Anybody else sick of the supposed race issue?


That demonstrates your historical illiteracy, and inability to use Google. BET doesn't exist to reinforce segregation for black people. BET exists to give attention to a group of people who have been excluded deliberately from the mainstream. It is precisely because of the exclusion of mainstream organizations that it exists. And white people...still win them (

Fun fact: More white people won the last BET Awards than the number of black people who were nominated for Oscars. You tell me, which one is actually more segregated?

The only white people who won awards on BET were those who were kosher to their culture. If their culture is not something that white people enjoy on movies, than guess what? It's a cultural issue, not a racial one.
There is black exclusivity all over the place, and nonetheless, there is always an excuse or some argument to say that (x) is not racist, or (y) is not just the result of (z).

The Oscars are not for racial recognition- you see, you all are just straight up backwards on the whole thing altogether.

You say 'historical illiteracy', but that was just a weak ad hominem which had no relevance to the rest of your post.

The only thing 'deliberate' is the constant pulling of the race card.


What an amazing bit of sophistry!

By this reasoning, when I do not invite my black friend Bill to eat diner with me, tonight, and he then stays home and eats by himself, he will have "excluded himself" from my table!

… That's the reasoning of the insane!

There's a phenomenon of 'racial paranoia' which all races exhibit in varying degrees. Blacks have the most of this because they consistently stigmatize themselves with a racial issue.

Why don't you all open up a book :rolleyes:


Well-known member
What amazes me is how so many people can be so sure there's no racism in a country when the front-runner for one of the major parties' nomination for President says things like that Mexicans are rapists and spends two days deciding whether he wants to renounce the endorsement of the KKK. Are you completely blind, or is it willful?

That you have to twist what someone's actually said by quoting parts and leaving out the rest to claim someone is a racist only proves Poly's point. You see racism where there is none, and if you have to lie about what's been said to prove what can't be proven, you're left looking downright stupid. :dunce:


New member
The only white people who won awards on BET were those who were kosher to their culture.

So, how come there's more diversity in an awards show that's focused on giving recognition to one race than there is in one that is supposed to speak for the culture and industry as a whole? It doesn't seem like that lessens the indictment against the industry.

If their culture is not something that white people enjoy on movies, than guess what? It's a cultural issue, not a racial one.

Because there have been so many chances to make that judgement, right?

There is black exclusivity all over the place, and nonetheless, there is always an excuse or some argument to say that (x) is not racist, or (y) is not just the result of (z).

You're like a guy living in a gated community, looking out and saying the people outside your community are stuck up for not wanting to associate with you. You really should give some thought to who controls the various cultural gates and to whom they would yield.

The Oscars are not for racial recognition- you see, you all are just straight up backwards on the whole thing altogether.

You think that just by coincidence, only white actors were worth recognizing.

You say 'historical illiteracy', but that was just a weak ad hominem which had no relevance to the rest of your post.

Actually, it wasn't. The charge was backed up with reference to the history that you seem to be inverting. It isn't black people who formed their own segregated communities to keep out white people, any more than it was slaves who brought about slavery. They formed communities for themselves when it became clear that they weren't welcome in communities dominated by white people.


New member
That you have to twist what someone's actually said by quoting parts and leaving out the rest to claim someone is a racist only proves Poly's point. You see racism where there is none, and if you have to lie about what's been said to prove what can't be proven, you're left looking downright stupid. :dunce:

Ok, so what exactly do you think I'm ignoring that merits further discussion? I don't believe I've ever quoted Poly out of context or left off something that really is important in a response.


Well-known member
Fun fact: More white people won the last BET Awards than the number of black people who were nominated for Oscars. You tell me, which one is actually more segregated?
Not a great fun fact. There are still more whites than blacks in the U.S. More Hispanics too. I think Cruc had a good point. We don't have a WEC. There are few if any whites on the BEC. I've watched a bit (unless it's changed in the last 3 years since I've unhooked the cable).


Well-known member
Because their numbers are great enough that it's hard to believe that there just wasn't a single film that was worthy.

Have you ever considered the fact that Hollywood is filled with liberals who preach anti-racism but are really the most racist people of all. The Dims have lived off the backs of making sure blacks are dependent on the government. It's actually the liberals who are the racists, and that's what you're seeing come out of liberal Hollywood. They pay lots of lip service, but it's a farce.


Well-known member
Ok, so what exactly do you think I'm ignoring that merits further discussion? I don't believe I've ever quoted Poly out of context or left off something that really is important in a response.

The examples you gave about Trump are wrong. And you have implied those examples are what makes him a racist. Or, am I wrong about what you were saying?


New member
The examples you gave about Trump are wrong.

Wrong? How can they be wrong? They're things that he said recently.

And you have implied those examples are what makes him a racist. Or, am I wrong about what you were saying?

Those comments, and the acceptance of those comments are a sort of barometer for racism in our society. If you can say those sorts of things, and be the front-runner for the nomination of one of the two main political parties, that implies that there must be a substantial number of people in the country who are at least ok with those sorts of comments. And if there are, as I have long suspected, that many people out there with such deeply racist notions, then it seems awfully silly to complain that race is an issue that we need to call "supposed".

It wasn't really about Drumpf.


New member
Have you ever considered the fact that Hollywood is filled with liberals who preach anti-racism but are really the most racist people of all.

Yes. I think there are a few answers: 1. Being liberal doesn't, in itself, make a person sensitive to the experiences of other people, especially people who live very different lives. There's often a pretty large disconnect between white liberals and people of color. 2. There are plenty of hypocritical liberals who fail to live up to the values that they would say that they support. I'm probably one of them sometimes. 3. I think Hollywood's liberal reputation is a bit overstated.

The Dims have lived off the backs of making sure blacks are dependent on the government.

Who are the "Dims". I can't tell if that's a typo or an intentional sneer...

Seems like conservatives have done a lot more to harm there. When you cut a program that offers help to disadvantaged people, you aren't making them strong and independent. You are saying you don't care what happens to them. And that's been the attitude of conservatives toward the poor and minorities for generations.

It's actually the liberals who are the racists, and that's what you're seeing come out of liberal Hollywood. They pay lots of lip service, but it's a farce.

You're not totally wrong there. There is more lip service than actual action. But it isn't being liberal that leads to the failure. It's not being as liberal as advertised.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
What an amazing bit of sophistry!

By this reasoning, when I do not invite my black friend Bill to eat diner with me, tonight, and he then stays home and eats by himself, he will have "excluded himself" from my table!

… That's the reasoning of the insane!

how come your black friend Bill didn't invite you over?


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
...When you cut a program that offers help to disadvantaged people, you aren't making them strong and independent. You are saying you don't care what happens to them. And that's been the attitude of conservatives toward the poor and minorities for generations...

How about when you cut programs that are "supposed to help" but further dependency instead?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
How about when you cut programs that are "supposed to help" but further dependency instead?

I am convinced that Liberals are codependents at is never about fixing the paradigm, it is always a handout, a program that creates dependence, never a hand up, just a hand out, and they call it compassion enslaving the poor instead of empowering them to succeed. Pathetic!


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm not encouraging it. But it's an indicator of the level of influence they have.

I'm really not. I think they should be more careful to consider a wider range of films. That doesn't involve changing the criteria.

Fair enough.


Well-known member
Wrong? How can they be wrong? They're things that he said recently.

Those comments, and the acceptance of those comments are a sort of barometer for racism in our society. If you can say those sorts of things, and be the front-runner for the nomination of one of the two main political parties, that implies that there must be a substantial number of people in the country who are at least ok with those sorts of comments. And if there are, as I have long suspected, that many people out there with such deeply racist notions, then it seems awfully silly to complain that race is an issue that we need to call "supposed".

It wasn't really about Drumpf.

He didn't even come close to saying all Mexicans are rapists, but that's what you claimed. You took his words out of context....just as you did the KKK thing. This is what happens when you hear only what you want to hear. The reason we're okay with those kinds of statements is because we listened to all the words that surrounded those you ripped from their context.


New member
Hall of Fame
It was more popular/made more money to be sure, though Compton was better reviewed. Not overwhelmingly, but better. Rotten Tomato had it 88% to the Revenant's 82%.

Creed came in at 94% and was also left out in the cold for nominations.

Revenant made more money than either of those, but Star Wars made more than all of them combined and had a 93% Fresh go figure.

I saw Star Wars. Mostly enjoyed it.
Would like to see Compton.
Would consider see Revenant but it doesn't pique my interest too much.
You'd have to pay me to see Creed.