Aimiel, can you elaborate on your title as "prophet"?

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New member
Originally posted by Aimiel

I surmise, from your lack of retort, that you read the rest of my post, and agreed with my research, that Junia (or Julia) was an apostle. :ha:

Nope! You are wrong, and so are your Word of Faith perverts that you gather your demonic doctrines from.

The name in the greek is Iounias (Junias).


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Originally posted by Sozo

Nope! You are wrong, and so are your Word of Faith perverts that you gather your demonic doctrines from.

The name in the greek is Iounias (Junias).

v= n in Greek

The transliteration is Iounian. Greek interlinear 'Junias'. The other commentators implied there may be difference between older and newer MSS.

A.T. Robertson (Word Pictures in Gk. NT; + giant grammar) is a renowned (but dead) Greek scholar. He said Junias can be either a masculine or feminine name (cf. Kelly, Kelsey, Laverne,etc. in English). He also said the grammatical stucture could mean they were apostles like Barnabas or that they were famous with the apostles. He leaned to the first idea.


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Originally posted by lighthouse

But I would like to know why Aimiel feels he is a prophet.
I don't live by feelings. I live by faith. That faith is in The Word of God, Who is The One Who called me a prophet.
What evidence do you have for yourself, Aimiel?
What I have for myself is mine, and what I have to share with others is: nothing. I don't subject myself to those without faith to be judged or 'corrected.'
I was told that I was a prophet by someone, once. Actually, a few times.
Might have been incorrect, or it might have been something that was open to you at the time, but because of your lack of discernment (not receiving / discerning The Word of God), was lost. I've seen many prophecies which are conditional, and many people learn this lesson, never to repeat it. Discernment is the key.
But I have never declared it of myself. And I refuse to do so.
I wouldn't ever think of myself as a prophet, and especially would never proclaim it, except The Lord said it to me. He had to repeat it and teach me quite a bit before I ever confessed it to anyone else, but He never gives up.
Do I sometimes kow things before I am told? Yes.
You might call that pre-cognition.
But not unless I need to know, or am about to find out anyway.
I've avoided many auto accidents by foreknowledge (momentary) and believe that it is intervention by angels or by The Spirit of The Lord.
When my dad sat me down to tell me of his past, I knew what he was going to say.
Maybe deja vu?
And I also have found that I can pray exactly what someone needs, without them telling me what they need.
Your spirit is in perfect agreement with The Holy Spirit, and He is often able to cause His Children to pray the things that they need to pray.
I believe it is a gift from God.
The things you've described are good, and there are many other such things which happen, every day. None of what you've described is prophecy, nor is it the Ministry office of the prophet.
But I never prophesy that anything is going to happen.
You should. The Word of God says that each of us is to covet (earnestly desire) to prophecy. I believe that every single Christian ought to be able to prophecy. I also believe that healing, raising the dead and casting out demons is part of our instructions. :thumb:


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Originally posted by Sozo

Nope! You are wrong...
I believe that GodRulz was more correct than both of us in pointing out that the scriptures are given (at least partially) for us to contend over and to contend with. We are doing so, because God designed them to be something that constantly teaches those whose minds are open and who are able to learn new revelations of Truth. Those who are not are like the car stuck in the snow: 'established.'


New member
Originally posted by Aimiel

We are doing so, because God designed them to be something that constantly teaches those whose minds are open and who are able to learn new revelations of Truth. Those who are not are like the car stuck in the snow: 'established.'

"For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established"

"As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude."

"Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery which has been kept secret for long ages past"

"And after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you."

I prefer to be established in the truth, rather than tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine, and the big mouths of false prophets!


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by Aimiel

I don't live by feelings. I live by faith. That faith is in The Word of God, Who is The One Who called me a prophet.
Not what I meant. You say you beleive you are a prophet because God told you that you are. Correct?

What I have for myself is mine, and what I have to share with others is: nothing. I don't subject myself to those without faith to be judged or 'corrected.'
First of all, you know that I am not without faith. If you don't want to give examples, publicly, as I have for myself, then PM me.

Might have been incorrect, or it might have been something that was open to you at the time, but because of your lack of discernment (not receiving / discerning The Word of God), was lost. I've seen many prophecies which are conditional, and many people learn this lesson, never to repeat it. Discernment is the key.
I never said that I doubted it. And I never said it was lost. I'm just very careful about exercising it. I know that I have to discern whether or not it's the right time.

I wouldn't ever think of myself as a prophet, and especially would never proclaim it, except The Lord said it to me. He had to repeat it and teach me quite a bit before I ever confessed it to anyone else, but He never gives up.
I know that feeling.

You might call that pre-cognition.
I wouldn't. It is a gift of God.

I've avoided many auto accidents by foreknowledge (momentary) and believe that it is intervention by angels or by The Spirit of The Lord.
You had foreknowledge that there was going to be an accident?

Maybe deja vu?
:think:Ummm, no. I had never been subject to anything that my dad had done. But I knew what he was going to say. Yet, the shock that went through me when I heard the actual words...

Your spirit is in perfect agreement with The Holy Spirit, and He is often able to cause His Children to pray the things that they need to pray.
Amen to that!

The things you've described are good, and there are many other such things which happen, every day. None of what you've described is prophecy, nor is it the Ministry office of the prophet.
Then what is?

You should. The Word of God says that each of us is to covet (earnestly desire) to prophecy. I believe that every single Christian ought to be able to prophecy. I also believe that healing, raising the dead and casting out demons is part of our instructions. :thumb:
If God ever gave me anything to prophecy then I would. He hasn't.


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The identity of Junias is not salvific truth. It just illustrates that some texts require research and are ambiguous. We can and should know the essential biblical truths. Minor text and MSS variances and alternate minor interpretations are to be expected. Even Peter said some of Paul's writings were difficult to understand. This is why Timothy STUDIED the Scriptures from a young age. No one person has every verse correctly translated or interpreted. This does not mean we are tossed around by false doctrine (or does it, godplayer?).


Well-known member
Originally posted by Jackielabby

Would a real prophet tell other people he was a prophet.....I don't think so!
How else would he sell his, "I met a prophet and all I got was this lousy Tee-shirt," Tee-shirts?


New member
All this prophet talk is great, it's all over the site.
Buches of people claiming to be prophets and a bunch of other people denouncing them, some based on the fact that they are prophets.

Jesus could walk into a cafe of christian bible students and they might give him a truth smack down for haveing different ideas from theirs.
Hope none of ya'll concider yourself prepared for rapture.

Besides it is a rediculous place to argue such a thing, the internet? If you met any of these people in person you would know them to be a false or true prophet, but you aren't in person and your just verbally abusing each other.

The Berean

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anami said:
All this prophet talk is great, it's all over the site.
Buches of people claiming to be prophets and a bunch of other people denouncing them, some based on the fact that they are prophets.

Jesus could walk into a cafe of christian bible students and they might give him a truth smack down for haveing different ideas from theirs.
Hope none of ya'll concider yourself prepared for rapture.

Besides it is a rediculous place to argue such a thing, the internet? If you met any of these people in person you would know them to be a false or true prophet, but you aren't in person and your just verbally abusing each other.
Ok, if you consider this thread a waste of time, why are you posting in this thread? :rolleyes:


New member
The Berean said:
Ok, if you consider this thread a waste of time, why are you posting in this thread? :rolleyes:

i didn't concider this thread a waste of time.

Where did you get that idea?
From my statement regarding my dis on all of the pointless personal insults and pointless arguments (not all posts here, mind you, just the ones that are pointless or pointless personal insults.)

Besides i thought i was banned or something for being kind and friendly while i disagreed.



New member
We have apostels today? I know the LDS believe they do, and I asked them if there apostels had seen Jesus - they where not to sure on this. I thought that was a requirement.

I am not saying we dont have apostles but I thott you had to see Jesus to be one.


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Fensanity said:
We have apostels today? I know the LDS believe they do, and I asked them if there apostels had seen Jesus - they where not to sure on this. I thought that was a requirement.

I am not saying we dont have apostles but I thott you had to see Jesus to be one.

There are different aspects of apostleship. The original apostolic ministry of the 12 did see Jesus. Subsequent apostleship for the local church is different (Eph. 4:11-13). If we do not have apostles, grammatically, then we do not have pastors, teachers, or evangelists today. It is arbitrary exegesis to say spiritual gifts or ministry gifts ceased in the first century. They were given for equipping, edifying, and evangelism and have not ceased.

LDS 'apostles' are false apostles since they have a different gospel and a counterfeit Christ.


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godrulz said:
There are different aspects of apostleship. The original apostolic ministry of the 12 did see Jesus. Subsequent apostleship for the local church is different (Eph. 4:11-13). If we do not have apostles, grammatically, then we do not have pastors, teachers, or evangelists today.
That's ridiculous. There are NO apostles today.

All the other ministries (pastors, teachers, evangelists) emanated from the apostles.


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Sozo said:
That's ridiculous. There are NO apostles today.

All the other ministries (pastors, teachers, evangelists) emanated from the apostles.

The verse explicitly says that He gave the 5-fold ministry to the Church to equip and edify it. A Baptistic theology does not negate the simple reading of the text in context. There is no grammatical reason to accept 3/5 leadership gifts. The only justification is a preconceived theology (cf. throwing tongues and prophecy out while retaining other spiritual gifts in the list). If we still need to be prepared for works of service (we do), if we need to become mature and reach unity in the faith (we do), then why reject a plurality of eldership. There is no exegetical reason to accept pastors, but not apostles.

I am not talking about the unique purpose of the original 12, nor some charismaniacs who give themselves this title. In the biblical local church, one can find these gifts. An anti-charismatic bias in your church may negate two/five, but this does not mean that the Holy Spirit has withdrawn them.


New member
Ok I am still confused, is this the same greek word for apostle used in Ephesians 4 as in other places when talking about the apostels? Could it have been talking about apostels for the building up Christ body, as in that it was refering to the 12 and Paul who had seen Jesus and not other people to come?

As far as us having Apostles today, would they have to see Jesus in His Reserected glory - like Paul did- to be called an apostle? What makes an apostle an apostle? Point me to some apostles we have today? Does anyone call themselves an apostle? If we really have Apostles who have seen Jesus I would love to talk to these poeple.

As far as the LDS apostles are concerned of course they are fake, but I would love nothing more to walk into the LDS church to talk to the missionaries and bring with me a real Apostle - if we still have them. They asked me where the other churches apostles where.

Anyways I would like to here from you again on this Godrulez and whoever else would like to answer.
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