That demonstrates your historical illiteracy, and inability to use Google. BET doesn't exist to reinforce segregation for black people. BET exists to give attention to a group of people who have been excluded deliberately from the mainstream. It is precisely because of the exclusion of mainstream organizations that it exists. And white people...still win them (
Fun fact: More white people won the last BET Awards than the number of black people who were nominated for Oscars. You tell me, which one is actually more segregated?
The only white people who won awards on BET were those who were kosher to their culture. If their culture is not something that white people enjoy on movies, than guess what? It's a cultural issue, not a racial one.
There is black exclusivity all over the place, and nonetheless, there is always an excuse or some argument to say that (x) is not racist, or
The Oscars are not for racial recognition- you see, you all are just straight up backwards on the whole thing altogether.
You say 'historical illiteracy', but that was just a weak ad hominem which had no relevance to the rest of your post.
The only thing 'deliberate' is the constant pulling of the race card.