was in answer to rex's question to okdoser as to what he meant by ghetto movies.

I got those movies from a huge list of "hood films" on

I don't think that's what rex was asking about but ok.


New member
I assume this is in reference to okdoser's post about 'ghetto' movies. The desire is not to see movies about 'ghetto culture', it's to see black actors get the same types of roles that white actors would get and lead to nominations. In fact, I think part of the criticism is that right now a black actor usually has to take a role that's about 'black issues' in order to get nominated. okdoser already mentioned 12 Years A Slave. Movies and roles like that are like 'bait' that Rex already mentioned. The desire is that black actors shouldn't need to take roles like that in order to get nominated.

That isn't the problem of the people who did the nominating. They are protesting the wrong people. They need to take issue with the directors or whomever is assigning roles. That is discrimination and there are laws against that. I suggest these protestors invest in a few lawsuits.....expensive ones against the movie companies engaged in this kind of discrimination.